Do you (insert name) take your SO's name....etc etc

Yummy Mummy

Just curious how many

were married
are getting married

have KEPT / will KEEP their own surname

will take / have taken their SO's surname

have / or plan to Hyphenate both surnames

Very " la la LA" - but becoming a very common trend Down Under


You have to stay in shape. My Grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
Hi Marion,

I took my SO's name when we got married because I actually like it more (selfish reasons :) ) ! I didn't like my maiden name, so I was pleased to get rid of it :)

I'm glad you've come back to Cathe-land, I was beginning to feel like the only Aussie out here ;)

Liz N
I had such a hard time with this decision before I got married. My maiden name was a nice, simple English name, Stone. I loved it. Then in the months leading up to my wedding, I really had to struggle with whether I would take my husband's very long and ugly looking (and sounding) Polish name. In the end, I took his name because I didn't want to insult his family or deal with the confusion of us having different last names. With 20/20 hindsight, I wish I had kept my maiden name. Especially after hearing his 4 sisters all talk about how they couldn't WAIT to get married and get a new last name!

I've tried to get him to agree to change our last name. It wouldn't have to be Stone, because my husband's first name is also my brother's name, but I'd like to change it to something Scottish. I just like the way Scottish names sound. If I ever witness a mob hit and have to go into the Witness Protection Program, I'm going with a Scottish name!!!

Oh - I did exchange my middle name (Ann) for Stone. I figured hyphenating my last names would just make one really long and obnoxious last name. I can say one good thing about my married name, it's fun to write in cursive. I have a cool signature.
Now WAIT A MINUTE there - MY maiden name is one of those so-called "ugly" Polish names. In fact I KEPT my maiden name when I got married instead of taking my husband's "dime a dozen" surname.

Polish names are not ugly, it's the ignorant people who can't pronounce them correctly that make them sound ugly. Polish is actually one of the more pleasant, softer-sounding Eastern European languages.


I kept my name because I do not believe a woman should be defined by her relationship to a man. In the murky past, women took their husband's name because she became his property upon marriage. Enough of that!

But, hey - do what ya wanna do.

Good question. I, too, am curious! LOL

My DH passed away this past September, so I am glad I took his last name. Now our children (4 and 7) have his last name too.

IF I am lucky enough to get married again, I will take his name too.

I kept my name and acccepted his, and the two are hyphenated. I did not do this to be trendy or politically correct, rather I did it because nothing else was acceptable to my sense of self.

There is nothing aceptable at all to me about dropping my identity to be a simple tag on to my husband, at least on paper. Also, there was no way I wanted anyone calling me "Mrs. Raeburn." Please! That's his mother. In fact, I am not ""Mrs" anything. And I refuse to open any mail addressed to me as "Mrs. S. Raeburn" which uses his initial instead of mine. Since when did marriage in the late 2oth century entail a complete forfeit of a woman's identity?

When I first got married I hyphenated the names. I had been working so long with my name and it was an easier transition for people too see that I was married. After a year I dropped my name and now just use hubbys.

Hi Marion.

I'm married for almost 2 years now and for a short time considered hyphenating my name..maiden name-DH's name because my father is deceased and only had girls so I thought it would be nice to carry on the name...ended up just going the traditional route though and took my DH's name. My father has a nephew though so hopefully he will get married and have a son to carry on the family name one day....

I AM however naming my little boy after BOTH of his grandfather's so there WILL be a part of my dad passed down to that generation...:)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
Been married almost 24 yrs, I took hubbies last name, to me there wasn't ever a question about taking his or keeping mine...
To me thats just the way its always been, we are ONE.......
I didn't have to keep my maiden name to know who I was or am.... Rhonda:7
I really had to struggle with whether I would take my
>husband's very long and ugly looking (and sounding) Polish

Donna, your post made me laugh.

I am 1/2 polish and although I didn't have the "joy" of getting a polish last name coz it's my mom who's polish..I know what you mean about the names! My mom's maiden name is a DOOZY! lol I think of her trying to learn to pronounce and spell and write her last name as a child and think "oh the poor thing". lol

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
Just to toss in a monkey wrench--I took the ex hubby's last name b/c it was so easy to spell & pronounce compared to my maiden name, & I decided to keep it after the divorce for the very same reason. It drives my family crazy but I love it.

I actually work w/a guy who hyphenated his last name w/his wife's! Talk about women's lib LOL..........
My mom took my dad's last name when they married. When they divorced she didn't change it until she remarried and took her new husband's name. When she divorced him she considered speaking to my dad and asking if she could take HIS name back....She hated her 2nd husband so didn't want his name and her maiden name was too long and difficult for people to pronounce so she didn't want that either...but she loves my dad's last name to this day. In the end, she decided it just wasn't worth the red tape to change her name so she never did anything about it, but that's what she wanted to do initially....

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
I kept my own name when I married. He refused to change his, so why should I change mine? :) Besides, had I taken his name, I would forever be known as a hair colour (Sandy Brown). No thanks!

I took my husband's name. My last name is very European therefore a lot of people couldn't pronounce it or spell it! There's only 6 letters in my last name so I don't know what the problem is?! My husband's last name is a boring English name which is easy to pronounce and spell so I took that. Besides, I think it's romantic to take your husband's last name. I have 2 boys so they'll carry that name. I noticed a lot of men who are married to RICH women take their wife's last name. YUCK! Just because a woman took her husband's last name doesn't mean she loses a part of herself. Besides, you and your mother have the same last name so you'd be both called Mrs. no matter what. I think some people are a little too childish when it comes to things at times.

Levi, Wendy-- My mother's mother is Polish and her last name is SOOOOOOOOOOOO long but it's not hard to pronounce AT ALL. It's nice and flowy. I know the Polish pronounces the W as V which is tricky to a lot of people. My family used to speak in Polish when my grandmother was alive. Since she passed 20 yrs ago, it's all in english and cursing. That's what Italians are for! LOL

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