Do you have to do rotations?


Active Member
Is it o.k. to not do rotations? I find I try to start a rotation but then with my schedule end up just doing my own "thing". I do PUB/PLB, MM & ME.

I've been working out with Cathe for 5 years and have yet to follow a rotation. I like to read them and I think about doing them but never have. I like to do my own thing too.

I'm discovering that I'm really not a rotation person either. I've started the August 2004 rotation after reading that thread but find myself dreading my workouts and it's only my first week x(. I am going to try to stick with it though. I much prefer choosing my work outs on the fly or coming up with my own rotations. I've gotten great results without doing rotations for 3 years. This is the first year that I've tried doing some rotations and I must say that I don't think I like it.
I never did rotations until I started P90X last February/March, but since then, I have been doing Cathe's four-week rotations (which I always tweak to suit my needs), and I do believe I am enjoying greater success as a result. I do make changes on the fly to suit my schedule or mood or energy level, but overall, the rotation provides a good structure and guideline to follow based upon your specific goals. I won't go back to unstructured training.

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face]
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
Wendy- I think its OK not to follow a DVD specific rotation however to make sure you are balancing out all your muscle groups & getting enough recovery time in I do think its impotant to have a plan.

I find that without a plan I might work a muscle group too often or not get variety of cardio in.... Usually I look at Cathe's Rotation of the month- see if it fits my goals at that time and then create a generic version of it.
I think rotations are a great way to find out what works best for your body. Once you are armed with that information, big changes can take place. I always "tuck away" any rotation that had huge results and come back to it again later to build on my gains. This is how I found out that heavy weights work best for me.

I think of a rotation as a map to my goals. I used to just line up my workouts in a cabinet and just do them in order, and in no particular order at that. I was never able to see any real results. Then, like Cathy above, I did P90X, and will never workout without and ending goal or "game plan" again. To me, it is a tool that has really paid off in great results. Of coarse, tweeking a rotation to fit your needs is OK!! ;-)

I think rotations are a great way to find out what works best for your body. Once you are armed with that information, big changes can take place. I always "tuck away" any rotation that had huge results and come back to it again later to build on my gains. This is how I found out that heavy weights work best for me.

I think of a rotation as a map to my goals. I used to just line up my workouts in a cabinet and just do them in order, and in no particular order at that. I was never able to see any real results. Then, like Cathy above, I did P90X, and will never workout without and ending goal or "game plan" again. To me, it is a tool that has really paid off in great results. Of coarse, tweeking a rotation to fit your needs is OK!! ;-)

Hello, um, this is my first ever forum post ever so please forgive me if my form is crude. After reading messages mentioning P90X, I searched it in Forums then looked it up on the website. Do those of you who have it continue to use it in your rotations? How does Cathe's Gym style compare to it? After working out with Cathe for a little over 2 years, she has my fitess level so high that I am looking to ramp up. I have yet to pracitce her rotations, though have just printed a few and look forward to continued results. I have also just received the new 4 Day Split which I am very excited about.
Thank you!
Hi koyogini!

Welcome to the forums. I haven't used P90X since I finished the rotation back in July but Cathe's Gym Styles definitely helped get me in shape to do P90X which brought me to the next level. Her new 4 Day Split is probably more like P90X in that it has a push/pull effect using opposing muscle groups instead of like in the Gym Styles where Cathe exhausts each muscle group before moving on to the next. I do plan on doing another X rotation in a few months.

I would also suggest you post this in Open Discussion and you may get more replies. There have been numerous threads on P90X so if you do a search in Open Discussion, there will be plenty for you to read up on.

I always start a rotation, but never finish the first week or two (at max). I like to mix up other videos with Cathe's. I also utilize my treadmill and eliptical on days that I am not up to a video. I have found that this works for me, but everyone is different. Maybe, one day, I will actually finish a rotation, but this is highly unlikely if they are to all include only Cathe videos. I LOVE Cathe, but my muscles and brain need alternating instructors. Take care:)
I agree with fitnessangel in that I need to do differnt types of workouts and put that in my plan. Currently, I am on a Cathe/P90X mix and frequently sub in squeeze or baron baptiste for yoga. I also have a run subbed for a cardio day at times as well. So, even if you are doing things other than Cathe, you can still put that into your rotational plan.

you don't have to use a rotation with dvds assigned every day - however it is probably better to figure out what your goals are and find dvds for a 4-6 week time frame that help you meet those goals....but leave it more open to choose within a category - does that make sense...examples:

Monday: Total Body Lifting
Tuesday: Cardio
Wednesday: Circuit
Thursday: Cardio
Friday: Open Day - do you need more cardio, a leg day, upper body, more ciruit style or a total body??? you choose
Saturday: Abs and Stretch
Sunday: Rest

( Maybe my goal for this particular rotation would have been endurance style workouts - so I would select something appropriate in each category...trying to get alot of cardio and circuit style workouts in there)

I do honestly feel you get better results from using rotations or following examples just because you can figure out what works for you and then its easier to know when your body is looking for a change.....i use rotations as a guideline - if Cathe has Gym Style Legs and I just don't want to do that particular one, I may sub for Butts and Guts or Legs and Glutes but I will keep it a LEG DAY - if that makes sense.....good luck! just my opinion too - -
I am doing my very first rotation right now, starting the Oct 07 heavy rotation a week ago. Previously I had been reading the rotations and getting ideas, but doing my own thing.

I am LOVING doing the rotation. It may just be me but before I was wasting a lot of time - and procrastinating - by asking myself for hours in some cases, which workout should I do today? Now I look at my printed rotation and just go right to it. No procrastinating.

I also feel really good because I know Cathe has balanced the workouts out beforehand, in terms of working every body part, getting enough cardio, achieving a goal, and so on. Also this week I have lost 2 pounds and am working my muscles like never before! I think I needed the push of this heavy rotation to get out of a plateau I was on.

So I really am glad I tried a rotation, and I plan to keep doing them at least for quite a while. Adapting them as needed is also working for me, if I don't have a particular DVD or prefer something different (like ellip instead of treadmill). I just try to stick with a very similar workout to what's in the rotation.

In a way doing a rotation feels like having a personal trainer saying you need to do THIS today!

So I'd agree with a lot of people who said you don't have to do it - or need to do it - but there are definitely some good aspects to following a rotation.

~ Ann ~
Aim for nothing, and you'll hit it every time!
What do you think of the P90X? I am curious. I love the Cathe DVDs. I like you, have never done a rotation

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