Does anyone still use FIRM videos?

The only thing is...the music and the
>instructors' voices really annoy me, so I turn the volume all
>the way down on the TV and just play the stereo instead.
>Those instructors are to be seen and NOT heard. x(

Come to think of it...they are annoying to look at, "cheerleader-promqueen-ish". Their exaggerated facial expressions belong in community theatre performances. But I cannot deny the fact that it is a great workout so somehow, I have managed to deal with it all these years. :p
I have done jiggle free arms for a few weeks. I did the older upper body video. I love CAWT with emily. I havent done but one workout a week with my videos due to so much running lately. I also have bootcamp class one day week. after my half marathon, I plan on incorporating more videos at home.

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