Do you enter everything into the WM?


I did the 3 1/2 month rotation last year (March - June) and it was great. Then, I got very involved with work and then marathon training and wasn't able to be consistent enough to do it again. Today, I started the 6 1/2 month rotation (yay!!).

Last time, I used the workout calendar and marked my workouts as done, and I printed workout cards for each workout and wrote down what I did. I did not enter all of my actual weights in for each workout, though. I'm thinking of doing it this time.

My question is, do you enter all of your info about every workout into the Workout Manager? Actual reps, actual weights, notes? If so, what benefit do you get from it? Is it worth all of the paperwork?

I do it. It helps me keep up with any increases or decreases I need to make. I recalculate my 1RM as necessary and reprint my workout sheets so I have the correct weights to work with next time. I do that once a week, so I'm writing things down, then transferring them and doing the recalculations when necessary. I found after Meso 1 that 1 RM numbers were low for Meso 2.
I only wrote my changes on wo sheets and only used wo manager to update 1rm. Otherwise paper copy just had checkmark that I did what I thought I was going to do. If I could lift less because I was having a bad day I didn't change 1rm.

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