Do you like your job?

I LOVE my job!!! I just went back to work for the first time in several years. I'm working part time as a Monitor in our elementary school's cafeteria. (not the lunch lady who dishes the food, but the lady that gets the kids in and out of the cafe on time, keeps them from starting food fights, etc.)

I LOVE IT! I love chatting with the kids each day. They never cease to amaze me with their humor, their wisdom, and just being a KID!!!

I LOVE my job!!! I just went back to work for the first time in several years. I'm working part time as a Monitor in our elementary school's cafeteria. (not the lunch lady who dishes the food, but the lady that gets the kids in and out of the cafe on time, keeps them from starting food fights, etc.)

I LOVE IT! I love chatting with the kids each day. They never cease to amaze me with their humor, their wisdom, and just being a KID!!!

>Life's too short to deal with a job you don't like. Take the
>plunge and make some goals to do what you need to do to get a
>job you LOVE. You will like going to work and you will be a
>much happier person every single day. It's sooooo worth any
>sacrifices you make initially, even though I know it's scary.

>When you love what you do, luck and prosperity naturally
>follow - really they DO!
>If you truly want something bad enough, nothing will stand in
>your way. It's up to you to MAKE it happen!:)

Well-stated, Ange!

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]

"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
I LOVE my job. I'm a forensic artist, and I truly beleive this is my life's work. I sort of fell into it, but years of art training and an abiding interest in law enforcement made it happen. I love it.
I have a love/hate relationship with my job. Some days I love it, some days I hate it. ;-)

I graduated with a degree in Management Information Systems and have worked for the same company for 22 years. I absolutely LOVE the people I work with and that's a big reason I stay. The company is privately held and I don't have to put up with a lot of regulations and audits a public company does. Also, it's small enough that the CEO knows my name and most everyone else's.

My job role has changed over the years from developer to DBA to System Admin and recently training to be an SAP Basis person. I'm on call 24x7 and sometimes that means being paged in the middle of the night. Doing admin or database work means working on weekends or holidays but we always get comp time for that. It's just part of the job. . . Not my favorite part of the job. I've been known to mutter under my breath at 2 a.m. as I stumble to my pc in the other room to answer a page "I hate my job". One thing I can always say though is that my job challenges me. I'd hate to be at a job doing mindless or repetitive things all day. There's a certain satisfaction that comes from solving a difficult problem on your own.

I guess overall I like my job. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it but it balances out to liking my job.

Janie, it sounds like you've got the personal life (important stuff) down at least! Congratulations on building a beautiful family!

I think the hardest part is figuring out what you actually like. If you hate your job, what would you rather be doing? After you figure that out, the world's your oyster.

I spent years managing gas stations in Detroit for a psycho boss- not a real fun job. Now I'm in grad school, working in a biochem lab. Granted I don't have kids, so my situation's different, but the hardest part (even harder than selling everything and packing my life into a ford focus) was finding that one thing that was worth it.

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