DVD Feedback Wanted

Defintely would prefer something other than Leaner Legs. In fact, I know I will not buy LL on DVD a second time, so would definitely prefer somthing else. MIC would be cool, but even one of your shorter cardios would be nice. A cardio would be a nice addition, instead of just strength. I like the other 3 the way they are written though. Definitely put BodyMax on there. Out of everything that is the workout I want most on DVD. MIS is second.
Though I love your workouts, I already own the CTX series on DVD and would not purchase Leaner Legs on DVD for a second time.

I do like the idea of replacing it with MIC if time, format .... allow.

That said I have Body Max on VHS and have been wishing for it on DVD!!!! So I really like package #2 since Rhythmic Step is new and I'll no longer have to search on the video exchange list to obtain Interval Max. YEAH!!

I sincerely hope you're able to exercise some flexibility on package #1 and replace Leaner Legs with another of your VHS only workouts (MIC maybe?).
My vote would be:

1) Power Hour, Maximum Intensity Strength, Body Max
2) Rhythmic Step, Interval Max, MIC

For me keeping strength and cardio as together as possible on each DVD makes combos easier. I have a 2-disc player, but can't program across discs. So, easier to mix and match my cardio, or body parts, if they're all on one!


Please consider Step Jam, Step Heat, and Step Max for the future. They are my all time favorite step tapes -- intense and easy to modify for lower impact.
Yet another vote for Pamela's idea!

Pamela's DVD suggestions sound great to me since I, like others, don't feel the need to re-purchase LL on DVD.

Of course, you know most of us will purchase whatever you put out Cathe ;-)...but thanks for asking for our suggestions :).

My opinion...

is pretty much the same as everyone else's! I would rather not have Leaner Legs on the new DVDs because I already have it on the CTX DVD. If someone who doesn't already own Leaner Legs wants it, they can buy it on the CTX DVD, can't they? It doesn't matter much to me what you replace Leaner Legs with; I'd just rather have something not yet released on DVD in its place.

I would love to have BodyMax, in its entirety, on DVD! I rarely have the stamina to do this one all at once and usually end up picking it apart anyway, so it's ideal for DVD format for me.

I think the format Pam suggested is great (Power Hour/MIS/BodyMax and Rhythmic Step/Interval Max/MIC), if time permits it.

Thanks so much for all the hard work you put into making these workouts available to us on DVD! I really appreciate your efforts. :)


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