Does anyone here go to Curves for Women

Hi Danna,
I don't mean this disrespectfully but I will go 4 it anyway. Bear with me.
I am no bible thumper and never will be but how can you characterize a religious conservative as "immature"? They practice their religion as they see fit and as they interpret it. It may not go too well within today's society but I tend to think that the conservative line falls more closely within what is in the bible, does it not? I work with a guy who follows the Bible's word pretty closely in the way he lives, along with his wife. And guess what? His wife is not allowed to make any decisions without his consent. She gets her input, but he can override if he sees fit. And although I do not agree with that, that probably more closely resembles the way things were between men and women back in the so-called "Biblical times". Geez, women were property for God's sake! :) So in reality, anyone who is "serious" about religion, in other words--following the Bible's word, should in essence NOT be supportive or empowering of women. At least not to the point where they can be on an even playing field with men. Right? I don't agree with it of course, but by this argument it seems logical to me. And if Christ spent any time helping women with empowerment I'd like an example please. Also, apparently in the Bible there is something about how we are not to carry any indebtiness to another man. Guess what? This guy and his wife have no house payment or car payment of any kind. many of the rest of us can say that? We must all be sinners, huh? LOL! But nooooo, hold on a second. Here comes someone else to put their spin on the Biblical teachings so that we can skew said word because none of us can even live up to it! LOL!! I guess my long-winded point to this is that the Bible is "religious conservative". We in this world tend to pick and choose our so-called religion to suit our own personal needs and opinions. So-called liberal-religious people I suppose. And really none of these people's beliefs are "immature". Perhaps "ill-fitting in today's society", but not immature.
Anyway, not sure if I made sense to anyone. And again, I love women! You all are magnificent creatures and I am all for you all getting everything men do. I was just trying to present a different argument to your, to me, wrongful picking of the adjective "immature" to describe the Curves guy..
Trevor :)
RE: I am butting back in....

I loveth thou, oh wiseth A-Jock!!! I loveth thiseth Medievaleth Timeseth kindeth ofeth speaketh!! LOL!!!
T. :)
RE: I am butting back in....

Treveth - thou hast confusethed the Medieval Periodeth with the Shakesperean period.

Thou art forgiven, ye of the functioning reproductive organs.


RE: I am butting back in....

Thanketh youeth foreth pointingeth outeth myeth stupidness....eth!
Ieth feeleth liketh Sylvestereth the Cateth! LOL!!
Trevor :)
I"m glad you said something Trevor. I knew what I was saying but how people read it, that's always a different story!

I'm trying to say that anyone worth their salt be they conservative, liberal, pink, purple, religious or otherwise, is interested in treating people with respect and with a fair shake.

I did not say that religious conservatives are immature. I'mm saying that the immature, narrow minded, insecure ones have problems that can also spill over into how they treat women. And also that immaturity, narrow mindedness and insecurity is an equal opportunity disease that affects us all, not just people who are affiliated with a religious belief.

You are right on about the ambiguousness of people's interpretations of scripture. It can be twisted into validation to dominate and discount others. I believe that is the case with the terrorists condoning murder and destruction.

As for examples of Christ's dealings with women there are many. Heck the first person he appeared to after the resurrection was a woman. Woman were not considered citizens. He took the time to talk to them, bless, heal, counsel, protect them. That was part of the reason he was making the leadership angry. he dealt with the sick, disabled, infirm and female as well as all his other diciples. I'm speaking in broad terms here. Forgive my lack of specifics.

I appreciate your support of women. I"m a big advocate for men myself.

Thanks for taking time to explain what you meant Danna. Appreciate it. I'm glad we can discuss it without getting fired up. :)
Trevor :)
RE: I am butting back in....

"As for examples of Christ's dealings with women there are many. Heck the first person he
appeared to after the resurrection was a woman. Woman were not considered citizens. He took the
time to talk to them, bless, heal, counsel, protect them. That was part of the reason he was
making the leadership angry. he dealt with the sick, disabled, infirm and female as well as all his
other diciples. I'm speaking in broad terms here. "

Jesus may have blessed them, healed them, etc., but what Christ did not do for women was empower them. Organized religion has done very little to encourage women to take control of their own lives. In organized religion, women are taught to see themselves in relation to a MAN. Even God is portrayed as male. According to the Christian religion, salvation only can happen through a man, not a woman.

Why did God have a son, but not a daughter? How much more powerful would the story have been is he gave his only begotten daughter? How many more of us would have stayed "on board" if he had?

And isn't it funny that women are lumped together here with the sick, disabled and infirm...That probably wasn't your intention, but isn't it ironic anyway?

Susan L.G.
RE: I am butting back in....

That was kind of my point in my original post and I do agree with you Susan. Anyway, this thread really went off on a tangent and I am glad we all can share opinions and observations without chopping one another.
Trevor :)
Hi Susan!

I was so glad to read your reference to Bitch Magazine! ;-) I, too, read the 'Curves' article and have told others about it. Subscribing to the magazine helps the publication out so much more than buying it at major chains, actually, as such a large cut is taken off of the top otherwise. I fully support independent publications. I'm an editor of one, actually.

Recently, I saw Bitch's Editor-in-Chief, Lisa Jervis, speak at a panel discussion in Chicago... smart woman! :)

Thanks, again! :p

Take care,
RE: I am butting back in....

I agree with you that there are religions that seem to devalue women. Of course there are also plenty of non religious people that do the same.

The religion I practice holds women in the highest of esteem and are equal in every way with men. We believe that men and women have equally important roles to play. No contribution has more value than another. That is the only standard that i would tolerate for myself.

It would be interesting to think that the way Christ empowered women was by encouraging them to have hope and faith in difficult circumstances. He empowered them to learn not to base their self esteem on what someone else said. That you could turn the other cheek when you were met with someone hurtful and let it roll off your back. To empower them to work hard to raise children with character, lives of meaning and service.. To let them know that God is aware of them and that they have the highest value in His eyes.

That would have been groundbreaking information back in that day and age. I could only imagine how powerful it would be to have been a woman hearing that message at that time. To hear that their lives mattered and will always matter.

The women's organization in our church is the oldest in the world! They have been empowering and strengthening other women and their communities for 162 years!

That of course includes strengthening ourselves physically!

I tend to rattle on but I just wanted to dispel the belief that ALL organized religion is characterized by having only a culture of devaluing women.

Thanks for listening!!

RE: I am butting back in....

ok.. how the heck did you guys go down the religious path on this.... you guys are toooooo much :( and womens rights.. SAD ....

Anyhow a woman I work with joined curves she is very excited about. She is exremely large chested so sure she feel self consciensous elsewehre. Anyhow i say good for her.. why do we have to be so darn judgemental.. if it works for others.. really.. diversity makes the world go round...
RE: I am butting back in....

I agree with Robyn's post. This is really getting weird around here tonight.
RE: I am butting back in....

You don't believe in Bigfoot? LOL!!
Trevor :)
RE: I am butting back in....

Hi Robyn,
I think the religious thing came up because the guy who started curves is a so-called conservative Christian or something. I forgot! LOL! This thread is too long to re-read all of it. I think some of the ladies thought that, although it's a good thing for beginners, it may end up holding back some women who want to workout harder because apparently the guy's religion doesn't allow women to work out like men. ?? Something along those lines.
Anyway, I wouldn't call it sad that the thread went that way. We were just discussing it and no one has started flaming anybody. Perhaps too much is being read into it. After all it's just a fitness club really.
I do agree with you to a point about being judgemental. However, I do believe making judgements on what we, and others, are doing is very necessary in this world. And the same with diversity. That term makes me cringe. Just to get wayy off topic, diversity and "good feelings" is why this society is completely wacko these days. IMHO. But that's another topic for another forum.
Anyway, I hear what you are saying.
Trevor :)
RE: I am butting back in....


Why are women's rights considered 'sad'?

If things are better for this generation of women, it's because of the guts, gumption and hard work of those people before them fighting for better women's rights. I hope this generation of women doesn't take the rights they have now for granted or we'll wind up where we started. History sometimes has a way of repeating itself.

If you would like a list of things that have gotten better for women over the past forty years, we could definitely start another thread.

Maybe you're just to young to know.
Hi, while in Las Vegas in Oct/Nov I ran across some ladies with Curves bags and struck up a conversation and found out the convention was for owners/managers. Ended up at the hotel where the Curves convention was taking place and was motified to see many-many smokers and gals that did not look like they were into "fitness". Personally I have gone to Curves and it is not enough of a workout for me. However, for a place for somone who has been inactive I think it serves fairly well. My sister who never exercised joined Curves a few years ago and loves it and has continued to do well with it. She lost weight (she did their nutrition class and followed recommended diet), looks sooo much better and really enjoys it; she has also made some good supportive friendships. I think anything that gets you off the sofa and doing something to improve your well-being is absolutely better than nothing. It's a personal choice if one wants to support the beliefs and values of the founder. Personally I was not aware of it -- although did get the feel of "Christian values" from some of the materials my sister had. But the smoking and looking unfit really bothered me!

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