

Ok I have 5lb sets up to 15's I lug them upstairs to do a workout then to the basement to put them away. So I need all your help I think I have seen in stores a set of these dumbells that are all in one up to 20 lbs are they a set? are they effective? are they worth it to invest in and get rid of the individual dumbells? What if I want to eventually go heavier? I think they were 49.99 in Target anyone have these?

"Another one that proves equipment is not necessary to get the job done" -Cathe Friedrich
I saw them too and they are on sale for 50 bucks (so a hundred for both), and they are the reebok version of the bowflex select tech, which is a bizillion dollars... you can dial the weight from 10 to 25 I believe in the heavy set and 2-12 in the lighter, and its in 2.5 or 5lb increments...........but I haven't bought them either! Some help buddies?!!!
I have these and love them. For me they work well for most workouts. However, I kept my dumbbells for workouts like PUB where Cathe has rapid wieght changes (i.e. shoulders) because you can't change the weight that fast unless you are fine with pausing the DVD. But, I would say for 80% of my weight workouts they are perfect.

We have the Bowflex version. My DH has the big set that goes to 52.5 lbs and I have the 20 lb. set. When I need to go heavier than 20, I use his.

When we first invested in these, we bought the 52.5 lb set, but they are longer and since I have very narrow shoulders they did not work well for me on some exercises. I believe they are about 4 or 6 inches longer than normal dumbbells (I would have to check this). So again, for some exercises, like front raises, I still need my old dumbells or it puts my arms at a comprising angle. So, we invested in the smaller set for me. Most of the time, these are adequate. I have been using these for about two years and am really glad we invested in them.

I have the 52.5 lb bowflex set too.
Here is a review I posted on another fitness website a while ago.

"About 8 months ago I purchased adjustable dumbells thinking I could replace my standard dumbbells and that the system would take up less space.

In my opinion adjustable dumbells can't replace standard ones. I have the Bowflex SelectTech set that goes from 5 lbs to 52.5 lbs.

1) For circuit training, it takes too long to adjust the dumbell weights from one weight to the next ..you must place each dumbell on the rack and dial in the next weight and then remove it from the rack. Its too much interruption during a circuit workout, you lose the continuity of the workout and your heart rate will drop.

2) The dumbbells are larger in length and width than standard dumbells and so you can't do certain exercises with them as they bump into each other or you making it impossible to do certain exercises with the range of motion you may be accustomed to such as biceps curls ( the head of the dumbells hits your shoulder when you are only at the halfway point of a curl) chest press ( your range of motion on the upward press will be limited as the heads bang into each other when you press up....this may not be a problem if you are a guy with wide shoulders as you may have enough room to straighten your arms without the dumbbell heads bumping into each other. Other exercises that have problems because of the dumbbell dimensions are upright rows, etc.

3) The weights are very uncomfortable and dangerous to put on your shoulders during leg work such as squats, leg press etc because of 1) the size...they are very bulky and 2) because they are comprised of a series of bulky discs with spaces in between the discs that dig into and pinch your shpulders and neck.

For some upper body work they are great and I like them because of the 2.5 lb increments that allow you to increase your weight gradually such as going to 17.5 lbs from 15 lbs and 22.5 lbs from 20 lbs etc.

However, they will not replace your standard dumbells and barbell.

I got the lighter (2.5-20#) set of Bowflex Selecttech, and while I generally like it (for the same reasons cited by other posters, mostly the small weight increments), the time it takes to change the weight really does interfere with some workouts, so I still use my dumbbells.

I was recently trying to decide whether I should get the heavier set or take up still more precious, precious space with heavier dumbbells, when I realized I could afford at least three more sets of dumbbells AND a cool dumbbell storage tower for the cost of the heavier Selecttech set. Then I have the ease of use of the standard dumbbells and "a place for everything".

I would definitely try them out in a store before buying. Some of them look a bit clumsy to use for moves like bicep curls (too big or wide).
Well I went ahead and purchased the small set and the one up to 25 lbs. I used them in Butts and Guts tonight and loved them I read all your input and Thank you for taking the time to reply and point these things out to me I will keep my dumbells in the basement and continue the up and down game.

"Another one that proves equipment is not necessary to get the job done" -Cathe Friedrich
Hi Beth,
I continue the up and down game too when I opt not to use my selectTech and use my standard dumbells or barbell instead. I consider the step running with weights part of my exercise. The selectTech while no substitute for standard weights are a great addition for alot of weight work.

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