Sorry I didn't answer before now. I've been out of the office for a few days. Okay...now to answer the personal questions
When I say I go to the bathroom a lot -- I'm talking at least a couple of times per hour. If I'm slightly dehydrated (normally by choice because I know I will be in a long meeting or traveling) then it will be less (maybe once per hour or every 2 hours). When I am making an effort to drink lots of water, I can go as much as every 15 minutes.
It is an actual urge to go. It is worse when I drink carbonated beverages or anything with caffeine. It is also worse if I have not eaten very much that day.
I haven't kept track of everything you've tried (although I've read several of your previous posts about this issue). You might want to try elimating caffeine, carbonated drinks, and alcohol to see if it makes a difference. Also -- like the other posters have mentioned -- see another urologist. Sometimes the first doctor (or 2nd, or 3rd) won't have a good answer. Keep trying until you find someone who really listens to your concerns and tries to work with you to find a solution rather than simply saying "well, you don't have cancer. be happy".
Although I am not a doctor (nor do I play one on TV) -- I think there are other health problems that may have frequent urination as a symptom: UTIs, bladder conditions, kidney conditions, prostate conditions, diabetes, etc. I'm sure you're probably already aware of all this information. Has your doctor tested you for all of these possible problems?
I believe there are also some prescription meds that are supposed to help with "overactive bladder" problems.
Good luck Wayne! You will eventually find the solution to this problem.