Do you have a fav or 'get it done' workout that you just have to do every week?


I do. It's Imax3 and High Reps. I love, love, love those two. I don't do them every week, but when I don't, I sure miss them. These two make me feel so happy and accomplished when I'm done.

I've broken many a rotations to get these in - like this week's. I broke loose of the RHW rotation. I did HR today and Imax3 tomorrow. I don't care what I do after that!:p because I'm happy now.:rolleyes:
Rockout Knockout. Love that one.

I don't do it every week, but I think about doing it often, sometimes in the middle of another workout. So funny.

One of my wishlist series is Addiction. I nearly always think about throwing on the gloves and hitting the heavy bag, just doesn't get enough use these days.

Merry Christmas! all!
STS total body but I play my own music and do slower/heavier. It is the best all over workout and gets the job done when split routines just don't work with schedule. I do 3 (12 hour shifts) with on-call or 4 (10 hour) with call.

You can get totally ripped with this disc. I do the leg portion with a 60-80lb with prescribed rep ranges and exercise but a slower count which allows me a heavier weight. It is my favorite workout which is done a lot. I have it memorized LOL and dont' play the disc. If you are a shift work or only have a couple days of week to get a good workout this is the workout.

I put weight training as my priority because I'm pretty much never still at work so my cardio is slow and steady everyday with a bit of adrenal rush from time to time in ER. I do cardio when I can but the weight training keeps me young (LOL 45) and fit.

I like split routines my favorite Xtrain burn which I al do as a total upper with a lower split (using the STS total lower body heavy) and the combination works great when you only get a few days a week in for workout

anyway for us with crazy schedules it gets the job done. I want more of the type of total body stuff
I agree! I've done Lower Body Circuit three times now and it just may be my new favorite. I get so excited to do it on my scheduled day.

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I find myself doing some form of X10 every week since I've gotten it. It always feels like a new workout because I mix up which few I put together. Since I already did that this week I think I'm going to do the Lower Body Circuit today!

I think of so many workouts that I would love to do every week but I can't fit all of them in one week [emoji6] but, I usually put Xtrain all out HIIT and crossfire to my rotation every now and then....and yeah TABATACISE. I have done this so many times I almost memorize this workout.
I'ts just too hard to narrow it down so I won't -- monthly I find myself reaching for HiiT 40/20, BodyMax2 step portions (I do band walks instead of squats/lunges), Intensity Step portion, and PRS#2. I did Pedal Power premix#3 a few weeks ago and forgot how much I loved it; I'm generally not much of a spinner; I also did All Out Low Impact HiiT and forgot what a bun-burner that one is when I add an extra riser.
Lately for strength I need STS disc 15 Back as well as Burnsets; FlexTrain is still awesome for me.
I finally did RWH Lower Body Circuit (awesome) and RWH Upper Body Circuit (also awesome); I imagine those will still be my go-to workouts.
I also really enjoy PiYo Sweat and PiYo Drench.
Afterburn and Athletic training are still ones that I used to do monthly but have slacked off those the last several months.
So there you have it -- the ones I reach for mostly... gotta branch out but those are the ones that I keep reaching for! I'm feeling KPC paired with 4DS Kickbox coming on, though :)
I like to "punish" myself with MIC, doing double workouts, and Greatest Hits. Tonight is Greatest Hits. I did MIC sunday. I really need to start behaving.

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