Early October Pregnancy Update

Cathe Friedrich

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Oct-03-99 AT 02:09AM (EST)</font></center>

LAST EDITED ON Oct-02-99 AT 10:48 PM (EST)

Hi Everyone! This past Monday I officially turned 6 months pregnant.

Last Tuesday I had to take a routine Glucola(sugar)Test to test for gestational diabetes. I will not get the results until I go back to the doctor(from talking to others, I must be the only one that found that orange soda stuff that you have to drink pretty darn tasty).

It has been two weeks since the last update. I should say two very different weeks. The first week was GREAT. I was flying high in all of my classes. I had endless energy and sweat a whole lot in each and every class. I felt great because my body lost a lot of water that it was retaining. The only negative thing that occured was that I had to get up around four times a night, every night, because I was drinking so much water(to make up for all of the sweating I was doing during my classes). That added up to many nights of restless sleep.

The second week I stepped out of bed to start the day and felt a shooting pain sweep across my outer hip/thigh muscle. Youch! I hobbled into the shower and it started to loosen up. Since it didn't hurt much after the shower, I kind of forgot about it and went to teach my class. Class was great. We had so much fun. When it came time for crunches(which I no longer do with them)I talked everyone through and suddenly that hip pain just came back full force. Double Youch! Needless to say I have rested and iced my hip the rest of this week. If I couldn't get a class covered, I just talked everyone through. By the way, I talked 3 classes through this week and was told that I am MUCH HARDER on them when I do that. So I have not quite yet figured out if this means that they want me to heal up or not

Things that have stayed the same since the last update: 1) Still craving some junk(now its munchkin holes from Dunkin Donuts and ice cream sandwiches), 2) still eating a "little" healthier too(fruits and salads especially), 3) still dealing with allergies("Tylenol Allergy Sinus" has proved to work wonders for me), 4) still teaching a full schedule on a four inch step height(atleast I was before my little hip ordeal---and plan to continue to do so as soon as my hip is better).

Things that are new since the last update: 1) My buda belly has matured a bit. I am hearing a lot of "Oh, you are finally starting to show". 2) I'm experiencing little bouts of depression here and there(thank goodness that they don't last for more than an hour or so).

Just For Fun: I bought a fetal monitor to listen to the baby's heartbeat. It works so well. I can hear everything loud and clear. I can even hear his kicks on the monitor.

Well, thats all for now. The next update will be right after the roadtrip. I can write about all of the fun the baby and I had feeling all of these friendly fitness hands rubbing around my belly
rest up

Hi Cathe,
I'm sorry that your hip is bothering you. Rest up! It sounds like every thing else is going well though.(except for the blues every now and then.
I really love hearing from you. Your a great role model!
Cathe, you must be due around the same day as me!

I am due 1/7/00, and currently am 26w2d. This is my first child. I have always been an avid fan of yours, and have almost all of your videos. When I became pregnant last spring, the Dr. said not to do heavy step aerobics anymore. I freaked and stopped exercising at all. Then after some thinking & prodding from the Dr., I began walking on my treadmill, and am up to 40 min. a session. This morning I got bold and did a VERY modified version of Step Heat, without the step. I think I will try some of your other videos that way too. Anyway it prompted me to visit your site and was I surprised to find that you are expecting around the same time I am! I hope you are feeling as great and as happy as I am. I just love feeling the baby move around! Take care.

1/7/00 with Steven
Y2K Baby


I just realized you're having a Y2K Baby... when are you due?

Please rest up, I hope your hip does get better for your sake as well as ours...I'm attending the Cathe weekend...the thought that you are much tougher calling out the moves, than actually performing them, frightens me...

all kidding aside...rest, ice and get better

Lydia L
Hi Lydia!

I'm due Jan 23rd. I'm looking forward to seeing you again in a few weeks. Thanks for the well wishes. I'm hoping for a full recovery too.
Hi Candice!

Nice to hear from you. A huge congratulations to you. I'm very excited for both of us. I guess you now know that we offer a pregnancy forum. Please read through all of the questions if/when you have time. There are many exercise questions and modifications listed for those who are working out through their pregnancy. If you have a question of your own, please post and Sheila(our fit mom's expert)or myself will help you. Best of luck to you in the months ahead. I'll be thinking of you!
Not much longer=)

I just wanted to add my hip started to hurt also when I was doing step while pregnant.....Usually not while doing it but later one. I think it is due to a hormone called"relaxin" that causes your joints to loosen...as you said for childbirth. I was surprised to hear that this can linger in your body for up to a year after pregnancy. You are 6 months pregnant and my little doll just turned 6 months. I am so excited for you...pregnancy is awesome and motherhood even more so=) Michelle
while surfing the forum yesterday

I saw a new post on your "mid-September pregnancy update" and thought "OH MY! Time for another update soon!" --I love to hear all about it. So sorry to hear about your hip problem. . . I had a painful groin pull during my second pregnancy and I really had to baby it until I was about 6 months post-partum! So you take good care of yourself! That hip will be a weak spot you'll have to watch for a while. And when you have one of those discouraged moments, just remember what a multitude of us there are who care about you very much (and some of us get to meet you soon!) Take care, susan p
That orange stuff!


I had to laugh when I read your post about that orange drink! I had to do that test also and when I told everyone I thought it was pretty good stuff they told me I was nuts! LOL!

Sorry to hear about your hip. I'm hoping and praying you'll be feeling better before the 16th 'cause Lord knows your classes are tough enough without you making them any toughter! ~grin~

Looking forward to meeting you and giving that little belly a 'Best Wishes' pat!

Thanks for the update!


I just had my glucose test last Friday, and I agree with you - I actually LIKED the orange stuff! It tasted exactly like orange soda to me, which I like. I was baffled actually - with what everyone told me, I was expecting it to be a horrific experience! After I swigged it down, I actually asked the nurse, "That's it???"

I hope that your hip feels better soon!

EDD 12/24 w/#1
I am finally reading this on time!


Thanks for posting updates on how your pregnancy is going. I've missed the last updates due to not having enough time to log in. I can't believe you are 6 months along. I have missed quite a bit! I'm sorry to hear about your hip. I was fortunate in that I didn't get any strange pains anywhere with my two pregnancies. Well, I just wanted to thank you and wish you ongoing good health with this baby. Take care.

Joyce(who will check this forum more often for news now!)
susan p

Joyce, can you imagine how many hits this site is going to get starting in about mid-January?? We'll all be checking in every hour! If Cathe goes past her due-date our children will starve and/or our bosses will fire us because we'll be checking into the pregnancy forum every hour of the day waiting for the big announcement. -susan p
Hope your hip is better!

Hi Cathe,
Thanks so much for the update. I'm glad to read that (for the most part) you are well. I hope your hip is better soon as I know you want to keep active as long as possible (of course, the fact that you're harder when you call out moves in class and the roadtrip is so soon has NOTHING to do with it! And here I thought since there weren't going to be any intervals I was safe! {smile})

Any news on names? Any that you and Jon are mulling over?

Looking forward to seeing you (and your not so little buddha belly) on the 16th.

Take care,
Hi Judy!

Is that how you spell Buddha? I thought it had an "H" in there somewhere
! I taught(not talked through)my first class today and my hip was tight but I got through it better than expected. The class was all prepared for me to stop suddenly and talk them through if need be, but that fortunately wasn't necessary. Ice has become, and will continue to be, a very close friend of mine.

My husband and I have been throwing some names around but nothing official.

Well, I'll see you very, very, soon
Hi Michelle!

Yes, exactly like orange soda. I was surprised to find it carbonated. I thought it was supposed to be a syrup base and flat.

Its so nice to hear from you. I think about you often. How are you feeling? I forgot your baby spina website address. Can you email it to me please. Thanks! I'm looking forward to reading all the latest and greatest on there. Take Care!
My best to you Cathe!

I love reading these pregnancy updates. I think we should all read them with a Devil Dog in one hand - just as a tribute to you, ha! I hope your hip is feeling better soon....I had the same thing when I was pregnant. I have new incentive to get in as many workouts as possible before the roadtrip: the thought of you talking us through the classes...have mercy, Cathe!! Hee hee! See you - WOW - next week!!!

Hope your hip feels better!

Your pregnancy updates are so much fun! I can just picture you walking around your classes "cracking the whip" so to speak
. I had sciatic/hip pain down my right hip when I was pregnant, too. It definitely got a lot better soon after I delivered. I'm really looking forward to next weekend--I can't believe it's almost time for the road trip! See you on the 16th!

Kristin Aziz
I'm prego too!!!

Hi Cathe!
It's been a long time since I've visited your web site. I come for quick visits here and there just to check up on you, but I haven't logged on in a long time. Anyway, I am 8 weeks pregnant with my second child now. My first, Alex, a little boy, is 2. This pregnancy is completely different than my first. I remember being tired with Alex but nothing like this. I absolutely must nap everyday now. And that is not easy with a 2 year old running around. I just pray that he naps so that I can join him. I have also been extremely sick to my stomach with this one. Evenings are the worst. I am still teaching 5 to 6 classes a week. Some mornings I have to force myself to go!!!but once I get started I feel great!
Just so you know, I'm not exactly a pro on the computer by any means and I have been too nervous to log on since you changed your forums around, so I hope this message gets to you. I'm kinda lost in here.
Anyway, I was wondering what your schedule is like now at the club in Glassboro. My friend Ellen and I (who you met in A.C. in June) would still love to come and take a live Cathe class!!! So if you get a chance let me know what classes you are still teaching on a regular basis. Thanks! Seasun
Hi Seasun!

Congratulations on baby number 2. Sorry to hear that you are not feeling all that great. Atleast teaching is keeping you somewhat energized. I wish you lots of luck and please keep me posted on your progess.

My schedule at the gym is still the same. Monday 9:10am(kickbox) and 3:30pm(step), Tuesday 6:30pm(kickbox), Wednesday 9:10 am(step) and 3:45pm Cardio Express(hi/lo and step), Friday 9:10 am(step). As always it is best to email me before you come because sometimes I need to take off(unannounced)for doctor appointments, hip injuries

Nice to hear from you. Rest up!

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