drill max has anyone survived it?


i saw the drill max DVD and i don't think that i could do it.i love b&g lic i even can finish mb2 but im scared to even start the drill max.
what do u think how can i know if im ready to do it

thank u
You won't know until you try!!! I personally LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Drill Max - I would advise doing the regular mix the first time. I have only done one premix - Cardio/Legs & I think it is more difficult than the original mix. I am scared of the double cardio, think that is the name of the premix but not sure - it's basically all the cardio from each drill twice... I may try and brave this one sometime soon...

Keep us posted on what you think of Drill Max once you try!
If you can do BM2, you should go ahead and use DM. I've used all the premixes and I am alive to do them another day :p . Well, don't start with the ultra cardio blast premix. If you get tired just pause your DVD player for a little longer break.

Have fun,
Do what you can, pause when you need to and pick it back up again. You'll be able to do it, we promise!

I'm another Drill Max Lover - in fact, I think I'm addicted to the Drill Max cardio!

I think Drill Max may be one of Cathe's very best! I'm amazed at how much my endurance and athleticism has increased from this w/o. Just the other day I found myself doing IMAX Extreme (from Terminator) on an 8" step (I'm 5'4"). Never even thought about it before. Drill Max is totally doable - as others said - modify or pause where needed. But it is sky high on the fun factor too IMO. You have nothing to lose by trying it.


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
Drill Max is a wonderful workout - it is very athletic and the cardio is simple but intense.

The only problem I have with it is that I don't have the space for some of the moves and I don't have a free wall so I do balance exercises from Low Impact Circuit during that part.

It is a workout well worth the try.

But it is my least favorite of the new series due to my not having space to properly execute some of the moves.
I did Drill Max last night for the first time and I found it difficult and frustrating. Might just have been my mood, but I was expecting it to be more moderate (like Low Impact Circuit), and I got annoyed with all the jumping, the cardio was very challenging (I know, that's the point!), and I was very frustrated with the new pushup moves, the pushups on the ball completely defy me, I'm actually afraid of them because I fell pretty hard off the ball, the "bomb divers" are just weird, can't figure out if I'm doing them right or not, AND I got frustrated trying to find a free wall for the wall thingies and I don't have enough room to do more than 2 walking lunges. SO. I felt like a weak unconditioned doofus, which is annoying when I work so hard every day to stay in good shape and challenge myself. I feel like I just can't make the cut, since everyone else loves this workout, LOL!!! Of course I'm going to give it several more tries, now that I know what's coming I guess it will be easier. I guess I should have predicted this as I've never been a "big ball" fan, much as I've tried to adapt to the ball I mostly just want to puncture it when I'm working out with it. SIGH. I should look at DM as a challenge but I'm feeling discouraged, because I work so hard to be in good shape and then I can barely keep up with the workout. Also the workout it LOOOONG! One drill too long, IMO.

Maybe Cathe will make some moderate workouts for folks of my inclination...
I adore DrillMax. I think it is the best workout of the new set and one of the best Cathe has put out, ever! The cardio is really fun and different and the strength work is anything but the same-old.

Diane, I'm sorry you are frustrated, but don't you think it's good to have workouts to work up to? What's the fun in being able to do everything perfectly the first time through?? For the ball work, try stabilizing the ball first by pushing it up against a couch or other firm surface.

Good luck!
I love Drill Max! In the month I have been doing it I have really stepped up my endurance. Think of it as a stepping stone to increased stamina and strength. Drill Max is totally worth the extra effort IMO:p

Yes, Marie, you have a good point. It's just that there were SO many difficult parts of it for me! I like to feel I'm at least semi-competent and I just felt like there were many stumbling blocks in this workout for me. I will try pushing the ball against the sofa before I attempt those pushups again, that's a good idea.
I find aspects of DM VERY tough but most of it is doable. I actually find the cardio, leg, and weighted work easier than BM2 or BC. What is most difficult for me in DM are the Dive Bomber pushups or whatever they are called (some people really take the "proper" name of these seriously), the plank push ups/side planks at the end, and the push ups on the stability ball. I have to put my ball against my step to balance. I can do stability ball push ups when I'm not doing cardio or tired and sweaty when the focus is stability ball work but I have a difficult time doing them in DM. Give it a try. I don't think DM is as hard as a whole as everyone thinks it is. In other words, it looks a whole lot worse than it really is. It's a GREAT workout but doable!
I haven't had the courage to try this one, yet. I love BM@ and LIC. Some of the responses here will get me to try it.
I found DM to be very challenging but do-able. For me, Imax 2&3 are harder on me than DM. DM does seem long to me too, like there is an added interval or something. But when I finish it, I feel a great sense of accomplishment! I thought overall, DM was extremely well constructed and executed. The drills are diverse and even fun. I think it may be one of, if not the best workout Cathe has put out.

Just finished the Cardio/Leg Blast Premix for the 2nd time & confirmed that yes, this one is for sure more difficult for me than doing Drill Max as is. It takes out all the upper body, which is when I'm able to really bring my heart rate back down in the regular session of Drill Max.

Okay... I am scared to death of the double cardio, I think it shows 63 1/2 minutes... I know it's the cardio from each drill twice... those of you that have braved this, were you able to do it without having to hit pause at all?

Got to love this workout! :)
I love love love drill max. It would be my favourite Cathe workout to date.

JenL - I tried the double cardio but had lots of pauses in it. Will try it again though.

due to illnesses of my kids i did drill max only today, and i can say that its not scary as it looks at the beginning.
amazingly (for me) i was able to do all of the drills with a little bit of modify (is it me saying those things:eek: )
i just love the football drill in the last drill i think its my favorite.
BUT although i had a lot of fun and i burnt 590 calories i prefer the usual step exe . i will put DM in my rotation and now i have only to confront the body fusion? the one the mixes all the tough stuff and kill u in the end}(

have a nice weekend mine is over
I am a Cathe Newbie. I've been running/strength training moderately for a while and I am an old Firmer. This is the first Cathe video I have done and I loved it! I couldn't do the dive bombers at all so I did knee pushups. I couldn't do the plank p/u's at all. Thanks for the tip on putting the ball against the sofa for the push ups and triceps. I loved the changing intervals and I LOVE LOVED the football drills. These are SO much better than the Firm! So much less boring. I love working with the ball. My Polar HRM said I burned 430 cals. but I know I can up the as I get better. I did miss some of the step work as I was watching her and trying to get the moves down. At times I felt it was long, but at the end I felt great!!

I have a few newbie questions I'll post soon :)But so far I love Cathe!!

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