DVD Feedback Wanted

Cathe Friedrich

Hi Everyone!

I am posting to get some feedback from you regarding a few DVD packages that we are putting together for the May 1st presale. In addition to the new videos, we're going release several older workouts including IntervalMax, BodyMax and MIS on DVD. We certainly value your input and think it is important for us to hear from you in order to provide you with the best DVD packages possible.

The following four DVD packages are what we thought would be complimentary combinations(considering minutes available as well as content compatability). Although the PS DVD and the Slow Heavy Series are unchangeable, the other two packages have some flexibility. Tell us what you think:


1) Power Hour, Maximum Intensity Strength, Leaner Legs

2) Rhythmic Step, Interval Max, Body Max

3) Slow and Heavy Series (remains unchanged)

4) Pure Strength Series (already completed)

We're still working on the final details for the May 1st presale, but we will offer quantity discounts similar to what we did last time.

Also, if you decide that you want to take advantage of a volume discount DVD package that contains the Pure Strength Series DVD, we will ship the PS DVD as soon as it arrives, therefore, allowing you to get a better buy for your PS DVD AND WITHOUT THE WAIT!

Thank you for your time and I'm looking forward to hearing from you!


P.S. We are hoping to have the PS DVD in by May 1st but obvioulsly we can't promise this! More details soon.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-01 AT 12:25PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Cathe,
I love the idea of Interval Max, your new Aerobic Step CD and Body Max as a CD package!!!! MIS and Power Hour sound great also. When you say leaner legs are you refering to CTX Leaner Legs?

Where and when can I order???!!!!!
:-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy

Dawn W
These sound perfect!

What more can I say? The combinations make perfect sense. My credit card is ready to go!

Thanks for being so good to us (er, well, I might not be so gracious after I see what you have in store for us in the Slow and Heavy tapes ;-))! You are the best!
Great Combos!

Thanks so much for offering the volume discount again! The combinations sound GREAT! Have fun taping and let us know who is going to be in the vids with you. We can't wait to hear!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
RE: I'm Sold . . .

Sounds like great complementary combos of workouts alt und neu! Looks like I've found out what my husband is getting me for my 40th birthday!

Will be waiting with bated breath . . .

A suggestion

Maybe I'm the odd one out here, but I would love to see Maximum Intensity Cardio on the DVD with Rhythmic Step and Interval Max, rather than Body Max. The package is already heavy on the weight training ( pardon the pun :) ), and to have all pure cardio on that DVD makes more sense to me. Plus the MIC step section is one of my all time favorites. I love to use it in combination with other videos. To have it on the DVD with Rhythmic Step would truly be a dream come true!

I'm so excited!! I'm sooo glad that I bought my DVD player! :-jumpy :-jumpy

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-01 AT 07:05PM (Est)[/font][p]Looks great to me! I don't have a DVD player, but maybe it is time I get one. Your DVD combinations make a lot of sense. I don't really know what a DVD player does, but I think it allows more flexibility in workouts... so, I'm all for it! Thanks!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-01 AT 02:21PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Cathe,

(This is my first post to your forum though I've been lurking for a couple of years now!)

I love the idea of your putting out more DVDs! I am so looking forward to having my Cathe tapes all turned into Cathe DVDs soon! Love the picture quality, and the options, as well as saving shelf space!! I do have one question (which I think someone else also raised):

When you say "Leaner Legs", do you mean the one from the CTX? While I really love this workout, I would really prefer to have something else included in the new DVDs. I would guess most of us who are interested in getting these new DVDs already have the CTX series. To be honest, I know I will get them anyway, even if it means I will have Leaner Legs twice, but it just would feel like I was getting more bang for my buck if the workouts were all new (or new-to-DVD).

Anyway, I'm thrilled to know more DVDs are on the way. I do appreciate your doing this!!! I love your DVDs!


P.S. Just wanted to add I'm thrilled to see both MIS and BodyMax included in the list of possibilities. I tend not to use either tape straight through and it will be great not to have to keep forwarding and rewinding!
Sounds great!

Thank you for putting some older workouts on DVD! I did MIS the other day and was wishing it was on DVD!!! The lineup sounds great to me!

Do you know who the background exercisers will be in the new videos? I know alot of people like Cedie (myself included), but I really like Hope and Lisa too!
i'm confused. will there be a dvd of just power hour and rhythmic step too? i agree with not putting leaner legs on first dvd package. cant wait for your new dvds you're great!
Instead of Leaner Legs, which I already have on DVD, it would be great if you could include MIC instead. It would be nice to be able to just jump from the warm-up to the step section without all the fast forwarding I have to do now. With Leaner Legs, I will have to pay for the same workout twice in order to get the other selections on DVD. It doesn't seem fair to those who paid for the entire CTX series. However, I am really gratified that you are putting your workouts on DVD. You are truly a fitness leader.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-01 AT 03:37PM (Est)[/font][p]I agree with those who've said they would prefer not to see Leaner Legs released again on DVD since the vast majority of the DVD purchasers already have it, and also that I'd like to see MIC released on DVD. My preference for the first two DVDs would be:

1) Power Hour, Maximum Intensity Strength, Body Max

2) Rhythmic Step, Interval Max, Maximum Intensity Cardio

Not sure if those lineups work in terms of time limits, but that would keep the first disc primarily strength in nature (with some cardio thrown in with BodyMax...also would give a great option of mixing and matching strength segments from MIS and BodyMax since they're similar in style) and keep the second disc as higher-intensity cardio.

If time limits *are* an issue, perhaps just include the upper-body strength section of BodyMax and the step section of MIC??

http://members.aol.com/naconfer/images/pamdevils.gif http://members.aol.com/naconfer/images/pamelavf.gif http://members.aol.com/naconfer/images/pamdevils.gif
[font color='red']144 pounds gone...and counting![/font]
I agree with the above posts about Leaner Legs. I already have this one on dvd and I don't really want to "re-purchase it" again.
I don't really care which other one you replace it with as all your workouts are great. But I would prefer not have to pay for Leaner legs 'twice' on dvd.
Just a thought and as you say, "take it or leave it" :)

I am just happy to be getting your workouts on dvd!! :)
I love your suggestion, Pam!

That would be ideal as far as I'm concerned. You have the best of everything! I was so focused on really wanting MIC that I didn't really consider the problem with having Leaner Legs twice, but you're right. Most of us with DVD players already have Leaner Legs on the CTX DVDs. If it's a time factor, I agree that I would be very happy with just the weights from BMax ( or just the upper body weights if necessary )in place of Leaner Legs. :)

Of course, I'm buying these DVDs, no matter what, but I would be in heaven with your suggestions, Pam! :)

First off, we really appreciate you "blazing the trail" for DVDs! I will buy whatever you release on DVD. But....you knew there had to be a but...I don't want to own 2 Leaner Legs. I loved Pamela's idea for combos. If people want to own LL, can't they just buy it like we did?? Thanks for whatever you decide; I'll be here to pre-order in May!!
Chiming in to agree with the others. I already have Leaner Legs on DVD and would be unhappy purchasing it a second time. It would be great if you could put a "new to DVD" cardio workout in it's place. I've been waiting for DVD release to purchase your older cardio workouts. I would also prefer to have the complete BMax, not just a portion of it.

What a great Idea Pamela!!!!!!

Everyone who agrees say I. ;-)

Cathe if you could manage Pamela's suggestion I think you would make a lot of fitness DVD fanatics ...well.... more fanatical. Of course you know we'll understand if it's not possible.

I'll be "patiently" (maybe) sitting on pins and needles until the final decision is released.

Thanks for always asking our input!!!

Dawn W
Hi Cathe,

This is my first time at your forum - I just read about these DVDs over at VF. I am new to your workouts - I only have Powermax and was just about to order Bodymax and Interval Max when I read about you filming some new DVDs, so I decided to wait for those. I love the combinations you have put together - I guess I'm in the minority but I really like having Leaner Legs in the mix. I don't want the whole CTX series but would like LL. If you decide not to keep it would you consider having it available to buy independantly?

Thanks, Lianne
I like Pamela's idea, too

Count me in as someone who already owns Leaner Legs and doesn't *really* need another copy. I'd love to see Body Max on a DVD and think that Pamela's suggestion is worth considering.

However, whatever you decision you make, I'll pre-order. Heck, if you released a DVD of yourself reading pages from your local telephone book, I'd buy that too.

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