Dumbell weight plates?


I am trying to increase my dumbell weight from 15 lb. I found out that 20 lb dumbells are a little too heavy. If I was not mistaken, there was a post about dumbell plates... you use it to incrementally add weight to the dumbells. I tried to do a search on it, but could not locate the post. Does the dumbell plates really exist, and if it does, can somebody steer me in the right direction on how to get them? If not, can somebody suggest me on how to do my workout until I am able to lift 20 lbs weight? I have barbell, but for various reasons, prefers dumbells.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Haslina!

Check these out: http://www.bodytrends.com/plmmain.htm

They are called PlateMates and they are designed for "microloading" - when you are trying to bridge the gap from, say 15 lbs to 20 - just what you described in your post. I tried my friend's platemates, and they are great. Sometimes you just need to increase a pound or two, you know? But 5 lbs is too much. Since my friend won't give her's up I have to order a set for myself :) or maybe I'll ask santa... anyway I read your post and thought of them. When you click on the link, scroll down past the buff guy jpeg (you'll see what I mean) then click on the FAQ link for more info

RE: To increase the dumbell weight. . .

I like to use the small dumbells with handles; they come in 1, 2, & 3 pound handweight sizes (they're also inexpensive).

To increase the weight slightly from 10 to 15 pounds I took my 10# dumbell and grabbed my 2# dumbell by the handle and put them both in one hand to workout.

For me it's easy & inexpensive.

RE: To increase the dumbell weight. . .

Hi Fay, this is a good inexpensive solution actually! I tried this before, but my hands are really small and the two dumbells strained the tendons in my wrists and hands. It was kind of painful and my form really suffered for it. But I say go for it if you can hold both, then you can "microload" without having to spend the extra money :)

RE: To increase the dumbell weight. . .

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-01 AT 00:18AM (Est)[/font][p]Marnie,

I have a question about the Plate Mates. Do you need a pair for each dumbbell or can you use one Plate Mate per dumbbell? I would love to get a pair, but if I have to buy two pairs, that's kind of steep. Thanks for the link!

Edit: Ok, I see the answer in FAQ.

If you have any wrist weights or ankle weights, use those. I wear 2# wrist weights and with 10# dumbbells, I am lifting 12# for bicep work. My ankle weights are adjustable from 3#-5#. Maybe a little clumsy, but a cheap alternative. I also have the plate mates, and I love them.
Thank you for all the replies. I think I will try honeybunch's suggestion first - it's cheaper. If it does not work, I can always use a wrist/ankle weight for floor work. Marnie, thank you for the link - I will definitely save the link. The plate mate is very interesting, may be I could ask for them for my birthday (my Christmas presents are all spent!).

I went back to the store where I bought them (platemates) and they are $20.00 per pair. A tad pricey, but they are handy. However, it's just as quick to slip on some wrist weights.

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