Hi Danna,
I don't mean this disrespectfully but I will go 4 it anyway. Bear with me.
I am no bible thumper and never will be but how can you characterize a religious conservative as "immature"? They practice their religion as they see fit and as they interpret it. It may not go too well within today's society but I tend to think that the conservative line falls more closely within what is in the bible, does it not? I work with a guy who follows the Bible's word pretty closely in the way he lives, along with his wife. And guess what? His wife is not allowed to make any decisions without his consent. She gets her input, but he can override if he sees fit. And although I do not agree with that, that probably more closely resembles the way things were between men and women back in the so-called "Biblical times". Geez, women were property for God's sake! So in reality, anyone who is "serious" about religion, in other words--following the Bible's word, should in essence NOT be supportive or empowering of women. At least not to the point where they can be on an even playing field with men. Right? I don't agree with it of course, but by this argument it seems logical to me. And if Christ spent any time helping women with empowerment I'd like an example please. Also, apparently in the Bible there is something about how we are not to carry any indebtiness to another man. Guess what? This guy and his wife have no house payment or car payment of any kind. But......how many of the rest of us can say that? We must all be sinners, huh? LOL! But nooooo, hold on a second. Here comes someone else to put their spin on the Biblical teachings so that we can skew said word because none of us can even live up to it! LOL!! I guess my long-winded point to this is that the Bible is "religious conservative". We in this world tend to pick and choose our so-called religion to suit our own personal needs and opinions. So-called liberal-religious people I suppose. And really none of these people's beliefs are "immature". Perhaps "ill-fitting in today's society", but not immature.
Anyway, not sure if I made sense to anyone. And again, I love women! You all are magnificent creatures and I am all for you all getting everything men do. I was just trying to present a different argument to your, to me, wrongful picking of the adjective "immature" to describe the Curves guy..
I don't mean this disrespectfully but I will go 4 it anyway. Bear with me.
I am no bible thumper and never will be but how can you characterize a religious conservative as "immature"? They practice their religion as they see fit and as they interpret it. It may not go too well within today's society but I tend to think that the conservative line falls more closely within what is in the bible, does it not? I work with a guy who follows the Bible's word pretty closely in the way he lives, along with his wife. And guess what? His wife is not allowed to make any decisions without his consent. She gets her input, but he can override if he sees fit. And although I do not agree with that, that probably more closely resembles the way things were between men and women back in the so-called "Biblical times". Geez, women were property for God's sake! So in reality, anyone who is "serious" about religion, in other words--following the Bible's word, should in essence NOT be supportive or empowering of women. At least not to the point where they can be on an even playing field with men. Right? I don't agree with it of course, but by this argument it seems logical to me. And if Christ spent any time helping women with empowerment I'd like an example please. Also, apparently in the Bible there is something about how we are not to carry any indebtiness to another man. Guess what? This guy and his wife have no house payment or car payment of any kind. But......how many of the rest of us can say that? We must all be sinners, huh? LOL! But nooooo, hold on a second. Here comes someone else to put their spin on the Biblical teachings so that we can skew said word because none of us can even live up to it! LOL!! I guess my long-winded point to this is that the Bible is "religious conservative". We in this world tend to pick and choose our so-called religion to suit our own personal needs and opinions. So-called liberal-religious people I suppose. And really none of these people's beliefs are "immature". Perhaps "ill-fitting in today's society", but not immature.
Anyway, not sure if I made sense to anyone. And again, I love women! You all are magnificent creatures and I am all for you all getting everything men do. I was just trying to present a different argument to your, to me, wrongful picking of the adjective "immature" to describe the Curves guy..