I have already posted in this thread, but just to let everyone know, Donna also has the DVD "Advanced Lastics". I recommend it if you like Lastics. The DVD is chaptered a bit more compartmentalized (hips, chest, neck, hamstrings, etc.) if you don't want to do the entire video (I believe 1 hr 17 min minutest total). The video has Donna, Alyssa and a modifier, Patty. She does focus on preparing you to do the splits...which is where the modifier comes in for me. I haven't done the splits since I was a teenager and I don't see it happening anytime soon! I do Lastics at least once per week and throw in Advanced Lastics every now and then. I just did it last night and my neck and back were popping and cracking throughout the workout (ahhhh, very relaxing for me).
I will say that when I did the video for the first time I did not like it - I thought it was hard to follow and too hard for me to do or get any benefit from it. However, by the 2nd/3rd time I did it, I realized it was harder to follow since I kept having to look up at the TV and contort or get out of an ideal position (not the workout's fault...you just need to watch it a few times, listen to the words, and then be able to do it next time by voice only.) I also had to realize that I was just not as flexible as Donna and Alyssa, wasn't going to be, and that was OK. I just followed the modifier and then realized I was still getting quite a benefit from the stretch. I can be impatient. My perception is Donna does give slightly less guidance/direction in the advanced DVD, but probably assumes you have done her first DVD and don't need as much (for example, bending isn't stretching, pull up to push down, bend at the hips, back straight.)
Does anyone know if she will have another video? This is the kind of stretching that works for me. (Again, I also highly recommend Mark Laurens MobilityRx, even though there are less overall stretch moves). I am always on the lookout for stretch videos that focus on upward/opening movements, tiny overlooked areas and that hold the moves for several seconds.