Do you intend to buy the OJ Simpson book?

Do you intend to buy the OJ Simpson book?

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>I saw Nicole Brown on the Today show and she said that the
>profits go into trust for the kids.
>Regardless, no way in heck would I put my eyes on that trash!
Is that 100% of the proceeds?
I have NO intention of buying or looking at this book.

However, to concurr with what Gayle said, the Goldman's did lose their son. I don't think it is really fair to characterize them as 'profitting on two horrible deaths.' No one has been more outraged or outspoken about this tradgedy than the Goldmans. Their civil settlement from OJ is the only form of justice available to them. Why wouldn't they want to make him pay? If this had happened to your loved one wouldn't you want the ONLY sentence ever handed down to be upheld?
No I won't be buying it. But I think the Goldmans can and should publish the book AND profit from it. I understand and respect the Brown family's position, but I think each family has to do what feels right. I'm sure the Goldmans would rather have the murders never happen than to make money on the book, but obviously they can't think that way. So sure money is pretty base and all, but it is the ONLY kind of retribution available to them now, so I hope they make a ton of it.

As for OJ's kids having to deal with the book, it's true that it's another turn in a terrible and bizarre story. But the book is only one of many consequences to the horrible murders that can never be taken back. Unfortunately, those kids have been dealt a terrible hand and nothing will ever change that. I think that any negative consequences that OJ suffers are just, and it's awful that his kids are affected but that too is his fault. I just hope those kids are tough! I certainly can't imagine being in their position.

I really can't understand who would want to read the book. I mean, what kind of person wants to read that? What does that say about the reader? It's very disturbing. In other words, I'd absolutely not read it.
Why would anybody publish anything about that now? I really don't care to hear another word.
There is NO WAY I would support this guy in any way, shape, or form so no, I won't be guying his book. I'll bet it's a load of crap and it makes me sad that he continues to profit from this horrible, horrible ordeal.
>There is NO WAY I would support this guy in any way, shape,
>or form so no, I won't be guying his book. I'll bet it's a
>load of crap and it makes me sad that he continues to profit
>from this horrible, horrible ordeal.

FWIW, Buying the book in NO way is supporting OJ nor will he make any money off of the book. That's what a lot of the controversy is about now.
There is NFW I would ever consider buying this book. But as far as the Goldman's (and I am not in their shoes) I think it is about THEM getting the money and not OJ...Period! I just hope the fiasco in Las Vegas will get OJ arrested...[font color=red size=+2]FINALLY!!![/font]
>There is NFW I would ever consider buying this book. But as
>far as the Goldman's (and I am not in their shoes) I think it
>is about THEM getting the money and not OJ...Period! I just
>hope the fiasco in Las Vegas will get OJ arrested...[font
>color=red size=+2]FINALLY!!![/font]

Amen, Carole!

This whole thing reminds me of the Emmett Till case back in the 50s...The two white men who beat and killed Till and then dumped his body in the Tallahatchie River pleaded innocent and were acquitted. They then sold their confession to a magazine for a couple of thousand dollars. Not only did they never serve a day's time for a 14-year-old boy's murder, but they profited from it! Regardless of who's profiting this time, I would personally rather donate money to the Goldmans than read anything this scumbag has to say.

Wonder when his book on armed robbery will be coming out.

Edited to correct spelling!

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face]
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
>>There is NO WAY I would support this guy in any way, shape,
>>or form so no, I won't be guying his book. I'll bet it's a
>>load of crap and it makes me sad that he continues to profit
>>from this horrible, horrible ordeal.
>FWIW, Buying the book in NO way is supporting OJ nor will he
>make any money off of the book. That's what a lot of the
>controversy is about now.

Ooops...shows how much I know. I have recently decided not to watch the news for my own mental health but I should have realized this. I'm still not buying the book though....
I guess I should have mentioned in my original post how OJ REALLY bashed Nichols reputation in this book. It wasn't enough to kill her the first time, he felt compelled to destroy her reputation too. I don't see how this can benefit her children? There seems to be so much anger and no remorse in that man. Just my opinion. For what it's worth. That is the good thing about America. We can all have our own opinion.

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