do you prefer 6 small meals or.......


so i did six small meals for a long time and recently have switched to 3 meals with 2 or 3 small snacks. I think I may like this better. I seem to be more satisfied. Just wanted to know what you all prefered. You know what would be great? If cathe wrote a nutrition book. I love reading stuff like that.

I'm a 3 meal plus 2-3 small snacks kind of person, personally.

I like to look forward to some decent sized portions at my meals, ( probably the italian in me!!!) so small meals ( even if they ARE more frequent) seem kind of anticlimatic.

Plus, after a hard workout, I'm usually starving, so having a bigger meal is more satisfying to me.

I'll be curious to see how others respond as well.

Take care, Lynn M.:9
Me too. I read Tosca Reno's Eating Clean book, which advocated eating 5-6 small meals a day. At the time I read the book, I was eating 2 meals a day (and snacking alot at night). I switched it up with much protest at losing my nightly ice cream ritual. I started eating breakfast, lunch, a small snack at 4 pm, dinner and a 200 calorie snack before bed. For me this works really good. My SIL eats every two hours, like clockwork. She packages up her food for the next day before bed. I guess this is the long way of saying your body will let you know what is best. I feel soooooo much better with my eating schedule now.
It DOES depend on your body.

Six small meals is the Answer from Heaven for me, because I have blood sugar issues (insulin resistance? hypoglycemia?) I don't know exactly what my problem is, but I sure know how my body feels!

I've tried alternating meals and snacks, and I've tried all meals. Some days I'm hungrier than other days. Usually comes down to how hard I work out in the morning.


"She's living in sin with a cowboy, and hell--he can hardly even walk!" --J.R. Ewing, "Dallas"
>so i did six small meals for a long time and recently have
>switched to 3 meals with 2 or 3 small snacks.

How is that different?
When I eat more meals, they are smaller meals (some would be considered 'snacks'). To me "5-6 meals" means three larger feedings and 2-3 smaller ones (snacks).
>>so i did six small meals for a long time and recently have
>>switched to 3 meals with 2 or 3 small snacks.
>How is that different?
>When I eat more meals, they are smaller meals (some would be
>considered 'snacks'). To me "5-6 meals" means three larger
>feedings and 2-3 smaller ones (snacks).

The OP may be referring to the BFFM way of eating, which is 5 or 6 small meals which are basically equal in calories - i.e., about 300 calories per meal if you're taking in 1800 calories a day.
i meant that 6 small meals of about 300 cals each vs. 3 meals of about 500 cals each with snacks of about 150 cals each.

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