DVDs for Wedding Video and Mega Step Blast PLEASE



I hope SNM Video will release DVD versions of these workouts soon. Thanks!

I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU!!! I will NEVER EVER part with my copy of the Wedding Tape. I know some people may think that these videos are dated, but with the ability Cathe has to make pre-mixed combos, I'm sure she could come up with something good.
Any ideas from the knowledgeable crowd?

When we asked about this a few months ago SNM told us that their plate was full at the time and that they would be working on that and a few other projects after the new series was released and all orders were taken care of.

I am really looking forward to the release of these two workouts since they are the only ones I need in DVD format to complete my Cathe collection.

Blessings from our home to yours, Runathon
I also love that wedding video! That's one of the easier ones(if I can phrase a Cathe step vid that way!!). Then to have the toning section at the end is great! I will definitly get it on DVD once it comes out.
I really like both the Wedding Video and MSB. Both are oldies fav's of mine. I don't mind the dated workout wear in MSB one bit, I think Cathe and crew look great.


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