Dressing Room Mirrors

Yes, they do lie, don't they? But then you gotta love them because you know you are gonna workout much harder the next day.
So for me, I love them and hate them.
OH OH my pet peeve!

A communal dressing room mirror OUTSIDE the dressing rooms................because the shops TOO cheap to put one in every stall!

Nothing worse than a bunch of woman you dont know, standing together pulling, tugging, posing, at themselves...........in front of one mirror


You have to stay in shape. My grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
I'm with you on that one Marion. That is ridiculous. What if I want to try a bra on? I can't walk out of the stall in front of other people like that.

I loathe dressing room mirrors. They are so unkind!;(

i ABHOR them! and florescent lighting! every line on your face and fat cell in your body is smirking at you ! also a blatent reminder that if i had one ounce of will power, i wouldn't be buying anymore clothes!!!!!

In college we called mirrors that make you look bad "fugly", combining the 'mother' (hint hint) of all swear words and "ugly".

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