discouraged over lack of phys.improvement after twins...



I was hoping someone could give me a 'pep talk' about weight loss....After the birth of our 5th and 6th children (twin boys! almost one year old!), I can't seem to achieve any significant changes in my physique....

I'll be honest, I don't own a scale - but I can tell you that I can't get into my size 2 pants anymore...I am 'stuck' in size 4 or 6; really need some thinning out of my midsection...

I've been working out @4 to 5x wk(both cardio and weights) with Cathe for the last 3 months(I've been a Cathlete for years) After the boys were born, about 4 months postpartum, I worked out @3x/wk; just couldn't seem to find the time between homeschooling and the babies to work out; but as mentioned, at least I'm doing a little more now...

I eat pretty clean; i do usually have 2 cheat meals a week (ie: one slice of pizza and a breadstick)....I wish I could work out 6+times /wk, but there just isn't enough time in the week for that, for me...

Any suggestions to thin out my midsection/drop some weight? Should I decrease the amt of core crunches, etc? Any cardio especially good for leaning out the midsection?

Will I ever see some improvement?

Any advice is appreciated!!
-if you've been doing Cathe and reading these forums for years, I bet you already know the answers to your questions.
-your babies are still young, keep doing the next right thing and I bet it you will feel better in your skin soon.
-can you squeeze in some "me time", like a dance class where you get away and have fun and work out a bit? Get in touch with your inner goddess. : ) I suggest a bellydance class or maybe pole fitness, but they might kick you out of the hs group if you do the latter, lol.
-stress hormones, cortisol (?) help us to hang onto fat.
-you are "on" 24/7 and merely responsible for the education and development of 5 or so other humans, even if you love what you do, and love the ones you serve, it is still an overwhelming task, but I bet you are doing a great job. best wishes.
Hi Jeanmarie!!!

Well, having 4 children and having been a homeschool mom, I can confidently and experientially say that you have a very full plate. And on top of all that you have been faithfully exercising!!!. I take my hat off to you. I homeschooled my two oldest (now 22 and 20) through high school and they are now in college.

Anyway, I really do want to encourage you not to be so hard on yourself :). I think it is wonderful that you are in a size 4 or 6. No matter what height you are, that is a good size. But I also understand wanting to be the size and condition what you feel good at. But honestly, you are doing so much with your children as well as working out, and sometimes, I have found that I just have had to be patient with my post-multiple-baby body, that it will respond eventually. However, I want it NOW!:eek:

I don't know what else to say except, hang in there, and things will get better. This frustrating time will end, and one day we wake up and things are different because we did not give up.
Yes! There is definitely a great chance you will see improvement. Pregnancy and childbirth really changes our bodies but you can get to your goal size. After my first child, I for some reason got smaller than I was before he was born. But the w/ the 2nd one, I gained...up to a size 8 which I had never been before. I got rid of all my size 2's and 4's thinking I'd never get back to that size. I eventually got down to a 4/6. Then w/ my 3rd I stayed pretty consistent and was in my 4's a few months after he was born.

I upped my workouts and tightened my eats Jan of 2010 and now I'm back down to size 0/2. It sounds like you are doing everything right...are you watching your portion sizes? I gave up sugar and I believe that was the key to me losing extra inches this year.

Of course having babies does a real # on our abs so we will never have the bellies we had pre babies :-(
I'm not a Mom, however my sister has had 4 kids and I was a live in nanny to a premie. The premie's Momma did continue to come down in size after the first year, I was with them for a year starting at 8 months. I think you will get there. My sister did. With your history of being a smaller size, I'm sure that will happen again. I found that with my pcos, that weight loss in the belly was always a result of a low sugar diet, it didn't seem to have to do with my workouts. My butt/thigh area responded to run/walking. But, my abs/tummy area never did. I have no idea why.:rolleyes:
I'm not a mom (let alone to recent twins!) but having observed others, I think it's pretty great how much and consistently you're working out. You must have pretty commendable time management skills and discipline. I like the above idea of changing it up with something fun, like a dance class. Maybe a yoga class, or pilates?

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