Hi Peep-olas!
TGIF! couldn't have come soon enough for me! I'm looking forward to just hanging around the house, in my fuzzy slippers and fleece and hot chocolate with marshmallows... doesn't quite sound as clean and tidy when you say it as it feels in my head does it?! May have to work on a modification for that!
Anyway, thanks for all the hugs and prayers... yesterday was definately a rough one for me, but feeling better after a discussion with management this morning... Stupid Managers anyway! If it weren't for them, I'm quite sure that all the woes of the office would simply fade away and the rest of us would figure out a way to get things done without them!
Jerry: Enjoy your wog (walk/jog) and don't work to hard at the job!

don't forget your umbrella!
Ellie: hope you had some quality time with your mom! how long will she be staying? I can't do family stays for more than a few days these days... sad I know, but I just can't... My father is driving me nuts these days wanting to borrow money and I am so sick of having to dodge his calls... I feel bad saying stuff like that because he is all alone (by choice) and lives in the boonies and is physically challenged by the aftermath of a botched back surgery and years of neglected diabetis, yet I somehow feel less than sorry for him. I also lived with my grandparents because my mom was divorced when I was a little over a year old, so I know now much I enjoyed having my grandparents to lean on and take care of me, and as I got older SO looked forward to their visits and cried when they would leave...
Heather: thanks for the prayers ~ they do help tremendously! Good luck at the Dr's... I went wednesday and didn't especially like the scale either! I think if it was easy to lose weight, none of us would be here on this forum, so it's actually a blessing AND a curse! but we will persevere and become Victorious some day! Just hope it is soon!
Wendy: don't be too hard on yourself for oversleeping! it happens, well for some of us... I, on the other hand, would give my right arm (well in theory anyway) to get to sleep in just once ~ even on a work day! I am up before DH's alarm most mornings (including the weekends) by 3:45, so I try to get to bed a bit earlier than I have ever before... what really sucks though is that the stupid DVR only will record two shows at once, and you actually have to WATCH one! how dumb is that??? oh, and as for the "Days of our Dallas" I just kept telling DH that it was only a matter of time before TO turned on Romo! He's such a cute kid, how could anyone get mad at him!

but unfortunately TO is such a !#$%^!$%^%^.... sorry, he can play ball, but his manners and temperment... Honeymoon's over!
JJ: good job on your shopping list! I wish I HAD a shopping list... we decided not to do gifts this year for eachother, so only have parents and siblings... and most of that's easy... $$$ and home made smoked salmon jerky! Yummy.. and I don't even like Salmon!
Vilma: I'm tryin' the water thing today... have managed to drink almost one whole bottle! 16.9 fluid oz! lol! Had to get in that .9, right! I have had to pee twice in the last hour though! might have been holding onto it because of the salty cashews I ate last night though...
Karin: hope you are having a great day, too! I read posts last night, but forgot what everyone said, and forgot to review before starting to post today... but thanks for your concern and hugs for yesterday!
did we lose Laura from Uganda? haven't seen her around for awhile!
enjoy the day Peeps!!!