Does A Person Need All The Weight Training DVDs?



I'm refering to:

Slow and Heavy
Pure Strength
Gym Style

Is it necessary to have/use all four of these series? For the Cathe old timers who would probably have all of these you use all of them regularly?
Of those series, S&H and the Pyramids are the most unique. Nothing else is like them - S&H for controlled reps and strength building, the Pyramids for their pacing, music, style and great premixes. Those two are "must haves."

To me, Pure Strength and the Gym Styles are similar and you don't have to have both. Both focus on 10-16 reps per set, moderate to heavy weights, and the exercises are basic no-frills strength moves (pushups, chest press, dumbbell rows for back, kickbacks for triceps, squats, lunges, etc.). I'm loving the Gym Styles because they're new and I like the Dynaband work, but I prefer the upper body Pure Strength tapes and GS lower body/legs - just me, though.

Is it necessary to have them all? Not really. Do I use them all? Yes. I don't use S&H as much, but with the new Hardcores, I'm having fun alternating S&H with the Gym Styles. When I get tired of this, I can always go back to PS, MIS and the Pyramids. Or I can do a 3-month rotation using them all. Variety is good.

I agree with Allison. S&H is unique & Cathe really focused on postural muscles in that series. The Pyramids are my fall back. She's right about the premixes.

I'd whole heartedly give the edge to the Gym Style over Pure Strength, if it weren't for the sound problems. But GS is truly the update to PS that I'd wished for.


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