Ebay sellers!


I'm really irritated. I just bought a pair of little ice skates for my daughter on ebay. They came in the mail yesterday and I saw that the postage was only $3.95. I paid $7 for shipping! That just makes me SOOOO mad!!!!! Good thing I only paid $4 for the skates.
Thats what you get with Ebay. People seem to make more money upping the shipping. When I sell, I always do shipping for what it is. I hate being ripped off that way, its so unfair!!!
Debbie in OH
I remember my first purchase had 5 dollars shipping. It was sent 1.97 media mail! Since then, everything I purchased had a higher listed mailing cost.:(
I love eBay, but I have to tell you that shipping thing really annoys me too!! I have written sellers about it. Especially when you pay a "priority price" and they send it less than priority. More than the cost differance is the time I have to wait. I had a purchase at the beginning of December that was for a dvd. The shipping was SIX BUCKS!! The listing also said "get it before it comes out" because this was a promo dvd before the release. There was still a week before the release date and for the shipping price I should have had it in two days...we are both in California. Anyway, it took nearly four, and I was annoyed beyond belief. I emailed the seller twice and he kept saying it had been shipped, and blamed it all on the Christmas rush with the postal service. When it finally arrived the shipping date was three weeks after the auction ended and two after the movie came out. I could have bought it for less and had it two weeks earlier! I was most upset by the dishonesty. He kept saying it had been sent and it had not. Supposedly he is sending me a "gift" to make up for it, but that has been nearly two more weeks and still no sign of anything coming from him. Five years on eBay and I might have to post my first ever negative feedback.

Now with eBay's price hikes, I may steer clear all together. It is less and less of a good deal.
As an Ebay seller and buyer - I know what you mean. The high shipping prices are very irritating. I can see adding some to the shipping for packaging material - I've had to buy video mailers that added to my cost for example - but there are some that start their item out low and then add what they really want to their shipping and handling fee. That is why I try to use priority mail and what the shipping is, is what the buyer pays (although those prices can be high too). With PayPal charging for credit card payments and now putting a $500 limit on sellers (plus I've heard they will soon expect everyone to pay the extra fees - there will no longer be a "free" service through them in the near future) and Ebay upping their fees starting in February . . . it is starting to really turn me off of Ebay as a buyer and as a seller. It's sad - they are getting greedy and are going to turn more people away. If they kept the fees the way they were and added more buyers which would bring more sellers - it would be the fun place to shop like it once was.

Not saying this in a rude tone, but why do you bid on it if you think the shipping is too high? It says shipping "and handling" and I think a lot of seller's are looking to make their money through the shipping charge. If I think the shipping charge is too outrageous, I don't bid on the item. I also only charge close to what I think the actual shipping would be-I figure if I don't bid on stuff with too high a cost, nobody will bid on my stuff either.

On a side note-it amazes me how many people buy used things there that they could get new for the same or in many cases LESS. I've seen many Cathe dvd's sell for the same price there that you can get them here! DUH!!
I'm also a buyer and seller on eBay. The reason sellers charge so much for shipping is because of the fees that eBay charges on the final price of the item. Say you buy a scale for .99 but the shipping is $30, the seller only has to pay the fee for the .99. (Am I making sense here?) The reason I use the scale as an example is because I was looking for one today and this is what I came across.
When I first started on eBay, very few people even had digital cameras or pictures with their auctions. Also, items being sold were in demand because there weren't many people on eBay. Now, there are too many people, businesses, and too much stuff.

Lately I have been checking out www.craigslist.com to get used stuff. If they have it in your area....(it is organized by location with the idea you pick it up from the person selling it).

I agree, Ebay used to be a cool way to get stuff, now it is totally buyer beware. They need some competition to keep their fees low.


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