Eating TOO LITTLE...


A friend of mine was talking about how if you don't eat enough your body will slow its metabolism and you'll stall in your weight loss. Another person chimed in and talked about how thin some celebrities are and they are said to eat very low cal diets. She also went on to talk about how ppl with anorexia are obviously thin, and though they may have a slow metabolism they arent fat. It's obvious that anorexia and some celeb diets arent too healthy but what are your thoughts on the concept of eating too little and not losing in light of the obvious thin celebs etc who seem to contradict this?
I was eating too few calories and my weight wouldn't budge. when i up-ed my calories and started calorie-staggering i began to lose weight. I believe eating too few calories does cause your body to hold onto every thing you put into your mouth and slows your metabolism, however if you literally eat NOTHING then then there is NOTHING to hold on to. I have wondered this too.

I would love to know about this as well. I don't eat too little but sometimes my exercise cals are equal to my food cals for the day, I am never sure whether I should eat more for that day or not.
I think another part (well, a few other parts) is that celebrities are much more active (even when not working out, they are typically really busy and just moving around and not having a desk job helps). I remember in college when I walked around everywhere and one summer in London where I was also walking a lot more, I could eat whatever in the world I wanted and not put on weight. Not so now! Ever noticed when they get older and are not as famous, they tend to get "heavier" (which for us normal folks is...well....normal)

Also, they can pay personal trainers and skilled cooks to whip up filling meals that have few calories. I could too maybe if I had the time and money for the ingredients, but I have to stick with plain sweet potatoes and oatmeal!

Just my thoughts...
I use to skip breakfast and lunch and eat a big dinner. If I got hungry around lunch time, I would eat a bag of cheese curls, etc. I ate horribly and started to gain weight then. My maximum weight (not including when I was pregnant) was close to 130 and of course all the weight went straight to my belly and butt. I was almost wearing a size 10 and now I wear mostly 2's and eat all day long, but I do miss those cheese curls.
Anyhow, life is good

perhaps these celebrities are not eating much right now, and they are staying thin. But, think about what will happen one day when they do start eating normally again. you can't deprive your body forever, and live a long healthy life. there may also be a lot of eating disorders in hollywood that we do not know about. just as mentioned above, when they are not so famous anymore, that weight usually starts piling on.

alot of the girls especially are too thin. they have no shape whatsoever because there is no exercise...just little eating. i think a woman with muscle definition and a shape is so much more attractive. many of the women on this website look way more healthy than many of the skinny celebs in hollywood.
I get so overwhelmed by this in my own life. Am I eating too little or too much or not enough protein etc etc. what workout will do me the best and make me the fittest etc etc. Somedays I just wanna pull my hair out. I know I am obsessed with my looks and being as thin as possible without loosing my muscle. What's a girl to do? SIGH!

If your gas tank is empty or full of "bad fuel", your engine won't run, or it will run poorly. Fill up your gas tank with high-quality fuel so your engine runs at premium efficiency.
Anorexics have more body fat than one would assume. The body always tries to break down muscle FIRST to fuel itself before it touches fat stores. Food for thought:

In her memoir of anorexia and bulimia, "Wasted", Marya Hornbacher says the the body will always find a way to keep itself alive, and a huge part comes from the body's attempt to save whatever fat it could save.

Now, as far as celebrities go, they have plastic surgeons, botox injections, personal trainers, makeup artists, fashion designers, and a whole team behind them to help them maintain a certain look. We, mere mortals, have to rely on the tried and true methods of BEING (not just looking) healthy. And we know that thinness is not synonymous with health. I see a lot of photos of Paris Hilton and I haven't seen her photographed in an angle that shows any hint of muscle tone. Eventually it dawned on me that she might not have any. It's just youth that's keeping that body looking tight.

"I think a woman with muscle definition and a shape is so much more attractive. many of the women on this website look way more healthy than many of the skinny celebs in hollywood."

Very well said....couldn't agree more!! :D
Hi Stacy! If you eat barely anything naturally your going to "shrink" but at the same time your compromising your health. Your skin, teeth & bones will suffer greatly as well as your "periods." Its dangerous & extremely unhealthy to say the least. The women in Hollywood (there are a few exceptions) are for the most part only doing pilates so therefore don't have to eat as much as a very active, fit woman does. And yes these Hollywood women have definitely slowed up their metabolisms so that when they do decide to eat normally again they will without a doubt gain weight.

Take care, Kathy:D
>Paris Hilton may be skinny as a rail, but she has the
>flabbiest butt EVER *giggles with glee*}(

Shelley, you evil girl... Did you see that photo of her butt in Glamour, where they talked about cellulite?

Okay, I really have to logout now before I get any snittier. I don't know what I ate this morning. Maybe too many bland eggwhites.

I'll come back when I'm more behaved.:)

>I'm just SAYING - didn't mean anything nasty by it. Where's
>the "I'm all sweet and innocent" smilie?;)

I left it under the bed this morning. Forgot to stick it into my jammies pocket.

I know... you didn't mean anything nasty. I read my post and thought THAT was nasty.x( Sorry... logging out now.

Celebrities also have "air-brushing" and digital photography "art work". For instance, did you know that on the cover of the Pretty Woman video, that is not Julia Roberts' body? That is another woman's body with Julia's head digitally placed on it. Also, the Britney Spears DVD cover with "her" wearing a black "piece of fabric" with fur around her neck shows Britney's head, digitally placed at the top of another woman's svelte body (which was probably airbrushed, as well). You can't look at Britney and then at that picture and honestly think that it is the same person. Moreover, a fashion photographer, who is up on all the tricks of the trade and how to spot them, analyzed the picture and pointed out several inconsistencies to deduce that the picture wasn't really Britney.

So, ladies, don't beat yourself up for looking less than perfect. Even the stars have cellulite (I've seen the pictures -- hee hee!) and bad hair days. In fact, without their hairstylists, makeup artists, plastic surgeons, personal trainers, and dieticians, they wouldn't look half as good as many of us do! :D
In my opinion for answers to questions like this, I think of books I've read, and I do believe that The Zone covers this in great detail. Personally -- although not really a diet to lose weight -- I think The Zone offers the best thoughts as far as diet and what to eat and what not to eat.

You might give that a look, especially if you're over 35 -- he has tips as far as eating for longevity.:7
I agree that most of the "skinny" celebreties are so non-muscular. And i'm very happy that Paris has a um... un-toned rear. haha. the thought makes me smile. :p

anyways... my theory on how it is that they eat nothing and are so skinny is because its a downward progression... if you lower your caloies jsut a little each day until you are eating nothing, you're metabolism will never crash. Its the sudden jump from 2000 to 600 that causes your metabolism to shut down.

Just my $.02

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