Eating before BED!!


Active Member
Hi I am new to the forum and Cathe videos as well.
My question is I have a terrible habit of eating before bedtime. I work nights, as soon as hit the door I am snacking!
Does anyone have helpful tips on how to stop this terrible habit?

Thanks a bunch,
;-) Angie
Hi Angie,

Welcome to the forum! You could try brushing your teeth as soon as you get home. That sometimes helps me.
Fill up on flavored green tea. TAZO has some good tea. YUM! If nothing works, then take a hot bath or just go to bed. You can find ways to distract yourself from eating.

Maybe some sugar free hard candy or gum? Another option, if you HAVE to eat before bed, is sugar free jello or maybe peanuts or cashews or the like.

Can you eat something while you're at work like an hour or two before you leave? Could you take it to work with you so that it will be available if healthy choices are not available where you work? That way you won't have to eat when you get home.

Also, try chewing a piece of sugar-free minty flavored gum...that can help also.

Hope this helps...

I will definately try some of these!!! I only eat before bed on the days I work, I guess it's triggered by watching the kids eat breakfast and making lunches. I just think, hey that looks good I have to try that myself!!
Thanks for everyone's help!!!
I'm late here, but if you're truly hungry, I think you should eat. Make sure to have some handy & healthy snacks on tap - fresh fruit, veggies, string cheese, etc. Even if you're not truly hungry and can't keep from snacking, this is better than nothing. I agree w/ trying tea, coffee, or whatever you like that has almost zero calories. Great way to fill up.

Filling up on tea or water does it for me. When that doesn't work I brush my teeth. That always works because I don't want to have to floss and brush all over again. If that still doesn't work rinse your mouth with Act mouth wash and you can't eat anything for a half hour. It 's your own personal dentist. By that time your ready for bed. Karen
If it's just a "bad" habit, try the suggestions above. If you really ARE hungry, have some easily digested protein before bed. Egg whites, whey, that kind of thing. Since muscle builds while you rest, it's a great time to feed the muscle right before retiring.
I guess the question is; is it mindless eating, or are you truly in need of calories/nurishment? As long as you are not eating more calories than you burn, you are not going to gain weight, regardless of what time you eat. Try to make the morning snack good quality calories (whole foods,not refined carbs). Just a suggestion ;-)
I always eat right before bed. I am going 8-9 hours without fuel for my body. I haven't had any problems. I also try to eat a small meal rather than snacking.

My DH eats some fattening sweet thing EVERY night before bed...cookies, donuts, you name it and never gains an ounce! PLUS if I am around him when he is eating this stuff I have a 50/50 chance of caving and eating something too. x( :eek: }(


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05

8 month pic just added! EEK! lol

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