Do you intend to buy the OJ Simpson book?

Do you intend to buy the OJ Simpson book?

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I am so discusted with the Goldmans publishing that horrid book. They said they legally had to publish under court direction. If that were the case and profit was not a motive then why didn't they donate all the proceeds to a charity? They are profiting on two horrible deaths in my mind. I don't mean to be controversial. I'm just wondering what percentage intend to buy this book.
Before you pick up more stones...

I imagine they still have many thousands of $$ in legal fees yet to be covered, as well. Keep in mind, OJ hasn't voluntarily yet paid what he was supposed to from the the civil case. I believe the Goldman's have had to go to court for every cent that they may have gotten (if any) from that.

ETA: OJ wrote this for profit. I can only imagine that the Goldman's are still trying to find some justice, and hitting OJ in the bank account is about the only way there is. It's gotta be pretty gut wrenching to see news clips of your son's murderer riding around on golf courses in Florida.

The unpaid part of that civil judgment is up to over $38 million.
I can see this argument a tiny bit, but at the same time I feel they are all selling their souls. I think it's sick.

>Before you pick up more stones...
>I imagine they still have many thousands of $$ in legal fees
>yet to be covered, as well. Keep in mind, OJ hasn't
>voluntarily yet paid what he was supposed to from the the
>civil case. I believe the Goldman's have had to go to court
>for every cent that they may have gotten (if any) from that.
>ETA: OJ wrote this for profit. I can only imagine that the
>Goldman's are still trying to find some justice, and hitting
>OJ in the bank account is about the only way there is. It's
>gotta be pretty gut wrenching to see news clips of your son's
>murderer riding around on golf courses in Florida.
>The unpaid part of that civil judgment is up to over $38
I saw Nicole Brown on the Today show and she said that the profits go into trust for the kids.

Regardless, no way in heck would I put my eyes on that trash!
Morality and money aside, I don't think I could force myself to read such self serving tripe.
Exactly. I will never, ever read it. But I understand why the Goldman's are publishing it. OJ must be pissed.

There is no way I would ever buy that book. I can't even believe it was ever written for the purpose of publishing.
Hey Liann,

When I mentioned "casting judgment", I was referring to the original post. I'm not buying it either, but I can't help but feel for these guys.

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