Early Menapause


When I was 28, I discovered I was going through menapause. Well, I'm still going through at 34. I HAD to start HRT for my sanity and my husband's. I faithfully exercise at least 5 times a week while watching what I eat. Lately, I have been having trouble sleeping; my body gets tried, however, I just cannot sleep. Can anyone recommend herbal supplements that I may try. Oh, by the way, if anyone knows a little something something too BOOST the libdo, tell me that too. Early menapause really sucks!:-(
For assistance with sleeping, I've tried a variety of things, some helpful, some not. I think everyone's body reacts differently so you may have to experiment to find what works for you. Some suggested remedies I've found:

Currently I am using magnesium citrate (for relaxing muscles), Vit B-complex (for relaxing nervous system), and Evening Primrose (for help w/ nightsweats). I've recently added BHRT (progesterone) which helps me sleep more soundly.

Valerian root (didn't help and stunk like very dirty wool hiking socks).

Melatonin at 3-5 mg helps some and stimulates interesting dreams (it's not recommended for regualar use).

Warm bath with epsom salts and lavendar (feels good, I just don't like "wasteing" all that water).

Tylenol PM or a drug-store imitation. Works some.

Chamomile tea or Celestial Seasonings Sleepy Time tea.

For the libido, the BHRT helps.

Best wishes, Deb

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