Eat to Live By Dr. Furhman - any of you?


I did a search on the board for this but found an old topic...I just got this book and wondered if any of you follow this plan?

Not much protein and from what I have read there are no snacks...

just breakfast, lunch, dinner unless I did not read the plan correctly.

For those of you who are following this plan I have a few questions:

Will I lose muscle mass NOT consuming much protein?

Are you hungry between lunch and dinner with no snack? That is like 6 hours!

Just all veggies and fruits with some beans and nuts...are you really satisfied?

Is it a good weight loss diet? He states to eat 4 servings of fruit a day but eat as much fruit as you want with a meal - this scares me because I could eat alot of fruit at a meal!

And lastly, how good do you feel on this diet? Does it really clean your system and make you feel great?

There have been a few threads on this book. Lets see if I can answer your questions:

For the first 6 weeks this is what I did

I did eat fruit for snacks if I got hungry

I got 60-80 grams of protein daily. (I had been up to 120g) before.

I did not loose muscle mass, I got more defined

There is more than veggies, fruits, beans and nuts if you look through the 6 week menus.

I lost 17 lbs in the first 6 weeks, my DH lost 30

I felt and still feel great being Vegan. I might not follow ETL exactly as I have ventured out and tried new food. You might find some more info if you do a search on Vegan or Vegetarian. It'll be 2 years for me in May of this year that I have been Vegan. I wouldn't even consider eating animal protein now after all I have read...But, that is just MY opinion...:)...Carole
thanks for your response... I would like to make a serious change in my eating habits and eating less protein is one of them - I already know that I should cut out processed/refined foods......dairy is a little tough as my one splurge is my nonfat milk in my coffee...

the eating to live way makes sense - especially since I have rheumatoid arthritis..I want to try to commit to the six weeks..

I just wish the book gave better sample menus...his does not include snacks..

would you mind posting a sample day menu that you have done on the eating for life method? He states 4 fruits a day but you can eat as much fruit as you want at this really true?

Also, can you eat oatmeal and natural peanut butter on this diet?

here is what I think a menu on ETL would look like:

bkfst: orange, apple

lunch: green salad with lots of veggies, 1/2c beans, 1 oz nuts, grapefruit, strawberries

snk: apple with cinnamon, maybe 1 TBSP peanut butter if allowed

dinner: large dark green salad with veggies, 1/2 c beans, TBSP flaxseed, 1 cup of stemmed veggies, more fruit - apple, oranges, berries

Do you think this menu follows the plan?

thanks for your response! You have been very helpful and I enjoy your posts
I tried eating vegeterian (not really vegan) for a couple of months. I had read the eat right for your type book, and I am an "A". unfortunatley, (I love fruits and vegetables, tofu, rice, etc)it didn't seem to work for me at all! I got several injuries, I felt tired, I got flabby and was always hungry. Now I am more on the BFFM type of diet and I have lost 5-6 lbs.
I wouldn't mind trying again but I am scared! My body seemed to reject that type of eating.

Hi Paula...did you buy the BFFM book? I was tempted...

do you like it?

Can you post a sample menu of what you eat a day? I am just wondering if it is close to the Eating for Life diet...

Paula...I am an "A" too. Never read the blood type diet though. I think Fuhrman comments on it in his book. Once I cut out all the processed food and the chips I loved I had alot of energy. I was never a beef eater but did like turkey and chicken. Not a real dairy fan either but I did like yogurt. I use soymilk and on occasion I have soy yogurt with no ill effects. I also love tofu, seitan and tempeh for my Vegan proteins. I also lost more weight than I had ever had when consuming animal proteins. As with any way of eating what works for one might not work for another.

Judy, when I did the 6 weeks this was a typical day:

B: Fruit smoothie, with 2 cups fruit, 3/4 cup soymilk, 1T flaxseed and 1 scoop soy or rice protein powder.
sn: fruit
L: Salad with spinach, romaine, tomato, onions, mushrooms, 1/4 avocado, 1/2 to 1 cup of beans. A piece of fruit
s: fruit and some walnuts
D: Another green salad, veggies, Tofu stir fry
Dessert: another smoothie without protein powder but with the other ingredients that I split with my DH.

You can have oatmeal, but not sure if Peanut butter is allowed in the first 6 weeks, I'd sub some other nut..:)

Hope this helps some...Carole
wow thanks Carole...that really helps! I need to get rid of the peanut butter anyways as I cant seem to control myself around it!

Thanks so much for your meal plan...Your smoothies sounds great!

I am really going to try to give this a shot and see if I can lose the last 10 pounds and just get healthier...

It takes a little work having fresh veggies and fruits always available but I know it will be worth it...

I really appreciate all of your input -
Happy to help Judy. Just remember the first 2 weeks can be tough, but after that it does get easier. Then after the 6 weeks you can add a few things you were having to avoid...:)...Carole
Hi Carole, you know I found in his book where he says No inbetween meal snacks...but there is just no way I can succeed without a few snacks...I like you idea of smoothies for a snack...

Do you think the weight will start to come off in a couple of weeks if I really stick to it?

What is your opinion of the Body for Life plan?


THe Burn Fat Feed Muscle (BFFM) plan that the gals are talking about on this board?

Just wondering what you think of these plans compared to Dr. Furhmans...

Once again thanks so much! You know I do not weigh anymore...I used to be a slave to the scale weighing daily but with lifting weights and exercise I was just so frustrated when I did not see improvement on the scale...Now I just tape measure...

Most of the time for in between meal snacks I used fruit. In the afternoon I'd have some walnuts for a snack. I do believe if you stick to it, the weight will come off in the first few weeks. Most of my weight did, but as I had been eating crappy before, I kinda thought alot was water....:)...

I really don't know much about Body for Life or BFFM. I know alot of the members have had good luck with those diets though. Once I went Vegan I read alot of books about it. Now I stick to being Vegan for ethical as well as the health benefits...:)...Carole
Judy, the protein is there. We are used to thinking in terms of pure proteins such as exist in meat. When I took a nutrition class, I discovered that, although I seem to take in too little, I in fact take in plenty. With vegetarianism, you must be certain to balance amino acids by combining the correct foods but you will not be protein dificient, trust me. Those protein grams add up and eating complex carbs, you can get all you need and you'll get them with fiber and nutrients that will make your body very happy.
Bobbi "Chicks rule!"
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Thanks Bobbie and Carole! I really appreciate your input -

I started March rotation today and started the Eat to Live...I am going to follow Carole's sample meal plan and work with that

I will tell you my jaw is getting a workout with all the salad and veggies!

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