Does anyone live in the southern region?

I believe we had a survey like that last year and I noticed the absence of Southerners.

I am living in Alabama - one of the 'Fat States' of the US.
"ONE" of the fat states? Which ones aren't fat??? I haven't noticed any yet! But I have yet to set foot in the Dakotas, Minnesota or Alaska. The others are all fat states. }(
Maryland, ya'll. I also have family in Florida & in Texas & a BF in South Carolina, so I go further south a lot!

Hey Liane!

Cross your fingers for my baby boy -- he's applied Early Action to UNC-CH and it's tied for first at the top of his list with Duke (my DH's alma mater).

You can imagine how DH feels about the fact that Alex liked UNC equally with Duke. :) He's applied to lots of other schools, some in the Northeast and Midwest, so we'd be thrilled to have him select an NC school -- 2 hours from my mom and sister. ;-) Kathy S.
I've lived in Central Florida for 30 years. I'm in a small town just west of Orlando called Ocoee.

I wish the people who lived in Florida mentioned exactly where in Flordia:)

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