Eating TOO LITTLE...

Someone help me find a picture of Paris's flabby ass! I really need a laugh today!

For the record...I find her body (and face) to be...oh, how should I say it...YUCK! She is too skinny with NO muscle! She was on the cover of last months Playboy and both my brother and husband gagged! Fortuneatly, she was not nude on the cover or inside! The women in Oxygen are MUCH more aspiring! Hollywood...not so much!
The body is designed to slow it's metabolism when calories become scarce We are great at storing fat for the same reason. Survival. Of course, we have plenty of calories available to us, too many!

There's evidence that underconsuming calories increases longevity but it can't be too severe restriction and adequate nutriton is important.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Mary Oliver
>The body is designed to slow it's metabolism when calories
>become scarce We are great at storing fat for the same reason.
> Survival.

Yep, and the muscle gets burned up before the fat because muscle is *expensive* for the body to keep around. Muscle burns calories even at rest while fat is just stored fuel. Muscle is a liability to a starving body.

I have seen better butts than Paris Hiltons on fitness models and trainers.... I am not a fan of hers lol....... Rhonda

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