Candi - This thread brought me a huge smile and giggle :) I dont normally joke about this topic but with my Nikki, I can. One of my dogs, (female German Shepard) gets gas now and again. It is not the noise thats alerts us, it is the smell (oh my...), along with this look on her face that screams "Wasn't me, I promise" and her ears down like she just did something awful. That little girl can (and has!) cleared the room!
GOOD NEWS!!! Just got back from the vet and it's not Bloat but they said it was a good thing to bring her in because it's deadly and the dog can die within two hours.

One thing the doctor told me to do was to palpate her tummy next time if she's very gassy. If the tummy feels rock hard and the dog is in pain, that's a good indication it's Bloat.

Thanks everyone for your help. Sophie is barrel chested and can be sensitive to this so now I know what to do.

P.S. Doc said it may have been the pistachio nuts she ate last night. I only gave her a couple but evidentely they may be too rich. I guess lizards aren't "too rich", LOL :7
YES! and so does my female cat! (not sure about my boy cat!)

and both dogs also burp! brie has to come over to you and burp at you! rude girl!

i always assumed it was part of having a dog! (they sure can clear a room though! and why does jasmine have to jump on my lap right after passing it? she knows i'm gonna make her get right down!)

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I had to smile at your post!

My Border Collie does not pass intestinal gas, but she belches right in my face A LOT!

I can always tell shen she's eaten; she comes to find me and belches -- when I first adopted her at 9 weeks old, I thought there was a man in the house with me until I realized it was this cute puppy.

BTW, she recognizes when it is workout time!

She gets in her crate and I turn it towards me.......she goes to sleep.

I say she exercises by Proxy!

Dogs are great -- they are so funny and loving!
glad your dog is ok! mine are both very gassy and i have switched food many times. they just like to poot i think! little devils! it's always halarious b/c they look at ther butt every time and acted shocked! cute.

I have a gassy boxer pup. WHEW!! It is soooooo nasty and it just lingers and lingers x( It usually happens when he eats the other dogs' food. He likes to eat his and theirs.
He eats the new Nutro Ultra and it doesn't cause him gas. It's pretty expensive though, and he is a pig.
The gas issue is a food issue.
One of my Beagles is very gassy. It tends to happen when he gets really excited. If he sees that he's going for a walk or for a drive, he bounces around the house and creates quite a stink.

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