Eat Clean?


New Member
Dear Cathe,
I am a huge fan of your workouts. I lost 80 pounds about a year ago doing your workouts. (Unfortunately after becoming pregnate and having a baby about 6 months ago I have gained most of them back) I have been trying to get back in shape. The exercise part is fairly easy for me, but I really struggle with my eating. I know that this is keeping from reaching my physical and fitness goals. Could you please explain what you keep talking about when you refer to "eating clean". Also I would love to know any recommendations you might have for menu suggestions. Or, how about a clean eating rotation to go along with your great exercise rotations. I read once that eating is about 80% of your results. If that is true then I am in need a serious fix here! Please help me!
If you do a search of these forums you will find tons of great information and ideas on the subject. There are also a couple of good books on the subject, but again a search of these forums will bring that information up for you. Good luck.

here's a good book!

I recently bought Rena Tosco's new book called "clean eating". She's a feature write for the over 40 women over at Oxygen magazine! she has 2 weeks menus and some great recipes in that book. I think if you read the book, you'll get a pretty good idea of what clean eating is all about!

take care:)
RE: here's a good book!

This is an amazing book. I just finished reading it and I have already seen a huge difference in my body. I feel more energized and I am seeing more results much quicker!!! PLUS I am no longer craving those candy sweats that I used to crave all the time. I LOVE EATING CLEAN.
RE: here's a good book!

Hello, all!

Here is the link to purchase this book:

It is packed full of great info. It seems to be a big compilation of many Oxygen Magazine's recipes, articles, etc. But, it is such a great reference & makes things easier to find.

I highly recommend it.

Take care!
Denise :7
RE: here's a good book!

Thank you so much. I have never joined a forum before and I almost could not even find my messages post. I just got lucky clicking away. I am going to order the book now. Thanks for your help.
RE: here's a good book!

I double ditto Tosca's book !

She keeps it simple, allows the occasional "cheat" (and admints she does it too), and the recipes look great. Haven't tried them yet, but eat very similarly myself.
RE: here's a good book!

Thanks for the info on this too. I just ordered this book also. Is this the same program Cathe follows?
RE: here's a good book!

Ooouu, you ordered the book. Men's Health have a great topic in their forum on eating clean. I must say it has helped me quite a lot. They also feature meals to have if you are participating in the Abs Diet. Still, visit their forum (USA) and search "eat clean" and you will come across lots of links and discussion that will help you get to your mission.

Cathe rocks!
RE: here's a good book!

I've been interested in this book, but am wondering is there enough information in it for vegetarians, or does it really push the meat based diet?

RE: here's a good book!

There's plenty of stuff for vegetarians in there. The diet is best if you eat fish but if not, you'll have to be more creative with your protein intake including lots of egg whites, beans and protein power. This diet is phenomenal and I hesitate to call it a diet since you eat all day and still lose weight!!!

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