Do you still like Cathes older workouts?


I was debating buying the 2 dvds with rythmic step, mic,imax and power hour, mis and bodymax. After watching the video clips I definately want rythmic step and power hour but not sure about the others. Do you all still like and do these workouts? I thought they looked dated but I looked at my Firms from that time period and they looked dated too, but I still like them. I just don't want to spend $100 for just 2 workouts.

Hello Susan,

Cathe's older workouts are definitely not dated! I don't think they will ever go out of date, they will always be relevant because the workouts are so intense. I actually think her older workouts are superior to some of the newer ones - the new ones have new equipment but you can't beat just weight training with the old fashion barbell and dumbbells. I haven't purchase many of the new workouts so I can't compare all of them, but I don't feel that I need the new workouts much I get so much out of the older ones.

You will love BodyMax, it's 1.5 hours long and I consider this her best output to date. MIS, IMAX, MIC and PH are all my favourite. I think with these two DVDs you have everything you need to get in shape - strength traning and cardio endurance.

Buy them.

I still use Cathe's older workouts a lot too! I really like MIS and MIC (which STILL kicks my behind!! LOL!!), and I love Imax! The Pure Strength series always gives me DOMS too!! I also don't believe her older workouts will ever be dated. I use my old Firms too, by the way!! I have the original first six volumes, in the clamshell cases!! LOL!! I pull them out once in a while for variety. Love those leg warmers!! LOL!!

Body Max is VERY USEFUL and I recomend it as part of your workout collection. Done in full or different parts, it is a workout that can be used in many different rotations.
I have all of those but only PH/MIS/BMax on DVD. These are great weight workout and I rotate them all the time. Bodymax also has a step workout with soem circuits using leg work. Rythmmic/MIC/Imax are great cardio workouts, mostly step. Imax is a good interval workout and I use it every now and then I think it would be $100 for 6 workouts!....:)...Carole
The 2 DVDs you're considering are mainstays of my program, especially the Rhythmic Step / I-Max / MIC DVD, still one of Cathe's most intense DVDs. And Body Max is still a butt-kicker after all these years. The music on B-Max DOES sound just a tad dated, but I'm always sweatin' during the power circuit segment. Well worth the dough.

I loooooove the dvd with RS/Imax/MIC!! It's one of my favorites. All 3 workouts are still challenging after a long time!!
Thank you all so much for your reponse. It's really great to get different opinions when you are indecisive. It's funny how you never really look at how people are dressed in the videos when you are actually doing the workouts. You are concentrating on the workout it self.

Hi Susan,

I also think Cathe's older workouts are equally as excellent as the newer ones. Aside from kind of dated looking outfits and sometimes less crisp quality, they're awesome. Cathe was on the ball about the best techniques even then.

MIC and IMAX are amongst the most intense cardio I have tried. I love these workouts. If you like step Blast than you will love RS.
Of these titles, I still do Rythmic Step every week, it is not at all dated, and I still do Power Hour occasionally. Imax is still relevant and delivers a tough interval workout. But I do not do it any longer because I find the music extremely dull, hence I prefer Imax 2 for intervals because the music rocks, as do the moves, and it's just so much more motivating all round.

I no longer do MIS, although it was my standard weight training workout for several years and is still a great workout to start out with.

Some people swear by Bodymax: personally I think the bpm is too fast and leads to injury, as it did in my case. And MIC is tough, but the step portion of it features dull, dull music IMHO so I never do it. It is not inspired Cathe choreography.

My hats off to you and all the others who do IMAX2. I've been lying in bed sick for a few days, idly flipping through the TV channels. Last night I saw Cathe doing some stuff on FitTV that amazed me. I was particulary amazed at how the gang kept up with every step in perfect sync! FitTV called it "Cardio Blast" but I figured out that it was IMAX2 by comparing to the video clips on this website. I had never viewed an IMAX workout before. The choreography was so fast and so complicated that I couldn't make any sense out of it. The idea that so many people actually do those workouts is awesome to me! It reminded me of the way I feel when I watch my DH take a computer apart and put it back together again, except the computer stuff looks easier. :)

Anyway, didn't mean to hijack the post. But I am in awe of you IMAXers.

Hi--this is my first post on the cathe boards ever...
I'm also very tempted by the PH/MIS/BMax dvd, plus another dvd with IMAX 2/body blast--especially in terms of free shipping when I order the Hardcore DVDs. However, as someone with tons of VHS and a VCR, I'm tempted by Cathe's "buy x, get $x off and a free video" deal. I know VHS is SO ancient, but with so many videotapes already, I'm tempted to save some money, since I won't be giving up using VHS anytime soon...

What do people think? Would it be worth it in the long run to pay the $100 for the two dvds, or should I buy the VHS versions and get a discount plus a free video?

Someday, perhaps, I'll transfer all 100+ of my workout VHS to DVD...

WELCOME!!! Just so you know, since you said you were new to Cathe's site ... the new workouts will not be offered on VHS, nor will any future ones, according to Cathe and SNM. So ... you won't be able to get the new ones on VHS at all. Also, the last three she put out for the Step Company are also only available on DVD. These are my first purchases on DVD as well, and I'm LOVING them!!

I'd say go with the dvds if you can. With the videos, you basically only get the workout on that video, but with the dvds, the options are endless, making them the better deal ultimately, IMHO.

I just switched to dvd and I love it. I still use my videos, because I can't afford to replace everything all at once, but I love, love, love the dvds.

I do rhythmic step quite a lot and MIC. It is funny because Bodymax was my kind of leaning out video at the start of my Cathe DVD's after doing a rotation of MIS with some of my own heavier weight work. It gave me great results for quite awhile. I had people noticing my arms when I would go out. As far as older workouts I bought the Classics last and have really enjoyed incorporating them into my worout routine. I originally thought they would be too easy. I was wrong. I did MIS this last week and I Max. I would think that if you bought both of those DVD's you could get great results.
Diane Sue
Thanks for the responses everyone!

Carol, I know Cathe is going with DVD only for all new workouts, but thanks for making sure. :) But since the old videos that I want are available on VHS for cheaper deals, I'm vacillating...

I do appreciate the point about mixing and matching...and DVDs do take up less space... way or another, I'll get 'em.

I agree with Diane Sue, Kimyenchu, and A-jock. These are mainstays of my program also. I like the variety in music of the newer ones, but these two DVD's, and CTX, contain nearly everything I'll ever need.
I'm still on the fence about replacing some of the older workouts (like Body Max and the ones made around that time and before) with the DVD versions, since I don't do those as often. I think I'm eventually going to replace the Intensity series and Body Blast series with DVD, only because of the pre-mixes. I might also get Pure Strength and Slow & Heavy on DVD, only because tapes don't last as long, and I can see myself doing these two series for a LONG time to come!

I know what you mean about the discounts though!! I took advantage of them when I first found Cathe to build my collection! You just can't beat the price!!

I think I'm eventually going to replace the Intensity
>series and Body Blast series with DVD, only because of the
>pre-mixes. I might also get Pure Strength and Slow & Heavy on
>DVD, only because tapes don't last as long, and I can see
>myself doing these two series for a LONG time to come!
>I know what you mean about the discounts though!! I took
>advantage of them when I first found Cathe to build my
>collection! You just can't beat the price!!

Yesss..I adore PS and S&H too!

I caved in to the wise responses here and got two DVDS along with my pre-order of 7 of the 11 Hardcore series (I didn't order all of them because I am not yet ready to do the medicine ball and high step--I'm sure that resolution will waver within months). I got the DVD with Power Hour, MIS, etc. and the one with Cardio & Weights/Bodymax. But man, it's hard to ignore that VHS deal...

Thanks again for all the input!

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