Eating & Bloating?


Active Member
I have 2 questions:
1. I tried to eat better than usual (definately not perfect, but I usually have lots more sugar and junk) but got very bloated (I looked pregnant!- and it's not PMS).

Why? How do I prevent this?
What I ate throughout the day (plus water):
-instant oatmeal
-1/2 cup dry shredded wheat (frosted)
-6 pretzels
-PB&J on oat bread
-small bowl of beef stew
-breadsticks, salad, & chicken noodle soup (TGIFridays)

2. In a few days, I have a "thin" outfit I want to wear. I can fit into it if my belly's flat (no bloat). So how can I keep from bloating up??

Thanks for ANY advice! Also, healthy eating tips are welcome!
Hi, Lay! I'm certainly nowhere close to being a nutritionist, but from what you've described, the bloat may be from a bit of an overdose of fiber. Oatmeal, shredded wheat, oat bread and the skin of grapes, all are very fibrous, and it may be that your body's adjusting to increase fiber content. Complex carbohydrates in general can promote some water retention, and fiber can promote gas accumulation in the intestines.

Also, you may want to double-check the sodium content of some of your foods - especially pretzels, stew, salad dressing and chicken noodle soup; sodium is a demon for creating water retention and bloat.

Also, is it possible it's "that time of the month" or close to it?

Just my $.02.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-02 AT 08:55AM (Est)[/font][p]Maybe it is only temporary, and caused by the change in your diet. Your meals look like you are getting alot of fiber. Sometimes that can cause bloating, just from the change. If that is the reason, hopefully it goes away soon. At any rate, a healthier diet is definitely a plus!!!! Best of luck to you.

Boy, this website must be educating me!!! There were no other posts when I started writing, and then when I finished Annette left the basic same reply as me!!! I feel pretty good!!!
Hi - are you drinking enough water? This will help but most people do not drink enough. Also have 2 glasses of water for every 1 caffinated or alcoholic beverage. The sodium in soup and beef stew is really really high. Good luck - I think you will be in your outfit in a few days.
go easy on the bread and wheaties. fiber is good but too much plus water makes me look like I am 9 months prego, no kidding. I showed my doctor and she couldn't believe my tummy can blow up so big.

Been better since added more protein in my diet. I still get bloated when I have carbonated drinks. So I try to avoid all cola - diet or regulars.

Other thing that helped me was cutting off all carbs after 4:00 p.m. No bread, no pasta, no potatoes. That is why my big meal is at lunch.
I noticed a difference, too, when I backed off the table salt and quit drinking pop. I drink herb tea instead.....never thought I'd see the day! Me without salt and pop! I love to use Mrs. Dash table blend instead.
I have exactly the same problem and when I want to wear a 'thin' outfit I eat little and often. I half the size of my usual meals and eat 5 or 6 times a day, every 2-3 hours and they are very small meals/snacks but I don't get hungry. I eat fruit at night not in the daytime and cut out certain vegetables like broccoli and cabbage for a few days. Drinking water definitely helps but it's best to have a bottle or large glass that you sip from - if you gulp it down you will get bloated.

As everyone else has said, salt in your diet will definitely cause bloating as will too much fibre when you're not used to eating so much. It does need to be introduced gradually. Eating bananas is good as the potassium helps balance out the sodium in the diet.

I also find drinking peppermint tea helps (with bloating caused by excess gas) or peppermint extract added to water.

Sweeteners and additives can cause bloating too! So definitely steer clear of fizzy drinks and any pre-packed foods. In fact 'ready' meals are quite often the worst bloaters.

Hope this helps!
In regard to bloating as a result of the menstrual cycle, I started taking 100 mg of Vitamin B-6 and I was amazed at how the physical symptoms were affected. The dosage recommended by Willim Willet's book was 50 to 100 mg. It's great!

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