Do you prefer cardio, (step Rhythmic Step,Step Blast kickboxing KPC) or weight training (Slow & Heav

Do you prefer cardio, (step Rhythmic Step,Step Blast kickboxing KPC) or weight training (Slow & Heav

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RE: Do you prefer cardio, (step Rhythmic Step,Step Blast kickboxing KPC) or weight training (Slow & Heavy, Pyramid upper body and lower body) or circuit training (4 day split, high step training etc)o

:p I'll start off! It all is good! :D
RE: Do you prefer cardio, (step Rhythmic Step,Step Blast kickboxing KPC) or weight training (Slow & Heavy, Pyramid upper body and lower body) or circuit training (4 day split, high step training etc)o

I love cardio and lifting both, but I do NOT like them together. Circuits are NOT for me!
RE: Do you prefer cardio, (step Rhythmic Step,Step Blast kickboxing KPC) or weight training (Slow & Heavy, Pyramid upper body and lower body) or circuit training (4 day split, high step training etc)o

I am with you Katie, I love cardio and lifting but do not like circuits. I buy Cathe's circuits and use them for either cardio only or weights only.

RE: Do you prefer cardio, (step Rhythmic Step,Step Blast kickboxing KPC) or weight training (Slow & Heavy, Pyramid upper body and lower body) or circuit training (4 day split, high step training etc)o

I go back and forth. Right now I'm on a cardio kick after a few months of crazy lifting. I'm sure I'll go back to loving weights soon. It actually varies almost daily. :)

RE: Do you prefer cardio, (step Rhythmic Step,Step Blast kickboxing KPC) or weight training (Slow & Heavy, Pyramid upper body and lower body) or circuit training (4 day split, high step training etc)o

I actually prefer weight circuits, like Jari Love's. IMO, they are a good way of getting some cardio benefits from a weight workout, and they're good for when I don't have a lot of time to exercise and have to choose my workouts to get the most out of the time I have.
RE: Do you prefer cardio, (step Rhythmic Step,Step Blast kickboxing KPC) or weight training (Slow & Heavy, Pyramid upper body and lower body) or circuit training (4 day split, high step training etc)o

I'm with Katie and Kim. I LOVE weight training and am learning to like cardio but the two must be separate. For me, circuit is a waste of time.
RE: Do you prefer cardio, (step Rhythmic Step,Step Blas...

What I prefer changes all the time. I just try to hit each body part each week and get some cardio in. Some mornings I just lie in bed a few extra minutes thinking which workout I feel like doing. :)

RE: Do you prefer cardio, (step Rhythmic Step,Step Blas...

If I could reap ALL of the benefits of a well rounded regime with cardio only I would be a very happy camper!! I LOVE CARDIO!!! Don't get me wrong, I feel fantastic after a good weight workout and love feeling strong but given my druthers it's cardio, cardio, cardio:)

Take Care
RE: Do you prefer cardio, (step Rhythmic Step,Step Blast kickboxing KPC) or weight training (Slow & Heavy, Pyramid upper body and lower body) or circuit training (4 day split, high step training etc)o

I'm split (no pun intended). My brain loves step workouts.... but my knees prefer weight training (preferable upper body)!
RE: Do you prefer cardio, (step Rhythmic Step,Step Blast kickboxing KPC) or weight training (Slow & Heavy, Pyramid upper body and lower body) or circuit training (4 day split, high step training etc)o

I love both but rather do weight training. I know I need cardio so I do step.

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