Eating programs


Hi all! I was hoping that we can use this thread as a printable version for people seeking advice on eating programs that are available! Clean eating is a frequent asked question!We are all different and won't respond the same!Please provide info below so that we can all be educated on the info that is out there and then the personally choices can be made! Some examples would be if you could go in detail of BODYRX, Weightwatchers, Mcdougallin program(sp?),Atkins,the Zone, Vegetarian diets,no carbs-high protein--or vice versa--just examples-if someone is on an eating program that works for them or whatever else is out there-please share with us and keep us up to date of what's available! If you could --post the website where we could find info if typing would be too timeconsuming! Thanks for your cooperation--we can all benefit from this!Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Hi Francine

I'm at work waiting for my printer to finish printing out 400 letters that I have to post out. So I thought whilst waiting I will start.

My eating program has developed over the years, when I was younger in my late teens and twenties I would go for hours not eating just drinking tea and coffee and coke my be the odd packet of crisps. Then when I got home and had dinner I would hit the fridge. On weekends and espeicially Sundays I really would eat lots.

To cut a long story short I now eat a high fibre cereal in the morning and a cup of tea all with soya milk. Elevenses is a breakfast bar tea and fruit (peaches at the moment), lunch I get from an organic store its salad with dressing, olives and an olive roll. On my way home another breakfast bar and then dinner (this is too varied).

I also drink over a litre of water a day and have stopped adding salt (except when cooking from scratch) and sugar. I have cheat days and wine on the weekends with friends.

That's all.

I would love to try Body RX but I've heard eating too much protein isn't a good thing? What does everyone else think?

Kali :)
okay, you asked for it!!!!

I really hope everyone checks out McDougalling- it is the best 'life-long diet' (really a life style) on the planet, really. It is strict, but you are allowed special 'feast' days (birthdays, etc), but with all of the great whole foods you eat on the program, you won't really have any room left for treats usually;)- its not about a short term quick fix thang- it is really something you can comfortably follow for a life time and you don't even need to be exactly perfect! It does wonders for your body, health, fitness, and your grocery bill!!! not kidding! there are some books you should definitely look into purchasing, but to start off, here are some links:

This is the posting board- read everything you can and ask tons of questions!!! These honest people are just great and some have very amazing weightloss and health make-over stories! Also, check out the testimonial page, the friends page, and the recipe archive.
tons of recipes here, all added fat-free (no oils)- most are McDougall friendly
Dr. McDougall's own home page
good description of the dietary guidelines
an amazing McDougall succes story!

I really hope somebody benefits from this info- honestly, this eating style has relieved me of all my weight worries- I eat a ton and I still lost weight (now I maintain) and it is very natural and tasty whole health foods!!! In conjunction with Cathe, you can't go wrong!!!!! hth! *Sorry about the spelling, I was in a rush:)

remember, carbs are your friends! I always see all of this low-carb, no-carb nonsense! the human body was made to run on quality whole grain carbs! its the white flour processed sugary type stuff that makes us fat by spiking our insulin and needing more calories to make us feel full since the fiber has been eliminated! Do check out the links I posted to learn more!!!!
Hi Francine!

I'm a weight watchers member and have lost 33.5 pounds so on the
program. I read your posting and I must admit, the Atkins plan
looks intriging seeing that I'm at a plateau right now. I would like to know more about it first though ( even though I do really love steak!)

Mel :)
I'm doing BodyRX and while its is a higher protein diet than some, its not in anyway done at a harmful level. The amount of protein consumed is done by body weight and the cycle one is currently working in. One also eats plenty of carbs and gets tons of fiber. Its a 'never hungry' plan and promotes weight training over cardio. For more info:
I can post an overview of BFL (which I follow now) and the Zone but I think to get the best benefits you need to read the book and then re-read the book.

6 meals a day
Palm/fist size portions of protein/carbs at every meal
In addition add a serving of veggies to at least 2 meals
Protein choices should be lean meats such as chicken, extra lean turkey/pork, top sirlon, fish
Carbs should be grains, potatoes, brown rice, nonprocessed type carbs

20 minutes intense/interval cardio 3 times a week
weights 3 times a week (UB, LB, UB one week; LB, UB, LB next week); pyramid style weights.

For the best success you should follow the entire plan, not just the diet and/or weight training.

An overview of the Zone:
40% carbs
30% protein
30% fat
Every meal should be balanced in the above ratios. Similar food choices to BFL. Suggests 3 meals plus 2 snacks a day


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