Does anyone else NOT count calories?

I never count calories but recently have become more interested in ways to gain healthy weight. I definitely don't want to count every gram of protein, carbs, etc, but working out as much as I like is making it very hard to keep any weight on. Something needs adjusting.
I don't count calories, diet, or weigh myself. I suffered from an ED for many years (bulimic), and obsessed about my weight. I contstantly thought about food in terms of "good or bad." Dieting was a vicious cycle of deprivation and over indulgence. I finally came to peace with my body. I only get weighed once a year, at my annual physcial and my weight has been stable for 5 years.
Lord! What does a size 0 look like? I don't think I have ever seen one...not in womans clothing stores anyway. You must have a hip size smaller than 34inches there Anette! Wooosh, girl, you GO!!:) dmd
Susan, you might enjoy checking out nutrient density studies which show ratios of nutrients to calories. It's sometimes called the nutrient-calorie benefit ratio (NCBR). Foods that supply significant amounts of one or more nutrients compared to the number of calories they supply are called nutrient dense.
For example, eggs have a high nutrient density because they provide excellent protein for each large egg, and a wide range of vitamins and minerals in proportion to their calorie count, 75 calories for each large egg. Once you decide how many calories you need to gain the desired amount of weight, it's simple to choose foods that provide balanced amounts of each nutrient you need without over or underdoing any nutrient you need and hitting your daily caloric intake goals.

Carole's much loved Eat to Live is one book I can think of off the top of my head which provides alot of informaton on it. I would guessthere are some non-vegetarian oriented books as well.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers
Thanks, Bobbi. I'm not sure how much effort I want to put into this; life is pretty hectic right now. What I basically do is eat as healthfully as possible whenever I'm hungry, trying to include a variety of foods. I eat a treat or two every day, but (aside from my bowl of ice cream) in moderate quantities. That's about as much effort as I'm willing to put into it at this point. I know my caloric intake is very high because my portions are usually big.

How about you? 112 lbs is pretty thin for your height! How do you plan to gain weight?
No, I don't count calories. I only look at the sugar and carb labels off packages and basically just stick with eating clean. Whatever the calories add up to is something that I don't worry about.

I don't count calories either. I just try to be careful what and eat what is healthly (even though not all the time). I have my weak days and have chocolate or ice cream. I am 5'4" and weight around 110.
I don't count calories either, though I have kept a food journal from time to time to take a snapshot of how I was eating nutrition-wise. I also eat mostly natural (not premade/preprocessed) foods and prepare most meals from scratch.

One strategy I do use about food is to make sure I don't let myself get too hungry, and don't eat so much that I feel full. I think that works as a good indicator for me of how much food my body needs.
I don't count calories either. I love to cook, but I also prepare as healthy meals as possible. I have maintained my weight for the last two years, so I feel that I must be doing something right.

I don't count calories per say but I try to stay within a certain caloric intake during the work week by eating eating healthy meals and about 90% clean.

I have a genetic tendency to gain weight easily. I was 40 lbs overweight from age 10 through a junior in high school so I know I must be careful. My sister and brother have the same problem but none of us developed eating disorders. I maintain my current weight by being very aware aware of what and how much I'm consuming. I try to drink at least a half gallon of water every day.

Edited to say, I don't obsessively eat only natural foods either. I think our bodies have evolved beyond the caveman stage. MHO, of course.

As far as exercise, I don't keep any logs or records. I have never found the need to write that sort of stuff down.

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