ds or wii?


Need opinions...my ds and dd are turnig 6 in August and have been bugging us for one or the other...my ds wants a ds and my dd wants a wii. We are not getting both and they know this...so I would like to settle on one. I know the ds is more portable but which will they get more use of. Do any of you have one or both and which do they play with more?

My son has both and gets more use out of his DS. Of course, that may be because some of his newer games are for the DS. They are Pokemon games too which is all the rage.
He does use both systems though and since they are very different it's a tough call. I'd get the Wii if you have to choose between them. The Wii will keep the kids moving since you move your body with many(or all?) of the games such as Wii Fit, baseball, etc.
We have both and my son likes both. Yes the DS is portable which comes in handy but honestly, the Wii is fun for the whole family! I vote for the Wii hands down! :D
Are you getting 2 DS's or one? If you are getting one for them to share, I would get the Wii. If you were going to get 1 DS for each of them, I would start with that. The portability is great and they can play games together through the wireless communication they have with the DS - it's pretty cool.

On long car rides, my three still play their DS's together and use an app that comes with the DS called Pictochat (or something like that). It's like instant messaging with pictures.

I have boy/girl twins too - they are 13 now and I have a third who is 11.
DS is great, but only for one person. I take it with me whenever I travel and I love it! But for 2 people the WII is better, especially since its something the whole family can do as well.

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