Does anyone else have trouble with Cathe's choreography...


To me it seems like she's everywhere at times and it makes it very difficult for me to get her choreography down because I have a very tiny studio (that I share with my husband) and an extremely small space to work out. As it is, I already have to move furniture all over the living room around just to be able to work out. For example, once she goes over (going forward) the step and begins doing moves from the other side, I'm bumping into my tv set! And when she does moves like walking around the step, I'm bumping into either my rocker or the dining table. It's can be very frustrating.

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE Cathe and her workouts to death! But sometimes I miss the simplicity of my old Reebok step videos (oh, how I wish they'd release those on dvd!) where I could do those workouts and not bump into all my furniture.

Anybody else feel like this or am I just too inept at doing these workouts?

Due to space limitations and my own innate klutzery I too have trouble with Cathe's choreo. For walks and travelling moves I usually substitute plyo jacks or "power scissors" (what she now calls "explosive lunges") and for moves over the step with the back then turned to the TV I just do a hop on the board and the move on the proper leg facing the TV.

Lotsa ways to modify space-chewing moves and back-to-the-TV moves; just experiment with what works for you.


Only you would take a nice simple travelling move and turn it into plyo jacks or power scissors! I'd love to see your quads! hehe

Dreaming I could do even half as many plyos as you can,

Hey, Punks! Thanks for the compliment! I'd love to see my quads too, as well as my hair! }(

Plyos forever . . .

I posted a comment on here a while back saying i had trouble keeping up with her choreograhy. Sigh...thought i was the only one! lol ... i too have a small workout space and find it hard. But... I've found that Step Jump and Pump is fab and i can do the choreography no prob. I love that its only about 15 mins on the step and then 15 or so doing flow aerobics (which i like) the moves are pretty simple and if you have the DVD you can use the workout bender and program it in ... Wayne likey! x
RE: Does anyone else have trouble with Cathe's choreogr...

Well, I guess it isn't just me. Aquajock, thanks for the suggestions. I'll try those and keep experimenting with others as well.

I also have the same problem where the other day I fell because I was on the other side of the step and looking at the tv to see where I was at. A suggestion would be to go over the area where your having problems for instant the things that Cathe do behind the step go to that part and just watch it a few times and practice. That is what I have been doing and it really does help.
RE: Does anyone else have trouble with Cathe's choreogr...

That is what I do. I watch the same section over and over and then practice it without the video. That is how I learned the 360 move in both "Power Max" and in "Step Blast" -- I kept practicing and watching and suddenly it all came together!

But it does take time -- "Step Blast" is probably the most difficult Cathe video choreography-wise, but boy is it fun when you learn it. I just love those "peg legs" with the turn.

I do find Cathe easier to follow than Christi Taylor. I have her "Solid Gold" step DVD and even with the move master, it is just hard for me to get down Christi's choregraphy. I love Christi's videos and think she is awesome, but sometimes I get so frustrated!
I'm with you Wayne... I love Step, Jump and Pump. I haven't done the entire workout yet, but I have done the cardio portion only. It was fun.

It took me about 3 tries to get Step Blast down. I tried to conquer a section at a time by practicing with the platform topper only. I did this after I finished a regular workout (usually a shorter one as I don't like to spend more than 1 hr a day exercising). After 'mastering' each section, I tried 1&2 combo, and 2,3 combo then all of them together. I do think Cathe spend less time in Step Blast teaching the combos as her other step workouts (RS)... which makes it harder to learn, but in the long run, it's more fun having the 'final' workout quickly put together, not to mention the blast challenge at the end.
I have problems with space more than with the choreography itself. In one workout-- either Bodymax or Circuitmax, one of those maxes--there is a double grapevine move that starts when we are right behind the step, then we switch to the other side. I don't have the horizontal room to do the move as it is shown, which I sometimes find irritating. Cardio Kicks also has some major space-using moves. I can usually find enough room by clearing up all the junk iin my living room, and using my side-to-side space as front-to-back.

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