Ebay - I don't get it!


I just looked at Ebay for Cathe DVD's and saw that the same 5 DVD's were selling many times, but also by two different (?) sellers. The picture is exactly the same in each but the seller name is different and they have a different location (one is LA, the other China) and almost the same shipping rate. ??????

I don't understand what is going on? Are they trying to scam people? Do they think people cannot see these differences? Can this be legit? Can anyone explain this to me?

Thank you!
Let me see, Rhythmic Step, Power Hour, Push Pull, and Timesaver....all start at $9.99, generally sold by two or three different sellers who are named in a similar fashion "fraud301" or "blahblahblah21" You get the jist. If you contact these people they will assure you they are legit copies. If you follow up and ask them why they have sold these copies multiple times you won't receive a reply. You can check their feedback to see how much they have sold...you will occasionally find a legit copy but not often. And I am not sure why these particular titles are most often the fakes. Somebody in China must have gotten a hold of these and is making a good living selling these burns to the multitude of unsuspecting suckers and Ebay newbies. Don't fall for it.
A very large portion of the DVD's you see on Ebay are illegal copies. There are very large plants in China that specialize in illegally duplcating DVDs. It has become a major problem in our industry.
Thanks to both SNM and Beavs.

I still just don't understand how they are getting away with this. And why do people buy from them?!

Thanks again!
They buy because either they don't realize until they pop it into the DVD...or they don't care that they got a noticeably cheap knock off.

There are some legit sellers on Ebay, such as Advanced Workouts. I prefer myself to buy from SNM for the simple fact that the customer service is fabulous but sometimes I prefer the convenience of paying with Paypal.
I saw that too. Highly suspicious. they have no feedback either.. or atleast one of the sellers didn't. I'm really careful if I buy used to see if the seller is legit and is selling a real copy. I've bought from advanced workouts too and they are great.
I fell victim to the Ebay illegal copies of Cathe DVDs. Not surprisingly, once you contact the sellers stating that you suspect a bootleg, they immediately take the DVD back and give a full refund. Of course their response sounds somewhat like this: "We apologize. We were not aware that there was a problem. We will be checking back with our supplier...". I returned the DVDs, but I see the same sellers over and over selling the same bootlegs. My advice - do not buy Cathe's DVD on Ebay. Unfortunately, this hurts the legitimate sellers.
I wanted to buy one but had my suspicions. So, I emailed the seller and said that I just wanted to know that this was not a copy before I bid. The idiot wrote me back and said "please return DVD for a refund!" Needless to say, I did not bid... I too use Advanced Workouts for the most part, but have bought on ebay. Once you look around a while, you can tell who is selling copies and who isn't. It is annoying and they should be banned - don't get why this is allowed!
LOL! That is too funny that the standard email reply is "return DVD"! Boy, that says it all x(

Glad you didn't get taken!


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