Dog Lovers......question?


Hi Everyone,

I have an question for anyone that might own a pug. My husband has decided that I need a puppy since I stay at home all day alone. We have checked out breeds and we think we might like a pug. We live in a townhouse, so we would have to walk him to take him outside. We do have a small area where he could go outside. ANY and ALL input would be appreciated.
It's funny, I have raised five children and they always had pets, ranging from dogs, cats, potbellied pigs, skunks and even a monkey! I can't believe what a HUGE decision this seems to be.

Thanks again, everyone, for any input!!:D

Hi Sherry, I can't help you with your dog question but just to let you know DH and I are going to get a Golden Labrador puppy when our youngest is about 5 years old. They make such wonderful friends, don't they ?

Good Luck

Anna :)
My sister has a pug, and it is the sweetest dog. She is well behaved, super friendly, and highly intelligent. The only thing that she has to keep up on is her hair/skin, since pugs are prone to some kinds of skin allergies. A vitamin supplement and a high quality dog food alleviate that problem. There are also several web sites that offer info. on the breed and how to pick a reputable breeder. Good luck with your search. I know you find a wonderful new addition to your family.
LKZ :)
I've heard alot of good things about pugs but am a Labradoer lover myself. I just like a nice big dog! :) We're looking into getting a puppy as well and this will be our 4th Lab.
If you live in a townhouse though, smaller is probably better for you! Good luck! Susan
When I got my dog Chui (named after a Hong Kong actor/martial artist of the 70's) who is an American Eskimo, I had a hard time picking which dog I wanted. He had some stiff competition from the most adorable Pug!!!:) I do hear that dogs that are low to the ground like Pugs can be hard to potty train because they are so low, sometimes you can't tell that they have started to go until its too late.:) But, all that means is you have to be a bit more diligent.

Good luck and enjoy your beautiful puppy.:)

It's great that you are thinking so much about this. It sounds like a Pug will be a good choice for you. I hope you will consider getting one from breed rescue so that a homeless purebred will get a "forever home". Many purebred dogs are put down and many people don't even know about breed rescue.

Here's a place you can get started.
From what I've read, pugs are prone to both skin problems and respiratory problems. But I think the breed would work well in your townhouse since they don't require as much room to exercise as a larger dog and, due to their respiratory systems, don't require much intense exercise, probably just daily walks, maybe throwing a ball around the living room etc. There are about a zillion websites that give you complete descriptions of the various dog breeds: personalities, health, grooming, life span etc. I wish I could remember some of the web addresses but I'm spacing on it at the moment. I do know PetSmart has dog breed links at their site. Just type in pugs. Personally, my breed is dachshunds. They are soooo lovable and the biggest clowns. I have 2, one I got from a breeder and the other from Rescue. I highly recommend Rescue organizations (every breed has one) since you give a home to an animal in need. My Rescue pupper is the sweetest, most charming dog in spite of all he's been through.

Good luck with your search - let us know what you choose!

Good luck with your decision. I think the look of pugs grows on you. But please look into getting one or any dog you decide on at a rescue or humane society. Too many dogs are killed each year because there aren't enough homes for them.

Beth (who volunteers at the local humane society)
I would like to like to add my $02 regarding rescued animals.

Last year my family adopted our dog, Jack, from our local rescue. He was rescued from a county kill facility and had been the former pet of an elderly person. He is 1/2 black lab and 1/2 beagle, is medium sized, and weighs about 40 pounds. He has turned out to a better choice then we could have ever imagined! He was roughly 1 year old, leash trained, and completely house broken when we got him. He adjusted to us (me, my husband, and 12 year old daughter) very quickly. He has learned all of the basic commands and can even be walked without a leash. He is calm and gentle and does not bark unless someone he does not know aproaches our home. He is a wonderful dog and now, one year later, a much loved member of our family. It breaks my heart to think he may have been put down.

So, having said all of that, if possible please consider a rescued animal. Pugs are available for adoption too. There was a darling Pug that was being adopted by another family the same day we adopted Jack.

Good luck with your decision!
Ohhhh my gosh... I can't believe you are thinking about a pug. We just got a pug in early August. His name is Rocky!!! All I can say is he is the absolute best dog we have ever, ever had!!! We did a lot of research on the dog before we got him. I have several friends who have pugs and love them so much.

I have a 2.5 year old and Rocky is wonderful with him. He is soooooo easy to take care of. He is only 6 months old right now and we already leave him alone and out in the house during the day when we're gone and at night while we sleep! He never potties or poops in the house! He has been housebroken since about the first month!!!! He is sooooo smart:)

He responds to voice commands and just aims to please you. He is such a great combination of sweet and playful. He sleeps a lot but plays a lot too. He loves to eat, play with balls, chew on bones and just be held and loved. He'll drop a ball or bone ANYTIME for a cuddle! They do require a lot of love and attention. They do recommend if you are not home a lot to get 2 of them for companionship. We are considering getting a 2nd so he has a buddy during the day when we're gone.

One thing though is they really fart a lot:) It is hilarious! They do shed also. However, if you are looking for an easy dog, one that loves to be inside more than out, then I think the pug is for you!

He is so loyal and so wonderful. Originally my DH said he was my dog and "it was my deal". So, I did all the searchin' for the right one. Now....guess who is soooo attached to him???? My DH! He loves him to death. He just recently finally admitted that Rocky is his most favorite dog he has ever had.

Pls feel free to e-mail me if you are want anymore info. I could just go on and on and on:)

Good luck and please let me know what you decide. You'll have to send me pics of whatever one you decide on. I'd be happy to send you some pics of my puppy, Rocky:)

Hi Sherry!

Sherry, my sis has FOUR pugs!!! Does that tell you anything? They were also told that pugs like companions. They had two for quite awhile and just a year ago, decided to add to the bunch. They love their pugs to death!

obYour-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Thank you all again!!

Well, the decision has been made for me!! DH put a deposit down on a pug puppy without telling me and we're picking him up tomorrow night!! Thank you all for your positive input about Pugs. I'm so excited!!!
Thank you, too, for suggesting rescue. I would have done that, but instead DH decided to surprise me! I know he'll be great company.

Pammer, I don't know how to send pictures online, but I would love to see some pics of your dog. Like Deb said, I can tell you're not too fond of him!;-) I will email you and please feel free to email me!!

I'm not used to having anybody at all around.....looks like that's going to change.

Again, thanks to you all!:7

RE: Hi Pammer!!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-18-02 AT 12:03PM (Est)[/font][p]Thank you for thinking of me! I got my new puppy Friday night!! It's Monday am and I think I'm too sleepy to work out!! It's like having a baby in the house! Thank goodness DH was here all weekend to help.

I think I'll play with the puppy (and sleep) today, then get started working out again tomorrow!


Sherry :-sleepy

Anna - I have THREE goldens, each a different hue, ranging from deep red (Maud, the oldest) to butterscotch (Agnes, the largest) to blonde (Maeve, the baby). I highly recommend the breed---highly loving, gentle, eager to please, winning personality, and of course, affectionate. :) The "girls" are my babies (we don't have kids, of course) and life would not be as rich without them!!! Suzanne
I'm a dog lover with a story

Saw your question about pugs. I don't have any information about them but thought I'd tell you my latest adventure with my dog, Mandy. She is a border collie so I have to take her out running everyday for at least 3 miles. And since she runs so fast I bike while she runs. Sometimes I run too but not now. Well anyway last Friday we headed out and picked up one of her pals to go with us. Bullseye, a mix boxer/rottwiller/cattle dog/dalmation. A good hinzes 97. Well they were having a great time running like the wind and I was concentrating on trying to keep up with them when Bullseye shot across my path, hitting my front tire. Needless to say, I wiped out but good. Hitting my head,face,wrist and knee. What a wild exciting time. After I layed there for a minutes-luckily it was a country road and no one was driving down it-I got up, straightened my wheel and got back on and finished our workout. Kept my eyes on the dogs a bit better this time.
I do recommend a bigger dog. They are great fun to workout with if you keep your eyes on them. She always motivates me to workout by whining and pawing me till I take her out.
Have fun with your dog whatever kind you get. Mudhiker.
RE: I'm a dog lover with a story

My friend has a pug and they are sweet dogs. They do shed alot and they snore, but they are cute just the same, and very comical.

I recently lost my biking partner. I miss him terribly.
But, I'm the type that has to have a dog around so, I just got me a new puppy, one week ago today.
She is a Rhodesian Ridgeback. I got her to be my mountain biking/running/hiking buddy. They are supposed to have great endurance, and be an excellent watch dog. I love to have a dog with me when I workout outdoors. I feel safer and it's just nice to have a friend that is always willing to go with me. I can't wait till she's big enough. Right now she is just tearing my house apart and completely exhausting me! It's like having a new baby.:D
RE: Anna...

Hi Suzanne,

Thankyou for that, your dogs names are gorgeous :)

We can't wait to get one but we must wait until our youngest is a lot older. I don't think I could cope with a puppy and 3 children 5 and under at the moment !!

Anna :)

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