early checkin for week ending 6-10-01

RE: Hi Aimee

Still have that good nice sore feeling but not as noticable. Not seeing the weight loss but the endurance is really improving. Doing Imax and Bodymax at the beginning of the week is a good idea.

Lynn W
RE: Yes, you will get your life back

Hi Emily,

Cogratulations on your baby. You seem like a dedicated exercisor and you will figure a way to get your workouts in. I found that I would do them early in the morning after one of the morning feedings, and if it was especially early (maybe 4:00 a,m, I would be sure to take a nap sometime midday. It gets a little more complicated when them second, third, fourth... come along though.
Just take each day at a time and try not to worry about how many times you get a workout in each week.

RE: you can whine if you want to


Great week!! I hope your leg gets better and quickly. Take care of yourself though.

RE: Happy Birthday Trevor!!

Great month for a Birthday!! What a great present from Michelle. I hope she has a membership too. About the laptop, definitley have it for the next budget item. We love ours!

Along with Aimme finished the third week of the Max rotation. I have seen some soso results and hoping I see some dramatic ones over the next three weeks as I finish out the rotation.
Here was my week

Mon. - Bodymax
Tues. - Imax with planks and abs from Powercircuit
Wed. - MIS, played a round of golf(18 holes) walking and carrying clubs. I was wiped. May do the MIS in the evening this week instead
Thursday.- Cardio Kicks with abs from MIS I didn't finish Wed.
Friday. - CircuitMax with LL squats, plies, calves, deadlifts, abs. It was a sweaty one
Sat. - Took the dog for an hour walk/run. Noticed my endurance was really improving, felt I could have jogged a lot longer too. Did a 25 min. fitball tape for abs I just bought. It will get better as I learn the routing better.

Make it a great week everyone!!

Hey everyone!

Erica, your week sounds a little like mine...one thing after another happening to interfere with the workouts.

Emily, It is does get better. My son is a little over 2 and he takes 3-hour naps. Sooooo, that is when I exercise.

Debbie, hope everything goes well with the baby and new mama. It is such a great experience!


My week has been less than great. I started out with a bad eye infection and had to wear my glasses (my prescription is not up to date) instead of my contacts. I just did weights for 2 days and then tried a step tape on Wednesday without being able to see too well but I was having withdrawals. I got throught it without incident. Then at the end of the week my wrist started hurting and I couldn't do weights. I am absolutely falling apart!!!!!

Anyway, here it is such as it is

MONDAY: MIS--Legs, chest and back!

TUESDAY: MIS--Shoulders, biceps, triceps, and abs


THURSDAY: Cardio Party-hi/lo I did this tape for the first time and only made it about 20 minutes into it. I didn't really like it but will give it another try.
I then put in Happy Hour which was my first run through even though I have had the tape a while. I liked it but only made it through about 25 minutes of it. That will take a little work.

FRIDAY: Step Jam

SATURDAY: Went fishing!!!

Thought my eyes were better but I had to come home from church early to take my contacts out. I woke up this morning with my eyes almost swollen shut. Guess I will have to break down and go to the doctor!!!

Have a great week everyone!!!!!

Hi Kelly,

I'm not trying to be your mother :) BUT I wear contacts & one time had an eye infection which I thought had healed & tried to wear my contacts when it wasn't healed...my doctor told me I was lucky to have not had serious scarring & perhaps blindness. As it is, my sight has been a little worse ever since. PLEASE see your doctor!!
Hi Suzanne,
I was horrified to read about your run-in & your wounds. Thank God your dog is ok, but I'm sure you've been told how serious your wounds actually are, even though you are being a good sport & playing it down. I'm so glad you got immediate treatment. I have seen bite wounds go septic overnight.
I work in a Vet Hosp. & on Friday we got two seriously injured dogs in who had been attacked by other dogs. One of the owners was injured so much that he requires surgery himself. One of the dogs is doing ok, the other one was very seriously injured & may not make it. This dog attack thing has gotten way out of hand. It scares me, & I live for dogs - but these owners are training their dogs to be attack dogs without having any idea of what they are doing, or, as in your case, not bothering to have control of a dog they know is a potential danger. I hope this was reported to the police, these owners have to be taught something! I assume they provided proof of a rabies vacc? They should not be allowed to walk their dog without a muzzle on. Contrary to what people often think, the muzzle doesn't hurt a dog & does not interfere with their breathing.
Sorry to go on like this, but this has become a real concern for me & all dog people, & I am extremely concerned about your injuries. I'm sure you'll be fine with the antibiotic you are on, but do keep a close eye on things. Also, as your wounds start to heal, keep moving the leg or it will really stiffen up - I know you are trying to do that already. Unfortunately, I've had too much experience with bite wounds!
Take care, Ruth
RE: Gilad

Hi Wendy,
I used to do Gilad's show too - in fact it was really my first experience at working out, so of course I have a soft spot for him. (He still has the parrot!) As far as recommending him, I certainly would. I love his latest step workout, On The Beach At Waikiki. It is basic choreography but still challenging, at least for me. He does have high impact in it, but it is easily modified.
It's hard for me to know what a really advanced exerciser would find challenging, but his workouts ALWAYS challenge me. I have Step & Tone, but have never liked stepping while using weights, so I don't use it ... I have in the past used it & ignored the weights part but like the new tape better so ...as I recall, it is low impact completely. I also have Fat Burning Workout & New Beginners Workout which are both floor (or rather, beach!) aerobics, & mostly low impact. As always, any high impact he does is easily modified. I am almost hopeless at floor aerobics but can usually do his with less mistakes than other tapes. His toning workouts look easy but are actually harder than they look! He uses light or no weights though, it is not a heavy weight thing.
I also like his personality, he is quite motivating as you may recall! (Also not bad to look at!!) :)
Hope this helps, if you have any more specific questions let me know, I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for-
RE: Hi All!

Hi Debbie,
Is it a grandbaby yet??!! Tell Julie...we're waiting!! :)

Yes, the elbow is still hurting. The weird part is, now the other one is hurting in exactly the same spot & in exactly the same way! My HB says he's sure the other one has hurt in the past...I guess I didn't notice as it was one at a time, but now that they are BOTH hurting! My doctor told me everybody has a weak spot on their body, & mine seems to be the elbow joints. For many people, as we all know, it is the knees. (I have to be different!) Anyway, I will try wrapping them before I work out & using ice on them afterwards. If that doesn't help, he said I could try cortisone injections & see what happens. I'm willing to try that, but refuse to take it orally, I know what that does to dogs. So, we'll see! The fact that they hurt doesn't really bother me so much as the fact I can't improve my weight when working my arms. We're all a little crazy here!

Don't ever apologize for your good advice, I WANT your good advice! By the way, on the treadmill, if you mean review in my mind, I can try that, but the only place I have room for the stupid thing is in a back bedroom, facing a window which I thought would help but after all, it's the same backyard over & over!! Music helps, of course, but only so much...will try visualizing & see what happens.

Take care, Ruth
Thanks Ruth! I should have seen my doctor at the first part of last week but I am stubborn sometimes. Thanks for the advice.

Whole Lotta Cyclin' Goin' On.....

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-10-01 AT 04:32PM (Est)[/font][p]Everyone's weeks look great!
Happy Birthday Trevor
Quick Recovery Suzanne (that sounds AWFUL!)
Erica: when it rains, it pours, doesn't it?
Emily: WB, I just got back myself (no baby here...BTDT, just not checkin' in!). I would love to tell you it gets easier with kids. Can't lie though! You know the saying: Little kids, little problems... big kids.... well, My advice to new mothers usually is: Enjoy this phase they're in, cuz the next one is USUALLY worse..... Guess that's not too encouraging is it? They sure do make life interesting though... and I wouldn't be without mine! ;-) Enjoy them, for they grow WAY TOO quick. (and please no one misread this: I do enjoy kids...!!!)
Andrea: I've always followed your weeks with great interest! You've always been a common sense gal and boy does your week look fun.... ;-)

Well, after a rainy week and not too much training, I was determined to get in at least 200 miles this week. I was successful (my training week goes from Sun. to Sat.) I finished the week with 212.02 miles and the new week begins today with some more.... Wahhhhooooo.... :) I WILL be ready for this ride.

Mon: 21.70 miles
Tues: 31.18 miles
Wed: 72.88 miles** + stretched about 30 mins. (at midnite!)
Thurs: REST DAY (yep! STILL need 'em)
Fri: 13.02 miles -- SLOW leisurely ride, bird watching mostly.
Sat: 35.69 miles
Sun: 47.06 miles + Tamilee's Stretch tape

** Had my first mechanical -- on the road -- failure. I called my bike shop and said, "You fools.... you put your phone number on my bike!" I was hoping that maybe it was something simple, a loose wire, something jiggled off! It wasn't... I somehow broke the spring on the right gear shifter (1 thru 7), so It was stuck in 7... It was rideable and I was happy it wasn't something MAJOR. I rode it home (about an hours ride), took it to the bike shop over night and it was ready for pick up on Thurs. They said, "We knew you'd be training, so we didn't want to keep it too long." Do they know me or what? :)

This week's focus? Get in another 50 to 100 miles and get some upper body workouts in!

Have a Great week...

PS... I actually stopped in a bike shop this week and looked at cycling shorts. Still don't have cycling gear (just wear my workout leggings), but think I might try a pair! :)
Margaret Richards

Hi Terri...
Well, I ordered this Margaret Richards video from Borders, but it turned out not to be the exact one I wanted. I bought it anyway. It is Upper Body Sculpture Express--I wanted the regular Upper Body Sculpture... It is a 30 minute upper body workout, uses light weights (she looks like she's using 3's or 5's, I used 8's and 5's. She really does get your muscles cooking, considering how light the weights are. It is definitely high rep, and she does lots of pulsing moves. She herself is very down to earth, casual, not hyper at all, pretty good as far as form pointers, and uses good form herself. The set and her outfit are a bit outdated--she has on a body suit with a big wide belt on, and the set is a fake living room. The date is 1995--it looks a bit older than that, though. She is alone--no background exercisers. The warmup and cooldown I skipped, as I had just done the Streamline Fitness warmup, and Margarets didn't look especially exciting.

All in all, I was pleased with the exercises, but I am into light weight high rep right now. I wish the video was quite a bit longer--she covers each muscle group, but I went ahead and did the upper body from Streamling fitness following this tape, anyway. I am a bit sore today--don't know if I would have been after just the Sculpture tape. I am seriously considering buying a longer Margaret Richards tape, but am hoping to find one cheaper than she sells them on her website (bodyelectrictv.com).

Whew, hope you didn't want a short response!
Wendy :)
Must be the summer weather...

bringing everyone back to the check in;-)

Trev..happy B-day! And Suzanne and Erica..hope you both heal quickly

I've planned to pass the time waiting for Cathe's new stength stuff my doing a 3 month rotation in Muscle and Fitness....done with week two:)

Monday: PUSH, compound chest work with some shoulder and tris thrown in.

Tuesday: AM Kamikaze, PM [font color="red"]IMAX[/font]

Wednesday: LEGS

Thursday: AM Coreboard workout with instuctional tape. PM [font color="red"]CTX Step Combo[/font]

Friday: AM PULL, back and bis. PM 45 minutes on the rollerblades.

Saturday: 5 miles recreational trail riding while waiting for people to arrive for a picnic. Later...a quick 7 miles on bike around the river..and wishing I lived closer to Cleda;-).

Sunday: AM Step N Go ride around river and PM Sports Conditioning Coreboard workout.

RE: Margaret Richards

Hi Wendy,
The exact same thing happened to me when I ordered MR's upper & lower sculpture tapes. I thought I was buying the full length versions & was sent the "express" versions. This was from Collage! Under the circumstances I'm sure I could have returned them, but it was too much bother. So I called BodyElectric & asked them about it...they were horrified, didn't even know such a thing existed! I bought the real tapes from them because I didn't trust anybody else to send the right ones! They told me they were looking into it but I don't know what happened. Obviously the short ones are still floating around out there! I think I will send her an email & ask her about it!
I agree with you pretty much - the tapes look dated (but so do my old Cathe's!) but the workouts are extremely effective. She told me in an email she is putting out some new stuff, & is even going to do a heavy weight workout, so I will be v. interested to see this!
are you nuts?

Can't believe you rode 212 miles this week without padded biking shorts. I might be able to go 10 easy miles. Gloveless too? Can only imagine what kind of mileage you'd be putting in if you had some gear! The one piece of equipment I hope you haven't skipped is a helmet. Ok, no more scolding - you had a fantastic week.

Sounds like you found a great bike shop. They're priceless.
Happy Birthday Trevor!!

Hi everyone!

The Slow & Heavy pics look great. Now I'm having 2nd thoughts about ordering the DVD's - I'll have to wait longer. I'm getting restless & lazy, must need a getaway.

Mon: Walk/trots w/ dogs; upperbody weights & abs
Tue: Cycle 15 rolling miles (upper back & neck sore - think I slept wrong so I passed on Pilates this week)
Wed: Walk/trots w/ dogs; KS kickboxing w/ sis
Thu: nada
Fri: Walk/trots w/ dogs; Voight upperbody
Sat: Cycle 60 miles w/ hubby (he rode strong but the heat got to me)
Sun: Millenium Stretch

Take care everyone.
It was more challenging to outer and inner thighs, and the inner thigh work gets that tear drop muscle also.

Someone had mentioned the wall sit exercise....I do that sometimes, and it's a good quad exercise.

I will share the prize money, I just haven't decided how!;-)
THANK YOU EVERYONE! What a motivation you were all week. First of all this website has renewed my love for Cathe. Secondly the check in really keeps me going because I want to be able to write something good when it comes around on Sunday.

Erica, sorry to hear about your injury. I injured my shoulder this week so I know what you're going through. It's a little discouraging isn't it?

Here's my week. Are we supposed to start on Mon or Sun?

MON--rest from weekend fitness conference; right shoulder is in a lot of pain, did too much at the conference
TUES--taught step aerobics class
WED--Step Works, Reebok Hardcore Training on core board, Bryan Kest yoga 1
THURS--taught step class
FRI--Powerstrike kickboxing, Christi Taylor's Stepping Zone, Total Yoga
SAT--Bryan Kest yoga 3
SUN--CTX 10/10/10 Cardio, Body Max

Thanks again everyone for the wonderful support you give. Have a terrific week! Best wishes, Cyndie
RE: are you nuts?

Yep! Anyone who has met me will tell ya... I am (see subject line)!!! ;-)

However, I must tell you.... I have MOST of the gear... except for the shorts. I have the 100 oz. camelback (MULE), clipless pedals, helmet, sunglasses, and gloves.....I come with quite a bit of my own padding, so thought MAYBE I could get away without them. Well, please note, I am thinking of checking into them. tee-hee...

Ok, off to bed... I'm beat! :)
Late Again

Hi Everyone,

So sorry ...out here on the West coast it is 10:00 pm. Just got off work. I work for Lancome Cosmetics and we are in our "free gift with purchase". The French Bread one.

Also, our schools have ended for the summer. We have 3 teenagers at our house. We have had their friends sleeping over for 3 days. I can not do a workout with 4 sleeping bags in the way. Oh well..when the weather is warmer ALL the boys will be out in a tent.

SUN: 10-10-10
MON: Energy Sprint, Karen Voight
TUES: Power Max
WENS: Ran 4 Miles
THURS: Off.. Male teenagers over
FRI: Off.. Male teenagers over
SAT: Off.. Male teenagers over
SUN: Off.. To tired from workin 10 hours days and
having teenagers over.

Love reading ALL your postings!!!!

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