<--don't look back, you can never look back

<--sends Catherine a warm blanky, tea and healing vibes
<--thinks "mmmmmmmmm.....seafood"
<--likes the idea of causing trouble with Megsy
<--thinks the OALers will look cute in our shirts at the mmmm-mmmmmm
<--got the same style shirt as Evily
<---just got tee shirt
<---loves it
<---thanks Shelley, Sophie and Emily!
<---is off to minimize her body with Body Max
<---is mad <--- didn't get tshirt she ordered on 3/26
<---wonders if y'all got expedited shipping
<---according to the site <--- won't get hers until 4/3
<---x( :-( :-(
<--- tells Tammy she did not get her shirt, either
<--- says website does not give a ship date for her
<--- 's credit card has not been charged
<--- ordered hers on the 27th, same as most people
<--- sent an email to Zazzle asking what's up and is waiting for a reply
<--- has been busy
<--- is still busy
<--- will not be around over the weekend but sends hugs and kisshies
<--- will be doing CC PP at 10AM tomorrow:D :D :D
<--- will see youse on Monday:*
<---will see Michele at 10 am Saturday
<---really hates to share Coach Sean
<---hopes Michele gets her Zazzle order straightened out
<---asks t-shirt getters about sizing
<---tries to read all the posts and gets lost & tired
<---needs a map of how to get around Arrowtown
<---is very tired today <---realized this morning she hadn't taken a rest day for 7 days
<---wishes Happy 16th! to Nina
<---is scared of her little girls ever turning 16
<---says WOOOHOOOO! to Amelia on her 2.5!
<---hmmm doesn't think a sore THROAT will affect a gyn appt ;)
<---saw this http://www.smileyhut.com/characters/firefire.gif on Smileyhut.com and thought of Beavs
<---is going out to the yard to see if she can get some energy
<---says "Later Ladies" and heads out the door


"Strength is the ability to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands - and then eat just one of those pieces” -- Judith Viorst

<---tells Tammy <--just got whatever shipping came up automatically
<---ordered a woman's med in a regular tee
<---seems a tad small, but <--is used to wearing baggy tees in men's med
<---will miss Ms Lee over the weekend
<---hopes Ms Lee has a wonderful weekend celebrating with her inlaws
<---is astonished she completed BM2
<---has to go fire up the grill for chicken
<---later gaters
<--was thinking same thing as coradora re: sore throat and gyn appoint but didn't day anything lol!
<--would feel bad making a joke when poor Catherine feels so yucky
<--loves the Beavs icon and tells ms. coradora it made <-- smile
<--is also impressed that Robin did Body Max 2
<--wonders if she uses two risers
<--can't only handle one riser or less or knees get upset with <--
<---REALLY hopes Catherine feels better!!! didn't mean to be mean
<---hands Catherine a bouquet of flowers and says sorry http://www.smileyhut.com/signs/daisy.gif
<---sometimes types before brain engages
<---cannot do entire Bodymax 2 <---is in awe of Robin and Beavs and all others who can
<---is enjoying the sunny Friday afternoon in the "garden"


"Strength is the ability to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands - and then eat just one of those pieces” -- Judith Viorst

<---wanders in, bloated and belching from too much dinner
<---says that's what doing BM2 does to you - makes you think you can eat everything in sight without after affects
<---wishes she could stick to clean eating plan for more then a day and a half
<---hopes Catherine feels better soon
<---hopes Judy and THE ED survive the celebration
<---bets Nina's friends think Judy and THE ED are da bomb
<---is tired and has to get up to work tomarrow, so will watch a tad of TV, read and hit the hay
<---check on all of youse tomarrow
<---misses the good ole days of the <--- thread
<---imagines everyone is watching WNTW
<---would be a prime candidate for that show
<---is off to bed
<---wishes everyone a good night's sleep and sweet dreams
<---wonders if anyone is still up
<---says she just got back from work and is beat
<---adds that it was a horrible night at work
<---had several girls botch a few things up and got asked to fix things
<---ended up getting chewed out a few times while she was fixing things
<---broke out in hives at one point because a guy started on her case while she was helping another group
<---thinks this isn't worth the money sometimes!
<---hopes everyone has pleasant dreams and that Catherine feels better tomorrow!
<---also hopes that Amy and Wendy are able to sleep through the night
<---thinks Catherine's new sig pic is cute! :)
<---is getting ready to crawl in bed and pull covers over head
<--waves at everyone (quietly, though)
<--is sorry to see Lian not feeling good!
<--likes Catherine's new picture
<--was getting dizzy watching the other one!
<--'s body has declared a moratorium on exercising for the last 3 days!!
<--was planning on taking a recovery week next week, but <--'s body outvoted <--!!
<--needs to order the OAL t-shirt!!!
<--preferably before all the money goes to bills!!!
<--'s body also didn't want to change from a night to a day schedule!!
<--was staying awake until 0400 every night and then sleeping until noon or after!!!
<--finally got the weedpatch, er, lawn mowed yesterday, though!
<--it doesn't look that bad now that it's mowed!
<--is hoping for some rain this weekend!
<--hopes that we get lots of rain this summer because <--doesn't want to have to drag sprinklers and hoses around the yard!
<--received some flower bulbs from a very nice neighbor yesterday!
<--needs to figure out where to plant them now!
<--hopes that everyone has a good weekend
<--will "see" everyone in the morning!

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