Cardio drill 1 isn't too bad on impact, just traveling hops with a db, but you don't jump very high. Then low pulse squats and line taps - it actually felt like a Low Max blast.
Cardio drill 2 is fairly high impact. You start by doing speed skaters, which aren't too bad, but then there are side to side hops and jumping onto the step.
Cardio drill 3 is almost all low impact. You do hamstring curls on the floor for a bit, but then she does have you do 7 jumps (kind of like airborn jumps but not as high of an impact as you aren't using your arms to propel you up, as you're holding a stability ball the entire time. This drill really works the shoulders as you hold the ball over your head quite a bit. I thought it looked way easy when I previewed it - but it's tough in a deceptive way.}( (But that's our Cathe!)
Cardio drill 4 starts with lower impact step and jacks on the floor, but then she kicks it up and has you do a two feet jumping version of an over-face-in-over and she adds in plyo jacks on the floor, too.
Cardio drill 5 (my favorite) is all high impact. You do bounding forward jumps and then skips. The skips aren't too high impact, but the jumps are very high impact.
Cardio drill 6 (my second favorite) is low impact (low jogs in place, jogs straddling the step), but then she moves into high jogs, and then the impact really takes off as she has you do a squat thrust into a tuck and then you go over the step, back again, and repeat. It's a doozy of an interval!
Overall, I'd say this workout has less impact than any of the Imaxes but more than Low Max or LIC. HTH!