Early check-in 2-9-02


Hi guys. I'm laying here on a heating pad with my once-or-twice-a-year low back problem. :-( Oh, well. I stupidly tried to work through the pain, and now I'm needing to rest even longer than anticipated... I had parent-teacher conferences Monday and Tuesday, and we do them casually--sitting on the floor--and I think the 8 hours was too much for my sensitive lower back.
Since I know I won't be working out tomorrow (even doing upper body hurts my back :-( ), I thought I'd go ahead and check in. I won't be here next Sunday, either (Bahamas :) ), so I hope everyone has a great 2 weeks!
MONDAY: rest


WEDNESDAY: PowerBar Training (only 1/2 the squats, no back work, and took it light on the wieghts in general. This was my first time with this video, and I'll ignore my initial response to it, since I shouldn't have been doing it in the first place! I hope I'll like it better when I'm well.)

THURSDAY: Cardio Parties Step: wu and section I only. (another first timer, and I liked it even though I was maojorly modifying for my back)

Friday-Sunday: REST (I've learned my lesson)

Have a great week!
Hello again everyone! I hope ya'll have had a great week. I have felt good this week for the most part (until today). My back still has good and bad days but the good days outweigh the bad, which is great. I appreciate everyone asking about it. I'm still seeing the chiropractor once every 2 to 3 weeks and I'm showing slight improvements each visit. Like I said, I've felt good until today when I started the day with a migraine but I'm all better now with the help of some medication and rest. Enough babbling about myself! He, he!!

Wendy: I can surely sympathize with your back woes. Take care of yourself. It is frustrating, isn't it?

MONDAY: Powermax First time I could do this all the way through in a while. Yippee!!

TUESDAY: Pilates for Dummies First time!

WEDNESDAY: CIA 9801 (step) My brain was on vacation on this day! I acted like I had never done this video before...and I have.
Tamilee's Total Body Stretch (floor)

THURSDAY: Power Hour (5 pound weights and none with legs) That leg workout is a killer even without weights.

FRIDAY: Still Steppin' So much fun!

SATURDAY: CIA 9901 (1st section) AND Tamilee's TBS (standing)

I liked Pilates for Dummies but I have a long way before getting the breathing and form down. This did seem to bother my back slightly but the next day I was fine so hopefully as I strengthen my core this will not bother my broken down back anymore.

Have a great week!!!!!

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
Hi, Wendy and Kelly! I am sorry to hear abut your back troubles.
You are smart to take it a little easy! I took last weekend off to give myself some downtime because I felt overly tired. I had a great week after that! Well, once I let go of feeling guilty!

My week looked like this:
Monday CTX KickBox and Slow & Heavy Legs, Flow Yoga
Tuesday 5.7 miler and Slow & Heavy Biceps (supposed to be
Shoulders but I got very intense doing the Kickbox and was too sore!) Abs
Wednesday MIC Warm up and 1st low impact number, Step portion (such a great workout!),Slow and Heavy Triceps, CTX Kickbox Planks/Ab work, Flow Yoga
Thursday 6.4 miler and Slow & Heavy Back and Chest
Friday CTX Kickbox, Slow & Heavy Shoulders (at last)
Saturday I did not work out today since I have my sisters three kids as well as my three kids since she had to go to traffic school.

I am running a 10K tomorrow! Have a great week!

Bobbi http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/twinkle.gif http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/twinkle.gif http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/twinkle.gif http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/twinkle.gif http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/twinkle.gif
Okey dokey!! I'm sorry to hear about your back troubles, Kelly and Wendyloo. :( I sure hope you guys get to feeling better soon! Here it is:

Sun. - Reebok Aerostep (bleh - now I know why I rarely do this one)

Mon. - CTX Chest, Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders & Abs

Tues. - Firm, Vol. 6

Wed. - PowerMax; Abs.

Thurs. - Firm, Standing Legs; Abs.

Fri. - Firm, Not-so-tough Aerobic Mix; Abs.

Sat. - StepMax; Abs.

Have a wonderful week everyone! :) :) :)

Hey everyone!

Sorry about the bad backs :(

Nice a vacation in the Bahamas :)

Good week here

Sun - CTX kick box
Mon - 10-10-10
Tues - Lean Legs
Weds - S&H Legs/and Shoulder (I know tooo much legs) but I just got the tape and HAD to try it out... I loved it
Thurs - CTX -Power Circuit
Fri - S&H - Back and Chest
Sat - Circuit Max (My first time I absolutely LOVED it) it was like a combined 10-10-10 and Power circuit (my 2 favorite ctx cardio)
S&H Bicep and Triceps

I'm SOOO happy I had been going through LOW motivation but feeling totally into it again...

Think I may keep with a CTX/ S&H rotation for 3 weeks...
but also allowing for circuit max and cardio kicks...
I love Power hour too.. just have to figure how to get that in too..

Have a great week everyone!
I'm very sorry to hear about the bad backs, but I'm sure that little trip to the Bahamas (Wendy!) should cure yours right up!

As for me, the week started off AWFUL...everyone around me had that awful stomach flu and I could tell I was fighting it off myself. Luckily I didn't get it as bad as everyone else (I *HATE* throwing up!) but having 2-3 nights of diarrhea was not a thrill either...

So, here's my week...

Monday: Feeling like sh**

Tuesday: Diarrhea

Wednesday: MORE diarrhea

Thursday: Finally woke up feeling HUNGRY so I knew that was a good sign! Did S&H Triceps/CTX Shoulders/Abs

Friday: S&H Legs/Aaron Lankford's Power Kicks (Haven't done this tape in a really long time, but it's a nice little tape to do when you're coming out of a "sick time")

Saturday: S&H Chest/Back/Planks

Sunday: Still up in the air about today's workout. May even take a rest day because I don't want to push it.

Have a great week everyone!

Hey, everybody! I once again attempted death-by-snowshoeing this week, but lived to tell about it. I also started private Pilates session in earnest--it has been amazing! There's hope for my poor beleaguered abdomen yet! :-cool

SUNDAY: 30 min. walk
MONDAY: back & shoulders @ gym, 30 min. elliptical trainer
TUESDAY: Pilates session, 2 or so mile hike with kiddos
WEDNESDAY: snowshoeing, 2 hours @ 80-85% max HR, major hills (what was I thinking :-hmmm )--did the entire big loop at the Eldora nordic area--was so very proud of myself until my entire body started cramping up on the way home :-rollen
THURSDAY: major pain and suffering :-tired: 20 min. walk, Pilates session, power nap workout
FRIDAY: chest, bis, & tris @ gym; 40 min. very brisk walk to the very groovin' Shape 80s Walk music

I'm off to a conference in D.C. next week (not the Bahamas, but should still be quite fun). After that break, it's time to start base training for triathlon #1, May 18.

Everybody rest those backs, and have a good week!

http://www.plauder-smilies.de/pyth.gif Gretchen
Hey, all...
I had that stomach flu, too! Wow, what a physical drain! Glad to hear you're feeling better, Terri.
As for the backs...please take care of yourselves!
Good week, considering the emotional trauma of last week of losing my Dad...
Mon- S&H Chest/Back, CTX 10 10 10
Tues- Leaner Legs, 1/2 hour floor aerobics, 1/2 hour step at gym
Wed- S&H Tris/Bis, CTX All Step
Thurs- CTX Step & Intervals, 1 hr of aeorbics class at gym again
Fri- S&H Legs/Shoulders, CTX Kickbox
Sat- Off
Sun- Who knows? Hike? Roll in the hay? Both?
Have a great week.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-02 AT 01:45PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-02 AT 01:43 PM (Est)[/font]

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-02 AT 01:41 PM (Est)[/font]

Well I hope everyone who is sick feels better real soon. It's definitely making the rounds. I havent had it but have been getting these annoying sinus/sore throat episodes. Whatever, luckily I've been able to fight on w/o it turning into a chest cold.
This time of year is doldrum city for me sports-wise, especially with no football and the prospect of watching the do-nothing Orioles and under-achieving Caps until September. And although I'll watch the last 20 laps of a car race, the idea of 3 hrs. of cars riding round in a circle isnt very appealing.
Luckily, my workouts have been great and have been getting great quality time with my kids.
My week:
dumbbell flat bench
incline machine bench
incline db flyes
triceps cable pushdown
triceps overhead press
all 3 set/8-10 reps


Tues. -- 35 mins. high intensity on crosstrainer

upright rows
lat pulldown
back exts.
curl bar
db isolation curls
all 3 sets/8-10 reps


Thurs. -- 30 mins. stairclimber, very high intensity
Leg exts.
standing leg curls
heel raises
all 3sets/10 reps
glute blaster -- pyramid workout

overhead press
side raises with dumbbells
front raises with dumbbells
3sets/8-10 reps.


Sat -- Bodymax in A.M. then got crazy and did IMAX in late P.M. cause I could not sleep!! lol
Sun. -- 1 hr. spinning class.......felt okay considering Sat. workout
My son worked out w/me Friday and could barely walk on Sat. I told him he's got a ways to go before he can hang w/the old man!!
That was paybacks for the time last fall when he beat me in a 2 mile run!! lol!! :)
Take care all and have a super week!!
Trevor :) :-jumpy http://www.geocities.com/steelergil/football.gif
Hi guys! Sorry about your Dad Amysue. Great week. Hope you were able to relieve some stress through it.

Kelly-How do Still Steppin' and 9801 compare? I just ordered Still Steppin'. Wanted Step This Way, but it was out of stock.

My week:
Sun. Videotaped my own routines to send to DebbieH. Whew! What a workout!

Mon. S&H Bis Tris and taught hi/lo

Tue. Nothing

Wed. Taught hi/lo

Thu. S&H Chest Back and 2K05 step and abs. Tough abs!

Fri. S&H Legs and Shoulders

Sat. rest

Hi Andrea,

Hope everything is going well with you!!! Still Steppin' is less complex than 9801. I had more trouble catching on to 9801 but I absolutely love it. The music is better in Still Steppin' but still good in 9801. Still Steppin' has the background exercisers doing the easier version so that really helps to learn the basics first. I can't really pick which one I like better because I love both. I think you will like Still Steppin' and Step This Way is wonderful too. You must get it....soon!!!!

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
Hi Everyone!

Really sorry to hear some of you are not feeling well!
Whatever has been going around is pretty nasty.
Wendy & Kelly...here is a cheery thought for you, "Spring is almost here"!!!

Trevor... with the way you work out, we will be seeing your picture in the Muscle & Fitness magazine!

I allow myself Sunday afternoons to eat what I want. So I'm sitting here gorging on sushi! My fingers are slightly sticky but that's O.K. As long as it is cleaned up before my husband gets on the computer!

Here it is.

Mon: Interval Max, S&H chest & back
Tues: Cardio Kicks, S&H triceps & biceps
Wens: off
Thurs: Power Max, Leaner Legs
Fri: off
Sat: Circuit Max, S&H chest & back
Sun: Interval Max, S&H Legs & shoulders

You folks are GREAT!
Hi everyone - I'm new posting here.

Great week

Sun - kickbox
Mon - 10/10/10
Tues - Leaner Legs
Weds - Rest
Thurs - Power circuit
Frid - Rest
Sat - Circuit max

Have a great week everyone :)
Hi everyone! My week wasnt too bad. My workouts went pretty much as planned, but my clean eating, well, wasn't so clean...but there's still next week to get back to business. As always, my weigh is Monday mornings and I'm hoping that I only gained back one pound instead of two with the week I had!! So far, I've lost 7 lbs in 6 week, still 10 lbs to go though! I still do go by how my clothes fit, but reaching a certain number gives me some sort of concrete goal. I wear my clothes a little baggy to start with so it's sometimes hard to judge by how my clothes fit, and I'm not mentally ready to take measurements just yet. Anyway, here's my week...

Monday...CTX 10/10/10 entire tape + CTX biceps/abs
Tuesday...Circuit Max (lower body only) + CTX back/abs
Wednesday...CTX kickbox entire tape + CTX chest and CTX shoulders
Thursday...Rest Day
Friday...MIC step only + abs
Saturday...KV's Energy Sprint cardio portion + CTX tri, CTX bicep
Sunday...Reebok's Power Step + CTX back/abs

Have a good week everyone!

I can sympathize with you guys with the back pain :-(....it's not a fun thing to live with....and sorry to you guys with the flu....not nice either :-tired.

Monday......Stepping Zone without the abs

Tuesday.....Still Jumpin'....Pure and Simple Stretch

Wednesday...PS BBA with abs

Thursday....PS CST Hi/Lo from 5004

Friday......Rest day

Saturday....Rhythmic Step

Sunday......PS Legs & Abs

This was such a fun week! :7 I enjoyed every minute of the cardio and it felt so good to do weights again.....even if I did keep the #s low after being off for three weeks. Got to get in more stretching though!

Wishing you all a great week :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/sprite10.gif[/img]
Sports this time of the year????? Trevor, the OLYMPICS are on!!! Don't you like to watch the young chicks in the short skirts skate? Just kidding. I like to watch the speed skaters. Great legs!

I just can't imagine those parents mortgaging houses and scrimping to let those kids train to MAYBE get into the Olympics. We're lucky to have ice rinks around here, and an ex-Olympian (Carol Heiss Jenkins) not far north coaching skaters.
Hey Honey!
You're right...the Olympics are great to watch. I can't get into it as much as I used to though. Back when Eric Heiden skated for instance. If you know who I mean you must be drooling thinking of his legs!! lol!! The guy had the biggest quads on a skater I think I have ever seen. Amazing guy also.....after skating he raced professionally as a road biker, then became a doctor.
Trevor :) :-jumpy
Great workout week Amy.
I wanted to send my condolences concerning your dad. It's a very tough thing to deal with but I am sure he is in a better place.
By the way.....are we counting rolls in the hay as workouts? :)
Now THAT'S the best, most fun workout of all, huh? I need to include a spot on my workout log for that! :)
Hi Laura!
My genetics won't ever allow me to look like those guys! I am 6ft/185lbs and I eat like crazy to maintain 185 lbs. I am too hooked on high intensity cardio to get real bulky. I AM getting cut pretty good doing the type of workout I posted at the top of this thread. Going slow on the negative has helped alot I think.
You eat sushi? Same here although I guess I am kinda wimpy with it because I like the California Roll the best. It has only veggies in it.....easier to like it I guess!
Trevor :) :-jumpy
For some reason my Steelers image keeps disappearing!!
I give up!

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