Does anyone have a schedule of workouts if they used "Microperiodization"


I saw this mentioned in another post and was wondering if anyone had all the workouts written down for what they used for this. I've been at a standstill since December - I can't see how anyone that is watching their weight and working out to Cathe can NOT lose weight. But it's not happening. I actually did Denise Austin's tv shows back to back workout tonight- something I haven't did for over five years (I can tune her out) - after doing Cathe, I feel like I'm not exercising if I don't the sweat pouring off of me but maybe I'm doing too many of those type of workouts. Plus I noticed my right knee was pretty sore the other night after doing step. It's hard though have a lighter workout because I don't feel like I'm burning the calories in that same amount of time. Wish I could find out what the magic combination is.
RE: Does anyone have a schedule of workouts if they used

I don't know if this helps or not, but maybe the reason you aren't losing weight is because you're not eating enough for all those workouts you're doing? I know when I was on WW and was working out to Cathe, I had to eat more than my "allowed" points every day or my weight loss stalled. I know it sounds crazy, but you have to give your body fuel in order to lose weight. If you don't eat enough calories, your body doesn't know you're trying to lose weight. It only knows it's "starving", and it will hold onto all the fat it can and shut down your metabolism. You actually harm yourself in terms of trying to lose weight by doing too many workouts, because you burn more calories, and your body goes further into starvation mode. I hope this makes sense, and I wish you luck in finding that perfect number for you.

RE: Does anyone have a schedule of workouts if they use...

Why don't you give Freestyle Training for women a try, its working for me, but you also have to watch how you eat, the freestyle method says you cannot take in more calories than you burn. Just check it out and see what you think, what do you have to lost huh ? Except weight?.......... Rhonda:7
RE: Does anyone have a schedule of workouts if they used

that was Microperidozation - sorry, I didn't notice that it didn't show in the message.
RE: Does anyone have a schedule of workouts if they used

Thanks Carol. I agree with you but I've always exercised so that is nothing new - I'm newer to Cathe though. I think I started with her last spring. Since I was eating 2200 calories to start with and gaining a pound here and there, I dropped first to 1800 just to get myself used to lower calories and then the 1500-1700 and at the beginning it was at the higher end. I tried those numbers for a long time and nothing. When I look back at my fitday - when I did lose my 19 pounds, I was eating an average of 1300 calories. So apparently my body isn't normal because I too would believe it needs more fuel. I honestly beleive my metablism is very, very sluggish. When I'm maintaining like I have been since December, my calories have been around 1400 to 1600 calories. Thank you for your post!!!!! I appreciate it.
RE: Does anyone have a schedule of workouts if they use...

Hi Rhonda, is this a book? I've never heard of it so I thought I better ask. Thanks for the suggestion!!! Rachelle
RE: Does anyone have a schedule of workouts if they use...

Yes Rachelle, there is a freestyle training for women book, and it teaches about a little different training for women that don't want to develop large muscle like men, those women like me that want a slim lower body...... there is a thread on Freestyle/lower body ... if you interested let me know, and I will give you some web sites where you can read up on it......... have a great day, Rhonda :7

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