Do Cathe fans have a "name"


Hi everyone,
I'm one of the lucky ones going on the roadtrip next week, and got up this morning to workout.
DH says to me, "Cathe fans are so loyal, who else would get you up at 4am to work you butt off!"
Then i got thinking. Do Cathe fans have a 'name'. The firm are called Ya ya's i believe... We need a name!
RE: Do Cathe fans have a

I thought Catheitis was the inexplicable need to own every single workout Cathe has ever produced? ;)
RE: Do Cathe fans have a

Catheitis has several manifestations - ranging from severe DOMS, to uncontrollable spending on new workouts, to obsessive-compulsive blog-checking behavior. There is no cure, and the only treatment known at this time is performing IMAX3 until the patient collapses. This treatment is temporary, at best, and becomes less effective as the patient's cardiovascular fitness improves - making it harder to reach collapse. It's a horrible illness. :p
RE: Do Cathe fans have a

Shelley -- an inexplicable need to own every single workout Cathe has ever produced is called OCD, AKA Obsessive Cathe Disorder.:7

ROTFLMAO at Evily's explanation of Catheitis:7
RE: Do Cathe fans have a

We are also known as "The Educated Crowd" don't forget! Cathe has taught us very well! Steph, good for you for getting up at 4:00 AM to kick some butt! You go girl!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
RE: Do Cathe fans have a

Ah, Mama Deb, I don't think we're ALL "The Educated Crowd" but we sure do have a fair few people on here who are extremely knowledgeable!
RE: Do Cathe fans have a

And, Shell, YOU are one of those fair few!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
RE: Do Cathe fans have a

The firm>
>are called Ya ya's i believe... We need a name!

Actually, Steph, long before we were called Ya Ya's we were called "Firmies." The change to Ya Ya's came after The Firm sold out to Good Times Video.
RE: Do Cathe fans have a

I'm so glad i asked, feel stupid not knowing though after all this time on the boards!!
Thanks everyone!
RE: Do Cathe fans have a

I think Evily should submit her Catheitis defintion to Websters. If EVOO can become a word and make the dictionary why can't Catheitis and Catheites?:7

EVily you are so funny I heart you too!!:7

RE: Do Cathe fans have a

Oh my oh my! I think you have officially given me a diagnosis!!! ;-)
Another symptom is purchasing absolutely anything Cathe wears (if you can get your hands on it), regardless of price! :p
RE: Do Cathe fans have a

>I think Evily should submit her Catheitis defintion to
>Websters. If EVOO can become a word and make the dictionary
>why can't Catheitis and Catheites?:7
>EVily you are so funny I heart you too!!:7

LOL! :7 Glad you guys enjoyed that. :) I *heart* y'all too!!

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