>Okay, god can forgive murderers, rapists, etc., but the one
>thing that is unforgiveable to him is that you don't believe
>in him? Really?
>And since you have a hard time grasping that any Nazi believed
>in Christ and accepted them as their personal saviour, I'll
>use a more personal example.
>A family of four was murdered during a random robbery. They
>didn't believe in any god; the good they did wasn't for the
>hope of everlasting paradise, but just because that was who
>they were: genuinely good people. The monster who murdered
>them confessed and is in prison. He's asked god for
>forgiveness, accepted Jesus as his savior, and believes he's
>saved (according to an interview with the minister, who was
>his "spiritual council.")
>That being the case, the murderer, this monster, who came into
>this family's home, bound them, stabbed and bludgeoned them to
>death, one-by-one, in front of each other, is going to heaven,
>but the victims are in hell? God is so petty that he'll
>punish good people to an eternity in hell because they didn't
>believe in him, while their murderer/torturer will live
>forever in paradise, because, eight dead bodies later (he had
>other victims before and after my friends), he is "saved"?
>Are you kidding me?
>My friends contributed so much beauty through their actions,
>their art, their music, their giving, their humor, their
>children. Their murderer has had a powerful influence, too.
>Not only in the horror and pain he caused his victims, but the
>sorrow and hurt for the many family members, friends, and the
>community who miss these people and have to relive the image
>of how they probably spent their final moments.
>If there were a heaven and a hell, I'd much rather go to where
>my friends are. I've seen their murderer's face too many
>times in the paper, on tv, in my imagination, and in my
>nightmares, to want to spend eternity with it.
I never said anything about a Nazi not believing in Christ. I just do not think it is fair to lump all "Christians" (denominations, groups, etc.) together and then use the Nazi's to characterize us as a whole. I personally would never judge or attack someone for not believing in Heaven or Hell. It is just what I believe in. We all have different beliefs and I would never bring it upon myself to say who is and who isn't going to heaven.
I also never mentioned what I do specifically believe in. My belief is that all humans are born with a sin nature that we inherited from Adam and Eve. I also believe that we all deserve hell, but through Christ dying for us on the cross, he paid for our sins (all of them) and took our place so that we could go to heaven. I believe it is through belief in him and acceptance of that gift that we go to heaven. I also believe that the Bible teaches that the way to heaven is through Christ not works. So I also do not believe that we have to earn our way into heaven. It is a free gift that we just have to accept. I do not think any person has the right or knowledge of who is going to heaven. That is something that only God and that person know. Many people can do something horrible and then claim that they got "saved", but only God knows if there was really a heart change or if they are just saying that - to get a lower sentence or parol. Likewise, a lot of people profess to be Christians and then perform horrible attrocities, such as the Nazis. Are they going to heaven? Only God knows.
Again, these are just MY beliefs. Please do not attack me for them. That is not what this thread is about. If a person of another faith - Jewish, Muslim, etc... posted their beliefs, I certainly would not critize or belittle them. We are all entitled to our own belief system and there is no reason to use this thread to debate differences of opinions and beliefs. I think it is interesting just talking about our beliefs. Whose to say we aren't all just following different paths the same conclusion?