Drill Max Ball Wall Question

Amy Steppe

I have done Body Max 2 and Low Impact Circuit -- I love both of them so much and have found them to be well within my capabilities.

I have not done Drill Max yet - I have only previewed it one time.

I do not have a wall to do the stability ball wall portion.

Can or does anybody have a modification for this particular portion of the workout?

I have been avoiding this workout because of the wall part, but I want to do it.

Any advice would be great!

Hi Amy,

you could just do a wall sit without the ball. Just put your back against the wall and let it support you. P90X includes wall sits with no ball, so I've done them both ways. You'll feel it either way!

Do you have a piller or post or anything you can rest your back against? You don't have to use the ball, just something you can rest your back against.

If that's not possible, maybe you could do sit/stands like are in the B&G bonus let portion, but w/o the weight.

Hope that helps!
Woops! When I read your post I thought you said you didn't have a BALL. Sorry! I hope you'll find a good substitute. The section isn't very long, so please don't miss out on the rest of the workout just because of that segment. :)
If you have done the floor work from GS Legs Cathe does a move on the ball where she has you supine on the ball, and you push yourself in and out, then up and down, on one leg, and then the other. This move hits similar muscles for me as the the wall squats. You could even probably do it with the 5lb handweights.

How about using an unloaded barbell, a dowel, or a broom? Use either item as a balancing tool for this portion of the workout. Hope this helps.
Hi All,

I have the ball, but no solid wall. My workout room is downstairs with my laundry room and has no door. I am such a book lover that all my walls are covered with bookshelves.

I did Drill Max. I like it, but did find it uses a lot of space.
Is there a bookshelf side that is sturdy? How about a doorway (the sill can be wide enough). I use a corner in my living room that is two very short pieces of wall that come together between the kitchen doorway and the hall doorway.
Hi Amy,

I was just thinking that doing chair pose (from yoga) would be a good substitute for wall squats. I think I'd keep both feet on the floor the whole time, rather than lifting one leg at time. It might be a close enough exercise so that you don't feel like you're skipping anything.

I think the chair pose in yoga sounds like a good idea. You could really substitute any lower body exercise that you like to do. One thing that I do is open a door, put my hands on the door knob on each side of the door, lean back and do squats. This gives you more of a "hack' squat position. I don't use weights with this one.

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