Does anyone do extra cardio while doing Intensity Serie...


Is anyone adding extra cardio to any of the Intensity Series rotations, (using all of the tapes, ie, the Total Overall BodyBlast. Is that enough cardio the way it is,or does anyone add maybe 30 minutes of cardio to Boot, Camp, Muscle Endurance, etc? I always add 30 minutes of floorwork to most of myworkouts, but I was thinking of just going with xtra cario. I love these workouts and went ahead and ordered them all on video while I anxiously await my DVD's!!

Linda :D
Extra Cardio?

Doing the intensity series? Are you suicidal? LOL Actually, I was trying to do 2 workouts a day with this series because I didn't feel I was getting enough. Guess what? OVERTRAINING INJURY OCCURRED!!! I am in week 2 of a 3 week layoff because I hurt myself. Be careful is all I can say!
Hi Linda,
I do extra cardio but I'm also weird! :D My situation makes me need more workout for my legs. I will either add walking, another step tape like Rythmic Step, cardio from the CTX series or Kickbox. I personally needed this extra shock to my system.
Everybody is different. The advice that we hear all the time is, 'listen to your body'. You will know if you are overtraining or undertraining for that matter. ;-)

Looking at my log, so far, I see the days that I do Boot Camp, walking was the only extra thing I did. Could be all those Terminators. LOL

I envy you getting the DVD's as you are going to have so much fun experimenting with the different possibilities. I'm working on my DH to buy me another TV, the player and the DVD's SOOOOON :+

I probably wasn't much help.

Yes, I do cardio before I do the Intensity Series. I have always done cardio before any kind of strength training. I have been doing it for 3 weeks now - with no problem.

Before Bootcamp I do an hour step video. Actually, before all the Intensity Series I do some sort of cardio. I will do the IMAX2 before Lower Body Pyramid. The step and cardio warms me up thoroughly before I plunge into weight training. I think that helps me to not get injuries.

Thank you guys, so much, for your replies! Deborah, so sorry about your overtraining injury! Hope you recover soon!!! Yes, I will have to keep a close watch to make sure that I do not overdo it, too.

Yes Wanda, you were a big help. That is kind of what I was wanting to do. I seriously doubt if I could do anything other that walk after BootCamp too!! ;) Those terminater climbs are something else!! My legs were jello when I was done with those! What you are doing is what I had in mind. I will try it for a while and see how it goes and if I am feeling like I am overtraining, I will cut back! I am sooo excited about the DVD's! Can't wait!

Thanks Cheryl! So you do your cardio before your Strength or circuit. I like it that way too, it does warm me up for it! Well, BURN up before I start! LOL This was my first week on the Intensity Series and it is going to be great!

Here's the rotation I've been doing since getting the new tapes:

Week 1:
Sat: IMAX2 & Lower Body Pyramid
Sun: Step (something "easy" like Step Fit) and Upper Body Pyramid
Mon: Rhythmic Step or Step FIt
Tue: Boot Camp
Wed: "easy" Step (i.e., Step Heat)
Thu: Cardio & Wghts

Week 2:
Sat: IMAX2 & Lower Body Pyramid & Ab workout from Ab Hits
Sun: Easy Step or Charlene Prickett hi/lo & Upper Body Pyramid
Mon: Power Max or Step Works
Tues: am- Cathe Step (depending on how I feel, either two CXT cardio portions or something less intense); pm- Muscle Endurance:
Wed: "easy" workout (Charlene Prickett or Step Heat)
Thu: Cardio & Wgts
RE: Does anyone do extra cardio while doing Intensity S...

I do extra cardio on my Pyramid and Musc.End. days AFTER my workout. I either pick one of Cathe's step tapes or I do intervals on my NordicTrack for 30-45 minutes. I prefer to do it after Cathe's strength workouts cause she works you so hard. I don't want to get too fatigued. :) Susan
RE: Does anyone do extra cardio while doing Intensity S...

Thanks for the suggestions! That looks like a good rotation! It is giving you a little rest with less intense cardio thrown in. And Susanz, the Nordic Track would be good to use with those, cause of the "non-impact" factor. My eliptical trainer would be a good "add on" too. That is something else I can consider! Guess there are countless ways to do this!! Sometimes all the options are a little overwhelming. :eek: I have been trying over the several months to really concentrate on increasing my strength workouts, but I really do not want to sacrifice cardio or floorwork! Need more time in the day :-(

here is my rotation
sun-imax 1 and 2 combo 15 min each
mon-boot camp
tues-cardio/lower body pyrimid
wed-pyrimid upper morning-cardio 20 min evening
I never tried it as cathe had it laid out but this has really been a great 3 week rotation on days I don't do strengh training I extend cardio to 30 but never above that amount except of course boot camp and cardio& wts. I believe I have more cardio than cathe has recomended.It seems to be working .I have been working out everyday without a rest day since the series arrived.I will take one when I feel I need one.

:+ :+
I guess it depends on what video. I have to say I really don't think I would survive adding cardio before boot camp! But with the other wt videos like PUB and PLB I will definitely be adding cardio.

Today I was feeling super energetic and did IMAX2 and Muscle Endurance! It was great and didn't feel like too much.

I too am weird and love to do cardio! I am also getting use to "burning out" at least 1 muscle a day. I am having a hard time figuring out my rotations with this new set and figuring out how to get the right amount of cardio but also at least burn out each muscle at least once a week????

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