<--waves at everyone (quietly, though)
<--is sorry to see Lian not feeling good!
<--likes Catherine's new picture
<--was getting dizzy watching the other one!
<--'s body has declared a moratorium on exercising for the last 3 days!!
<--was planning on taking a recovery week next week, but <--'s body outvoted <--!!
<--needs to order the OAL t-shirt!!!
<--preferably before all the money goes to bills!!!
<--'s body also didn't want to change from a night to a day schedule!!
<--was staying awake until 0400 every night and then sleeping until noon or after!!!
<--finally got the weedpatch, er, lawn mowed yesterday, though!
<--it doesn't look that bad now that it's mowed!
<--is hoping for some rain this weekend!
<--hopes that we get lots of rain this summer because <--doesn't want to have to drag sprinklers and hoses around the yard!
<--received some flower bulbs from a very nice neighbor yesterday!
<--needs to figure out where to plant them now!
<--hopes that everyone has a good weekend
<--will "see" everyone in the morning!